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Communications Technical Reference, Volume 1

xdrmem_create Subroutine


Initializes in local memory the XDR stream pointed to by the xdrs parameter.


C Library (libc.a)


#include <rpc/xdr.h>
xdrmem_create (xdrs, addr, size, op)
XDR *xdrs;
char *addr;
u_int size;
enum xdr_op op;


The xdrmem_create subroutine initializes in local memory the eXternal Data Representation (XDR) stream pointed to by the xdrs parameter. The XDR stream data is written to or read from a chunk of memory at the location specified by the addr parameter.


xdrs Points to the XDR stream handle.
addr Points to the memory where the XDR stream data is written to or read from.
size Specifies the length of the memory in bytes.
op Specifies the XDR direction. The possible choices are XDR_ENCODE, XDR_DECODE, or XDR_FREE.

Implementation Specifics

This subroutine is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

List of XDR Programming References.

eXternal Data Representation (XDR) Overview for Programming in AIX Communications Programming Concepts.

Understanding XDR Non-Filter Primitives in AIX Communications Programming Concepts.

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