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Commands Reference, Volume 6

vmh Command


Starts a visual interface for use with MH commands.


vmh [ -prompt String ] [ -vmhproc CommandString | -novmhproc ]


The vmh command starts a visual interface for use with MH commands. The vmh command implements the server side of the MH window management protocol and maintains a split-screen interface to any program that implements the client side of the protocol.

The vmh command prompts for commands and sends them to the client side of the protocol. If the command produces a window with more than one screen of output, the vmh command prompts the user for a subcommand. The vmh subcommands enable you to display specific portions of the command output.

vmh Subcommands

Ctrl-L Refreshes the screen.
Space Advances to the next screen.
[Number] Enter Advances the specified number of lines. The default is one line.
[Number] d Advances 10 times the specified number of lines. The default for the Number variable is 1, for a total of 10 lines.
[Number] g Goes to the specified line.
[Number] G Goes to the end of the window. If the Number variable is specified, this command acts like the g flag.
[Number] u Goes back 10 times the specified number of lines. The default for the Number variable is 1, for a total of 10 lines.
[Number] y Goes back the specified number of lines. The default is one line.
h Displays a help message.
q Ends output.


-help Lists the command syntax, available switches (toggles), and version information.
Note: For MH, the name of this flag must be fully spelled out.
-novmhproc Runs the default vmproc without the window management protocol.
-prompt String Uses the specified string as the prompt.
-vmhproc CommandString Specifies the program that implements the client side of the window management protocol. The default is the msh program.

Profile Entries

The following entries are entered in the UserMhDirectory/.mh_profile file:

Path: Specifies the user's MH directory.
mshproc: Specifies the program used for the MH shell.


$HOME/.mh_profile Contains the MH user profile.
/usr/bin/vmh Contains the vmh command.

Related Information

The msh command.

The mh_alias file format, mh_profile file format.

Mail Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System User's Guide: Communications and Networks.

Peek, Jerry. MH and xmh: E-mail for Users and Programmers. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1992.

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