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GL3.2 for AIX: Graphics Library (GL) Technical Reference

loadXfont Subroutine


Loads an Enhanced X-Windows font into the font table.


Graphics Library

C (libgl.a)

FORTRAN (libfgl.a)

C Syntax

void loadXfont(Int32 id_num, Char8 *name)


SUBROUTINE LOADXF (id_numname, length)
INTEGER *4 id_num
CHARACTER *(*) name (*)
INTEGER *4 length


The loadXfont subroutine adds the named font to the list of defined fonts for this process. The id_num parameter identifies the font and may be used with the font subroutine to set the current font.

The font name is a null-terminated string that is a valid font name. The list of available fonts can be found with the XListFonts subroutine and XListFontsWithInfo subroutine. The example program on loading X fonts shows an example of the use of the XListFonts subroutine.

Note: This subroutine cannot be used to add to a display list.


id_num Specifies the number to be assigned to an Enhanced X-Windows font name. This parameter is a 32-bit integer.
name Specifies a null-terminated string identifying a valid AIXwindows font name.
length In FORTRAN, specifies the length of the string in the name parameter. This parameter is a 32-bit integer.


The example C language program xfonts.c uses the loadXfont subroutine to add a font to the fonts defined for a process.

Implementation Specifics

This subroutine is part of GL in the AIXwindows Environment/6000 Version 1, Release 2 with AIXwindows/3D Feature.


/usr/include/gl/gl.h Contains C language constant and variable type definitions for GL.
/usr/include/gl/fgl.h Contains FORTRAN constant and variable type definitions for GL.

Related Information

Getting a list of available fonts with the XListFonts subroutine.

Getting a list of available fonts with information with the XListFontsWithInfo subroutine.

AIX Graphics Library Overview, Creating Text Characters, Understanding the Hardware Used by GL, and Clearing, Resetting, and Initializing GL in GL3.2 Version 4 for AIX: Programming Concepts.

AIXwindows Window Management Overview.

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