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Files Reference

fxconst.inc File


Provides fxfer function constants for a Pascal file-transfer program.


The /usr/include/fxconst.inc file contains the constants used in a programmatical Pascal file-transfer program. Each module that uses the Pascal file-transfer program must include the fxconst.inc file. The constants are for use with the Pascal program interface to the HCON File Transfer Program.

The following constants are for the f_flags variable:

FXC_UP          = 1;              /* `0001'x  */
FXC_DOWN        = 2;              /* `0002'x  */
FXC_TNL         = 4;              /* `0004'x  */
FXC_TCRLF       = 8;              /* `0008'x  */
FXC_REPL        = 16;             /* `0010'x  */
FXC_APPND       = 32;             /* `0020'x  */
FXC_QUEUE       = 64;             /* `0040'x  */
FXC_FIXED       = 128;            /* `0080'x  */
FXC_VAR         = 256;            /* `0100'x  */
FXC_UNDEF       = 512;            /* `0200'x  */
FXC_TSO         = 1024;           /* `0400'x  */
FXC_CMS         = 2048;           /* `0800'x  */
FXC_CICS        = 4096;           /* `1000'x  */
FXC_VSE         = 8192;           /* `2000'x  */

The following constants are for the allocation variables:

FXC_TRACKS      = -1;             /* Tracks   */
FXC_CYLINDERS   = -2;             /* Cylinder */

Implementation Specifics

The fxconst.inc file is part of the Host Connection Program (HCON).

This file requires the use of the Pascal compiler.

Related Information

The cfxfer function, fxfer function, and g32_fxfer function.

The File Transfer Program Interface in 3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX: Guide and Reference.

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