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Files Reference

BOOTP Relay Agent Configuration File


Default configuration information for the BOOTP (boot protocol) relay agent program (dhcprd).


The dhcprd configuration file contains entries for logging information and servers to receive BOOTP packets.

Following are the formats for the data in the configuration file.

# Comment line The # character means that there is a comment from that point to the end of the line.
numLogFiles n Specifies the number of log files. If 0 is specified, no log file will be maintained, and no log message is displayed anywhere. n is the maximum number of log files maintained as the size of the most recent log file reaches its maximum size and a new log file is created.
logFileSize n Maximum size of a log file. When the size of the most recent log file reaches this value, it is renamed and a new log file is created. n is measured in kilobytes(KB).
logFileName filename Name and path of the most recent log file. Less recent log files have the number 1 to (n - 1) appended to their names; the larger the number, the older the file.
logItem <option name> One item that will be logged. Multiple of these lines are allowed. This allows for the specified logging level to be turned on. The following are option names:
System error, at the interface to the platform
Object error, in between objects in the process
Protocol error, between client and server
Warning, worth attention from the user
Event occurred to the process
Action taken by the process
Information that might be useful
Who was served, and when
Code flow, for debugging.
server <ip address> The address of a server to receive the DHCP or BOOTP packet. Multiple servers may be specified, and all will receive the packet.


The following example sets the logging parameters and configures two servers to receive BOOTP and DHCP packets. The servers are specified singly and with their ip addresses. The logging statements below tell the daemon to use at most four logfiles, rotate the log files after their size is 100 kilobytes of data, and place the files in the local directory and use dhcpsd.log as the base name. On rotation, the old file will be moved to dhcpsd.log1, and the daemon will start logging to an empty dhcpsd.log.

numLogFiles     4
logFileSize     100
logFileName     dhcpsd.log
logItem         SYSERR
logItem         OBJERR
logItem         PROTERR
logItem         WARNING
logItem         EVENT
logItem         ACTION
logItem         INFO
logItem         ACNTING
logItem         TRACE

Implementation Specifics

This file is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The dhcprd Daemon, the bootpd Daemon

TCP/IP Address and Parameter Assignment - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.

Problems with Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.

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