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Files Reference

List of Major Control Block Header Files

The Base Operating System constants and control block structure definitions are contained in header files in the /usr/include and /usr/include/sys directories. The major constants and control blocks and their corresponding header files are:

/usr/include/a.out.h Common Object File Format (COFF) structures
/usr/include/core.h An include file for the /usr/include/sys/core.h header file
/usr/include/errno.h An include file for the /usr/include/sys/errno.h header file
/usr/include/lvmrec.h LVM record structure
/usr/include/sgtty.h Line discipline structures and constants for Berkeley compatibility
/usr/include/signal.h An include file for the /usr/include/sys/signal.h header file
/usr/include/termio.h An include file for the /usr/include/sys/termio.h header file
/usr/include/termios.h POSIX line-discipline structures and constants
/usr/include/xcoff.h Extended Common Object File Format structures
/usr/include/sys/acct.h Accounting structures
/usr/include/sys/badisk.h Bus-attached-disk structures
/usr/include/sys/bbdir.h Bad-block directory structure
/usr/include/sys/bootrecord.h Boot record structure
/usr/include/sys/buf.h Buffer header structures
/usr/include/sys/cdrom.h CD-ROM structures
/usr/include/sys/cfgodm.h Configuration object class structures
/usr/include/sys/configrec.h Disk configuration record structure
/usr/include/sys/core.h Core dump structure
/usr/include/sys/debug.h Traceback table or procedure-end table
/usr/include/sys/device.h Device switch table
/usr/include/sys/deviceq.h Device queue-management structures
/usr/include/sys/devinfo.h Device information structures
/usr/include/sys/dir.h Directory entry structures
/usr/include/sys/display.h Virtual display driver structures
/usr/include/sys/dump.h Component dump table structure
/usr/include/sys/entuser.h Ethernet device driver structures
/usr/include/sys/errids.h Error-log record identifiers
/usr/include/sys/errno.h Error codes
/usr/include/sys/fd.h Diskette device driver structures
/usr/include/sys/file.h File structure
/usr/include/sys/fstypes.h File-system parameter table
/usr/include/sys/hd_psn.h Layout of reserved space on the disk
/usr/include/sys/ide.h IDE device driver structures
/usr/include/sys/inode.h I-node structures
/usr/include/sys/intr.h Interrupt handler structures
/usr/include/sys/ipc.h Interprocess Communications (IPC) structures
/usr/include/sys/iplcb.h Initial Program Load (IPL) control block structure
/usr/include/sys/ldr.h Loader structures and constants
/usr/include/sys/low.h Kernel Page 0 definition
/usr/include/sys/machine.h Machine dependent control registers
/usr/include/sys/mbuf.h Memory buffer structures
/usr/include/sys/mdio.h Machine device driver structures
/usr/include/sys/mount.h Mount structures
/usr/include/sys/mpqp.h Multiprotocol Quad Port (MPQP) device-driver structures
/usr/include/sys/msg.h Message queue structures
/usr/include/sys/mstsave.h Machine State Save Area structures
/usr/include/sys/param.h Process management constants
/usr/include/sys/pri.h Constants for process priorities
/usr/include/sys/proc.h Process table structure
/usr/include/sys/pseg.h Process private segment layout
/usr/include/sys/reg.h Machine-dependent registers
/usr/include/sys/scdisk.h SCSI-disk device driver structures
/usr/include/sys/scsi.h SCSI device driver structures
/usr/include/sys/seg.h Memory management constants
/usr/include/sys/sem.h Semaphore structures
/usr/include/sys/shm.h Shared-memory facility structures
/usr/include/sys/signal.h Signal structures and constants
/usr/include/sys/socketvar.h Sockets structures
/usr/include/sys/stat.h File status structure
/usr/include/sys/systm.h System global declarations
/usr/include/sys/termio.h Line discipline structures and constants for AIX Version 2 compatibility
/usr/include/sys/timer.h Timer structures
/usr/include/sys/tokuser.h Token-ring device handler structures
/usr/include/sys/trchkid.h Trace hook IDs
/usr/include/sys/user.h User structure or user area (ublock)
/usr/include/sys/utsname.h UTSNAME structure (system name, node ID, machine ID)
/usr/include/sys/var.h Runtime system parameter structure
/usr/include/sys/vfs.h Virtual file system structures
/usr/include/sys/vnode.h Virtual i-node (v-node) structures
/usr/include/sys/xcoff.h Extended Common Object File Format structures
/usr/include/sys/xmalloc.h Heap structure
/usr/include/sys/xmem.h Cross memory service structures

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