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Performance Toolbox Version 1.2 and 2 for AIX: Guide and Reference

Chapter 9. Recording Files, Annotation Files, and Recording Support Programs

This chapter provides information about recording files, annotating files, and other support programs.

Recording Files, Annotation Files, and Support Programs Overview

This chapter explains the contents of recording files and how the files can be created and processed. It then describes each of the following programs collectively known as the recording support programs:

a2ptx A program to generate recordings from ASCII files.
ptxmerge A program to merge up to 10 recording files into one.
ptxsplit A program to split recording files into multiple files
ptxconv A program to convert between Performance Toolbox for AIX Version 1.1 to Version 2 or Version 1.2 recording file format.
ptxtab A program to tabulate the contents of recording files.
ptxls A program to list the statistics in a recording file.
ptxrlog A program to create ASCII or binary recording files.
ptx2stat A program to convert binary recording files containing hotset information.
ptxhottab A program to tabulate hotset information in recording files.

The main program for analyzing recordings is the azizo program described in Analyzing Performance Recordings with azizo.

Note: You can access these programs from the xmperf Command Menu Interface.

Recording Files

Recording files are binary files whose first record is a configuration record. This record identifies the file as a recording file, names the source of the recording, and states the version of the file. To be valid, recording files must also contain the definition of one or more statistics and must contain at least one value record.

Creation of Recording Files

Recording files are created by one of the Agent or Manager programs. They can be created by the xmperf and 3dmon programs during monitoring, by the xmservd daemon at any time it is running, by the program a2ptx from ASCII files that adhere to a certain format, or by the ptxrlog program.

From the definition of statistics, a program reading the recording file can determine how the statistics are grouped into sets of statistics (statsets). By the nature of the record layout, at least one such set exists but the definition records may define multiple. Sets of statistics are defined by the program that creates the recording:

xmperf A set is created for each instrument in the console from which the recording is created.
3dmon A set is created for each path name at the right side of the graph grid.
xmservd A set is created for each sampling interval. Each statset is assigned a number equal to the sampling interval divided by the minimum sampling interval of the xmservd daemon.
a2ptx Only one set is created.
ptxrlog Only one set is created.

Recordings created by xmperf also contain console definition records. This record type describes the layout and other properties of the console that was used to create the recording and is used by xmperf to reconstruct the console when the recording is played back by xmperf. Recordings created by other programs do not contain console definition records. When such recordings are played back with xmperf, default consoles are constructed as explained in the section entitled Creation of Playback Consoles.

Records carrying the observations are called value records. They correspond to the sets defined in the recording file and contain one reading for each of the statistics in the set plus the time stamp of the reading and the elapsed time since the previous reading. Each reading consists of two fields:

Raw value Regardless of the type of statistic, gives the actual value as observed. Normally, programs that process a recording file use this field for statistics of type SiQuantity. Such statistics represent a "level", such as the amount of free space on a disk or the percentage of system memory in use.
Delta The difference between the previous observation for this statistic and the latest observation. Normally, programs that process a recording file use this field for statistics of type SiCounter and divide it with the elapsed time in seconds to arrive at a rate per second. SiCounter statistics represent a count of activity such as the number of disk operations or the number of timer ticks while the CPU is idle.

A special type of value record is the stop record which signals that recording was stopped for a statset and gives the time it happened. This allows programs using the recording file to distinguish between gaps in the recording and variances in recording interval.

Modifying Recording Files

Several programs can modify recording files. As they do so, they may preserve or discard information about sets of statistics and consoles in the files. The following sections describe how recording files can be modified. More detail is provided in the detailed description of each of the programs later in this chapter and in Monitoring Remote Systems.

Filtering with azizo

The azizo program allows you to write a filtered recording file from an input recording file. Filtering can write a subset of statistics for a subset of the time span covered by the input recording file. If the input recording file contains more than one definition of sets, or if it contains a console definition, you can elect to discard these definitions and create the filtered file with only one set and no console definition. Creation of filtered recording files with the azizo program is described in the article entitled Filtered Recordings.

