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Files Reference

fxfer.inc File


Contains the fxc and fxs records for Pascal file-transfer functions.


The /usr/include/fxfer.inc file defines the fxc record format for the Pascal program interface and is used by the fxfer file transfer function. Each Pascal program module that uses the pfxfer function must include the fxfer.inc file, the fxconst.inc file, and the fxhfile.inc file. These record formats are for use with the Pascal program interface to the HCON programmatic file transfer.

The fxconst.inc file includes the external declarations for the file-transfer Pascal interface routines: pfxfer and pcfxfer. The fxhfile.inc is the Pascal file-transfer invocation file for pfxfer and pcfxfer. The fxfer.inc file contains the fxs and fxc declarations for the Pascal interface routines.

The fx_statxxxxxx status file, placed in the $HOME directory, contains the status of each file-transfer request made by the application program. The fxs record fields are as follows:

fxs = record
   fxs_bytcnt : integer;      /* Byte count                     */
   fxs_src    : stringptr;    /* Source file name               */
   fxs_dst    : stringptr;    /* Destination file name          */
   fxs_ctime  : stringptr;    /* Destination file creation time */
   fxs_stat   : integer;      /* Status code                    */
   fxs_errno  : integer;      /* Errno                          */
end;                          /* Record fxs                     */

The fx_s and fxc_opt record fields are as follows:

fx_s = record
    s_space     : integer;     /* Allocation space              */
   s_increment  : integer;     /* Alloction space increment     */
   s_unit       : integer;     /* Unit of allocation            */
end;                           /* Record f_s                    */
fxc_opt = record              /* Options record                    */
   f_flags      : integer;    /* Flags options                     */
   f_logonid   : stringptr;   /* Address of logon id string       */
   f_lrecl     : integer;     /* Logical record length            */
   f_blksize   : integer;     /* Block size                       */
   f_inputfld   : stringptr;  /* input mode for VSE or CICS       */
   f_s          : fx_s;       /* S option record                   */
   f_aix_codepg : stringptr;  /* Override default AIX codeset name */
end;                          /* Record fxc_opts                   */

The fxc record fields are as follows:

fxc = record
   fxc_src  : stringptr;      /* Source file name              */
   fxc_dst  : stringptr;      /* Destination file name         */
   fxc_opts : fxc_opt;        /* Options record                */
end;                          /* Record fxc                   */

Implementation Specifics

The fxfer.inc file is part of the Host Connection Program (HCON).

This file requires the use of a Pascal compiler.

Related Information

The cfxfer function, fxfer function, g32_fxfer function.

The File Transfer Program Interface in 3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX: Guide and Reference.

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