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Files Reference

fxfer.h File


Contains the fxc and fxs data structures for the C file-transfer functions.


The /usr/include/fxfer.h file defines the C program interface fxc structure for the fxfer file-transfer function. The Xfer parameter of the fxfer function specifies a pointer to the fxc structure. Each C program module that uses the fxfer function must include the fxfer.h file. The structures are for use with the C program interface to the HCON file-transfer program.

The C program interface fxc structure is defined as follows:

struct fxc {
   char *fxc_src;             /* Source file name               */
   int srclength;             /* Put here for Pascal stringptr  */
   char *fxc_dst;             /* Destination file name          */
   int dstlength;             /* Put here for Pascal stringptr  */
   struct fxcf {
      int   f_flags;          /* Option flags                   */
#define FXC_UP     0x0001
#define FXC_DOWN   0x0002
#define FXC_TNL    0x0004
#define FXC_TCRLF  0x0008
#define FXC_REPL   0x0010
#define FXC_APPND  0x0020
#define FXC_QUEUE  0x0040
#define FXC_FIXED  0x0080
#define FXC_VAR    0x0100
#define FXC_UNDEF  0x0200
#define FXC_TSO    0x0400
#define FXC_CMS    0x0800
#define FXC_CICS   0x1000
#define FXC_VSE    0x2000
      char *f_logonid;          /* Logon id                     */
      int  loglength;            /* Put here for Pascal stringptr */
      int  f_lrecl;             /* Logical record length            */
      int  f_blksize;            /* Block size                   */
      char *f_inputfld;      
    /* Input field for VSE or CICS   */
      int length;                /* Put here for Pascal          */
      struct fxcs {
         int s_space;            /* Allocation space             */
         int s_increment;        /* Allocation space increment   */
         int s_unit;             /* Unit of allocation           */
#define FXC_TRACKS   -1          /* Tracks                       */
#define FXC_CYLINDERS -2         /* Cylinder                     */
      } f_s;
      char *f_aix_codepg;   /* Override default AIX codeset name*/
      int codepglength;     /* Put here for Pascal stringptr */
   } fxc_opts;
struct fxs {
   int  fxs_bytcnt;          /* Byte count                      */
   char *fxs_src;            /* Source file name                */
   int  srclen;              /* Put here for Pascal stringptr   */
   char *fxs_dst;            /* Destination file name           */
   int  dstlen;              /* Put here for Pascal stringptr   */
   char *fxs_ctime;          /* Destination file creation time  */
   int  timelen;             /* Put here for Pascal stringptr   */
   int  fxs_stat;            /* Status code                     */
   int  fxs_errno;           /* Errno                           */
struct fxp {
   char *prof_id;            /* Profile id                      */
   int  proflen;             /* Put here for Pascal stringptr   */
Note: The integer length values are placed within the /usr/include/fxfer.h file to allow for the direct conversion of a Pascal stringptr to a C program character pointer value. The integer value specifies the actual length of the string as defined in Pascal.

Implementation Specifics

The fxfer.h file is part of the Host Connection Program (HCON).

This file requires the use of a C compiler.

Related Information

The cfxfer function, fxfer function, and g32_fxfer function.

The File Transfer Program Interface in 3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX: Guide and Reference.

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