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Files Reference

Dialing Directory File Format for ATE


Lists phone numbers used to establish modem connections.


The ATE dialing directory file lists phone numbers that the Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (ATE) uses to establish remote connections by modem.

Users name the dialing directory file with any valid file name and place it in any directory where read and write access is owned. Edit the dialing directory file with any ASCII text editor. The default dialing directory file is the /usr/lib/dir file.

The connect and directory subcommands of ATE access the dialing directory file. Use the connect command to use numbers that are not in the dialing directory file. Use the directory subcommand to view the dialing directory.

Users can have more than one dialing directory. To change the dialing directory file the ATE program uses, modify the ate.def file in the current directory.

Note: The dialing directory file can contain up to 20 lines (one entry per line). ATE ignores subsequent lines.

Format of Dialing Directory File Entries

The dialing directory file is similar to a page in a telephone book. This file contains entries for the remote systems called with the ATE program. The format of a dialing directory entry is:

Name Phone Rate Length StopBit Parity Echo Linefeed

The fields must be separated by at least one space. More spaces can be used to make each entry easier to read. The fields are:

Name Identifies a telephone number. The name can be any combination of 20 or fewer characters. Use the _ (underscore) instead of a blank between words in a name, for example, data_bank.
Phone The telephone number to be dialed. The number can be up to 40 characters. Consult the modem documentation for a list of acceptable digits and characters. For example, if a 9 must be dialed to access an outside line, include a 9 and a , (comma) before the telephone number as follows: 9,1112222.
Note: Although the telephone number can be up to 40 characters long, the directory subcommand displays only the first 26 characters.
Rate Transmission or baud rate in bits per second (bps). Determines the number of characters transmitted per second. Select a baud rate that is compatible with the communication line being used. The following are acceptable rates: 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19,200.
Length Number of bits that make up a character. The entry for the Length field can be 7 or 8.
StopBit Stop bits that signal the end of a character. The entry for the StopBit field can be 1 or 2.
Parity Checks whether a character was successfully transmitted to or from a remote system. The entry for the Parity field can be 0 (none), 1 (odd), or 2 (even).
Echo Determines whether typed characters display locally. The entry for the Echo field can be 0 (off) or 1 (on).
Linefeed Adds a line-feed character at the end of each line of data coming in from a remote system. The line-feed character is similar in function to the carriage-return and new-line characters. The entry for the Linefeed field can be 0 (off) or 1 (on).


Following is a sample dialing directory entry:

CompuAid      111-0000  1200  7  1  2  0  0 

In this example, CompuAid is the Name, 111-0000 is the Phone, 1200 is the Rate, 7 is the Length, 1 is the StopBit, 2 is the Parity, the first 0 is the Echo, and the second 0 is the Linefeed.

Implementation Specifics

This file is part of Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (ATE) in BOS Extensions 2.


ate.def Contains ATE default values.
/usr/lib/dir Contains the default dialing directory listing.

Related Information

The ate command.

The connect subcommand, directory subcommand.

ATE Overview, ATE Overview for System Management, How to Edit the ATE Default File, How to Set Up an ATE Dialing Directory File in AIX Version 4.3 System User's Guide: Communications and Networks.

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