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Communications Technical Reference, Volume 2

datamsg Utility


Tests whether message is a data message.


#define datamsg(type) ((type) == M_DATA | | (type) == M_PROTO | | (type) == 
M_PCPROTO | | (type) == M_DELAY)


The datamsg utility determines if a message is a data-type message. It returns a value of True if mp->b_datap->db_type (where mp is declared as mblk_t *mp) is a data-type message. The possible data types are M_DATA, M_PROTO, M_PCPROTO, and M_DELAY.


type Specifies acceptable data types.

Return Values

The datamsg utility returns a value of True if the message is a data-type message. Otherwise, it returns a value of False.

Implementation Specifics

This utility is part of STREAMS Kernel Extensions.

Related Information

List of Streams Programming References, Understanding STREAMS Messages in AIX Version 4.3 Communications Programming Concepts.

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