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Communications Technical Reference, Volume 1

DL_XID_RES Primitive


Conveys an XID data link service data unit (DLSDU) from the data link service (DLS) user to the DLS provider in response to a DL_XID_IND primitive.


The primitive consists of one M_PROTO message block, which contains the following structure, followed by zero or more M_DATA blocks containing zero or more bytes of data:

typedef struct 
   ulong dl_primitive;
   ulong dl_flag;
   ulong dl_dest_addr_length;
   ulong dl_dest_addr_offset;
} dl_xid_res_t;


The DL_XID_RES primitive conveys an XID DLSDU from the DLS user to the DLS provider in response to a DL_XID_IND primitive.

Note: This primitive applies to XID and test operations.


dl_primitive Specifies the DL_XID_RES primitive.
dl_flag Indicates flag values for the request as follows:
DL_POLL_FINAL Indicates whether the poll/final bit is set.
dl_dest_addr_length Specifies the length of the data link service access point (DLSAP) address of the destination DLS user. If the destination user is implemented using the Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI), this address is the full DLSAP address returned on the DL_BIND_ACK primitive.
dl_dest_addr_offset Indicates where the destination DLSAP address begins. The value of this parameter is the offset from the beginning of the M_PROTO message block.


Valid The primitive is valid in the DL_IDLE or DL_DATAXFER state.
New The resulting state is unchanged.

Implementation Specifics

This primitive is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The DL_BIND_ACK primitive.

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