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Communications Technical Reference, Volume 1



Informs the data link service (DLS) user that the data link connection on the current stream has been disconnected, or that a pending connection has been cancelled.


The primitive consists of one M_PROTO message block, which contains the following structure:

typedef struct 
   ulong dl_primitive;
   ulong dl_originator;
   ulong dl_reason;
   ulong dl_correlation;
} dl_disconnect_ind_t;


The DL_DISCONNECT_IND primitive informs the DLS user of one of the following conditions:

The primitive indicates the origin and the cause of the disconnect.

Note: This primitive applies to connection mode.


dl_primitive Specifies the DL_DISCONNECT_IND primitive.
dl_originator Indicates whether the disconnect originated from a DLS user or provider. Valid values are DL_USER and DL_PROVIDER.
dl_reason Specifies the reason for the disconnect. Reasons for disconnect are:
DL_DISC_PERMANENT_CONDITION Indicates the connection was released because of a permanent condition.
DL_DISC_TRANSIENT_CONDITION Indicates the connection was released because of a temporary condition.
DL_CONREJ_DEST_UNKNOWN Indicates the connect request has an unknown destination.
DL_CONREJ_DEST_UNREACH_PERMANENT Indicates the connection was released because the destination for connect request could not be reached. This is a permanent condition.
DL_CONREJ_DEST_UNREACH_TRANSIENT Indicates the connection was released because the destination for connect request could not be reached. This is a temporary condition.
DL_CONREJ_QOS_UNAVAIL_PERMANENT Indicates the requested quality of service (QOS) parameters became permanently unavailable while establishing a connection.
DL_CONREJ_QOS_UNAVAIL_TRANSIENT Indicates the requested QOS parameters became temporarily unavailable while establishing a connection.
DL_DISC_UNSPECIFIED Indicates the connection was closed because of an unspecified reason.
dl_correlation If the value is nonzero, specifies the correlation number contained in the DL_CONNECT_IND primitive being cancelled.This value permits the DLS user to associate the message with the proper DL_CONNECT_IND primitive. If the disconnect request indicates the release of a connection that is already established, or is indicating the rejection of a previously sent DL_CONNECT_REQ primitive, the value of the dl_correlation parameter is zero.


Valid The primitive is valid in any of the following states:
New The resulting state is DL_IDLE.

Implementation Specifics

This primitive is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The DL_CONNECT_IND primitive, DL_CONNECT_REQ primitive.

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