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Communications Technical Reference, Volume 1

DLC_ENTER_SHOLD ioctl Operation for DLC

The following parameter block enters short hold mode on a particular link station (LS):

struct dlc_corr_arg
   ulong_t gdlc_sap_corr;   /* GDLC SAP correlator */
   ulong_t gdlc_ls_corr;   /* GDLC link station correlator */

The fields of this ioctl operation are:

gdlc_sap_corr Contains the generic data link control (GDLC) service access point (SAP) correlator of the target LS.
gdlc_ls_corr Contains the GDLC LS correlator to enter short hold mode.

Implementation Specifics

The DLC_ENTER_SHOLD ioctl operation is selectable through the fp_ioctl kernel service or the ioctl subroutine. It can be called from the process environment only.

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