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GL3.2 for AIX: Graphics Library (GL) Technical Reference

paint.c Example C Language Program

 *        paint.c -
 *                A minimal object space paint program.
 *                Paul Haeberli - 1985
#include <gl/gl.h>
#include <gl/device.h>
#include <math.h>
#define ABS( a )        (((a) > 0) ? (a) : -(a))
#define MOUSE               12
#define TABLET              13
#define DRAWLINE             2
#define NEWCOLOR             3
#define CLEAR                4
#define NEWSIZE              5
#define MOUSEXMAP(x)        ( (100.0*((x)-xorg))/(xsize) )
#define MOUSEYMAP(y)        ( (100.0*((y)-yorg))/(ysize) )
#define BPSCALE 16.0
struct event {
   struct event *next;
   int func;
   float arg1;
   float arg2;
   float arg3;
   float arg4;
int xsize, ysize;
int xorg, yorg;
int mx, my;
int bpx, bpy;
int mmiddle, mleft;
int curcolor = 7;
int lastcurcolor = 7;
float curx, cury, cursize;
int curdev = MOUSE;
struct event *histstart = 0;
struct event *histend = 0;
float xpos, ypos;
int pendown;
int brushsides;
float brushcoords[30][2];
int menu;
   cursize = 1.0;
   menu = defpup("paint %t|mouse|tablet");
   Device dev;
   short val;
   float x, y;
   while(TRUE) {
      do {
         dev = qread(&val);
         switch (dev) {
         case MOUSEX:
            mx = val;
            if (curdev == MOUSE)
               xpos = MOUSEXMAP(val);
         case MOUSEY:
            my = val;
            if (curdev == MOUSE)
               ypos = MOUSEYMAP(val);
         case BPADX:
            bpx = val;
            if (curdev == TABLET)
               xpos = val/BPSCALE;
         case BPADY:
            bpy = val;
            if (curdev == TABLET)
               ypos = val/BPSCALE;
         case BPAD0:
            if (curdev == TABLET)
               pendown = val;
            if (val) {
               curx = xpos = bpx/BPSCALE;
               cury = ypos = bpy/BPSCALE;
         case MENUBUTTON:
            if(val) {
               switch (dopup(menu)) {
               case 1:
                  curdev = MOUSE;
               case 2:
                  curdev = TABLET;
         case MIDDLEMOUSE:
            mmiddle = val;
            if (mmiddle) {
         case LEFTMOUSE:
            mleft = val;
            if (mleft) {
               if (!inside(mx-xorg, my-yorg, 
                   0, xsize, 0, ysize, 0)) {
            if (curdev == MOUSE) {
               pendown = val;
               curx = xpos = MOUSEXMAP(mx);
               cury = ypos = MOUSEYMAP(my);
         case REDRAW:
         case ESCKEY:
      } while (qtest());
      if (pendown) {
         x = xpos;
         y = ypos;
         curx = x;
         cury = y;
int c;
   lastcurcolor = curcolor;
   curcolor = c;
int x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, fudge;
   if (x>xmin-fudge && x<xmax+fudge && 
       y>ymin-fudge && y<ymax+fudge)
      return 1;
      return 0;
   int i;
   brushsides = 4;
   brushcoords[0][0] = -0.6;
   brushcoords[0][1] = -0.2;
   brushcoords[1][0] = -0.6;
   brushcoords[1][1] = -0.4;
   brushcoords[2][0] =  0.6;
   brushcoords[2][1] =  0.2;
   brushcoords[3][0] =  0.6;
   brushcoords[3][1] =  0.4;
   for (i=0; i<brushsides; i++) {
      brushcoords[i][0] = 0.5*brushcoords[i][0];
      brushcoords[i][1] = 0.5*brushcoords[i][1];
float x, y, ox, oy;
   register int i, n;
   register float dx, dy;
   float quad[4][2];
   float delta;
   int c;
   dx = ox-x;
   dy = oy-y;
   if (lastcurcolor != curcolor) {
      delta = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
      if (delta<0.001)
      c = (int) (curcolor + (lastcurcolor-curcolor) * 
          (ABS(dx)/delta) );
   for (i=0; i<brushsides; i++) {
      n = (i+1) % brushsides;
      quad[0][0] = brushcoords[i][0];
      quad[0][1] = brushcoords[i][1];
      quad[1][0] = brushcoords[n][0];
      quad[1][1] = brushcoords[n][1];
      quad[2][0] = quad[1][0]+dx;
      quad[2][1] = quad[1][1]+dy;
      quad[3][0] = quad[0][0]+dx;
      quad[3][1] = quad[0][1]+dy;
int func;
float arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4;
   register struct event *e, *n;
   e = (struct event *)malloc(sizeof(struct event));
   switch (func) {
   case CLEAR:
   case NEWCOLOR:
   case DRAWLINE:
      e->func = func;
      e->arg1 = arg1;
      e->arg2 = arg2;
      e->arg3 = arg3;
      e->arg4 = arg4;
      e->next = 0;
      if (!histstart) {
         histstart = histend = e;
      else {
         histend->next = e;
         histend = e;
   register struct event *e, *n;
   e = histstart;
   while (e) {
      n = e->next;
      e = n;
   histstart = histend = 0;
   register struct event *e;
   register int i;
   i = 0;
   e = histstart;
   while (e) {
      switch (e->func) {
      case NEWCOLOR:
      case DRAWLINE:
      case CLEAR:
      e = e->next;
 *        getapixel - 
 *                Read a pixel from a specific screen location.
getapixel(mousex, mousey)
short mousex, mousey;
   short pixel;
   int   xmin, ymin;    /* Convert position to window relative coordinates */
   getorigin(&xmin, &ymin);
   mousex -= xmin;
   mousey -= ymin;
   rectread(mousex, mousey, mousex+1, mousey+1, &pixel);

Related Information

The getorigin subroutine , getsize subroutine , ortho or ortho2 subroutine , rectread or lrectread subroutine , viewport subroutine .

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