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Base Operating System and Extensions Technical Reference, Volume 1

fnmatch Subroutine


Matches file name patterns.


Standard C Library (libc. a)


#include <fnmatch.h>
int fnmatch (PatternStringFlags);
int Flags;
const char *Pattern, *String;


The fnmatch subroutine checks the string specified by the String parameter to see if it matches the pattern specified by the Pattern parameter.

The fnmatch subroutine can be used by an application or command that needs to read a dictionary and apply a pattern against each entry; the find command is an example of this. It can also be used by the pax command to process its Pattern variables, or by applications that need to match strings in a similar manner.


Pattern Contains the pattern to which the String parameter is to be compared. The Pattern parameter can include the following special characters:
* (asterisk)
Matches zero, one, or more characters.
? (question mark)
Matches any single character, but will not match 0 (zero) characters.
[ ] (brackets)
Matches any one of the characters enclosed within the brackets. If a pair of characters separated by a dash are contained within the brackets, the pattern matches any character that lexically falls between the two characters in the current locale.
String Contains the string to be compared against the Pattern parameter.
Flags Contains a bit flag specifying the configurable attributes of the comparison to be performed by the fnmatch subroutine.

The Flags parameter modifies the interpretation of the Pattern and String parameters. It is the bitwise inclusive OR of zero or more of the following flags (defined in the fnmatch.h file):

Indicates the / (slash) in the String parameter matches a / in the Pattern parameter.
Indicates a leading period in the String parameter matches a period in the Pattern parameter.
Enables quoting of special characters using the \ (backslash).

If the FNM_ PATHNAME flag is set in the Flags parameter, a / (slash) in the String parameter is explicitly matched by a / in the Pattern parameter. It is not matched by either the * (asterisk) or ? (question-mark) special characters, nor by a bracket expression. If the FNM_PATHNAME flag is not set, the / is treated as an ordinary character.

If the FNM_PERIOD flag is set in the Flags parameter, then a leading period in the String parameter only matches a period in the Pattern parameter; it is not matched by either the asterisk or question-mark special characters, nor by a bracket expression. The setting of the FNM_PATHNAME flag determines a period to be leading, according to the following rules:

If the FNM_NOESCAPE flag is not set in the Flags parameter, a \ (backslash) character in the Pattern parameter, followed by any other character, will match that second character in the String parameter. For example, \\ will match a backslash in the String parameter. If the FNM_NOESCAPE flag is set, a \ (backslash) will be treated as an ordinary character.

Return Values

If the value in the String parameter matches the pattern specified by the Pattern parameter, the fnmatch subroutine returns 0. If there is no match, the fnmatch subroutine returns the FNM_NOMATCH constant, which is defined in the fnmatch.h file. If an error occurs, the fnmatch subroutine returns a nonzero value.

Implementation Specifics

These subroutines are part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.


/usr/include/fnmatch.h Contains system-defined flags and constants.

Related Information

The glob subroutine, globfree subroutine, regcomp subroutine, regfree subroutine, regerror subroutine, regexec subroutine.

The find command, pax command.

Files, Directories, and File Systems for Programmers and Understanding Internationalized Regular Expression Subroutines Ln AIX Version 4.3 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

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