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Kernel and Subsystems Technical Reference, Volume 2

attrval Device Configuration Subroutine


Verifies that attribute values are within range.


#include <cf.h>
#include <sys/cfgodm.h>
#include <sys/cfgdb.h>
int attrval (uniquetype, pattr, errattr)
char * uniquetype;
char * pattr;
char ** errattr;


uniquetype Identifies the predefined device object, which is a pointer to a character string of the form class/subclass/type.
pattr Points to a character string containing the attribute-value pairs to be validated, in the form attr1=val1 attr2=val2.
errattr Points a pointer to a null-terminated character string. On return from the attrval subroutine, this string will contain the names of invalid attributes, if any are found. Each attribute name is separated by spaces.


The attrval subroutine is used to validate each of a list of input attribute values against the legal range. If no illegal values are found, this subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, it returns the number of incorrect attributes.

If any attribute values are invalid, a pointer to a string containing a list of invalid attribute names is returned in the errattr parameter. These attributes are separated by spaces.

Allocation of the error buffer is done in the attrval subroutine. However, a character pointer (for example, char *errorb;) must be declared in the calling routine. Thereafter, the address of that pointer is passed to the attrval subroutine (for example, attrval(...,&errorb);) as one of the parameters.

Return Values

0 Indicates that all values are valid.
Nonzero Indicates the number of erroneous attributes.


/usr/lib/libcfg.a Archive of device configuration subroutines.

Related Information

List of Device Configuration Subroutines.

Predefined Attribute (PdAt) object class, Customized Attribute (CuAt) object class, Predefined Devices (PdDv) object class.

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