Merging with ptxmerge

The program ptxmerge allows you to merge multiple recording files into one. When merging only two recordings, the program can be asked to adjust the time stamps of one of the recordings. If the multiple recordings you merge into one all contain identical console definitions, the console and set definitions are retained. Otherwise, all console definitions are discarded while set definitions are retained.

The ptxmerge program also allows you to reorganize recording files where multiple recordings are concatenated into one file. It does so by first splitting the files into separate files, then merging them together.

Splitting with ptxsplit

Very large recording files can be time consuming to analyze. The program ptxsplit can be used to divide such files into smaller files. Splits can be done as simply as dividing the file into sections where the only change to the sequence and contents of records is that each output file has a copy of the configuration and definition records.

More advanced features allow you to split the file into groups of selected statistics. When this is done, you have the option of preserving or discarding definition records, depending on how you have specified the split to take place. For some splits, it may not be possible to preserve the definition records.

Version Conversion with ptxconv

Recording files created by Version 1.1 of the Performance Toolbox for AIX can be converted to the format used by Versions 1.2 or 2. If so desired, the program also does conversion the other way. Recording files created by Version 1.1 do not have the special stop records and neither do files converted from Version 1.1 format. When you analyze such files with azizo, a stop in the recording is interpreted as an extraordinarily long sampling interval.

Annotation Files

Note: Annotation files are available with Version 2.2 or later only.

Annotation files are plain ASCII text files. They are associated with recording files only through a naming convention. For example, the annotation file for a recording file named R.time_off would be N.time_off. If the name of a recording file is changed to something that does not begin with the R. prefix, the association with the annotation file is lost, even if the annotation file is renamed.

If the recording file is moved to a different directory and the annotation file is not moved to the same directory, then the association with the annotation file is lost.

If the recording file is processed with the recording support programs, then the modified (and differently named) new recording file will no longer have any association to the annotation file. However, none of the recording support programs change the original recording file so the association to those files still exists.

Annotation files can be created and modified from xmperf, 3dmon, 3dplay, and azizo. From xmperf and 3dmon, annotation files can only be created and modified if recording is, or has been, activated. From 3dplay and azizo, the user can create or modifiy annotation files at any time.

The a2ptx Recording Generator

The a2ptx program takes a file with a tabulated list of data as input and produces a recording file in a format that allows the file to be processed by any recording support program and by xmperf and azizo. The purpose is to extend the usability of Performance Toolbox for AIX to cover other types of data or performance data produced by programs that are not part of Performance Toolbox for AIX.

Input Formats of a2ptx

For a2ptx to successfully create a valid recording file from an input file, the latter must be in a certain format. When used with their -s command line flags, the programs ptxtab and ptxrlog produce output in a format suitable for a2ptx. For ptxrlog, the -t flag can also be used. There are rules for the following parts of the input file:

For the following explanation, refer to an Example of ptxtab Spreadsheet Output Format, which shows an example of a valid a2ptx input file.

Host identifier

If a string in the format hostname: xxxxx is at the end of the very first line of the input file, this causes a2ptx to prefix all statistic names it later reads with the string hosts/xxxxx. The keyword hostname: may start with a capital H and must be followed by a colon. The xxxxx part can be any value you want. The two parts must be separated by white space. If the host name string is not found on the very first line of the file, no prefix is added to the statistic names.

Statistic names

Before any time stamps or data values appear in the input file, a line beginning with the string"Timestamp" must exist. The double quotes are optional. Following the identifier string on the line must be one column heading for each column of data values on data value lines. The column headings may optionally be enclosed in double quotes and are used as the fully qualified name of the statistic records written to the output recording file. The line's identifier string must be separated from the column headings with white space, which must also separate the column headings.

Time stamps

Each line with data values must begin with a time stamp optionally enclosed in double quotes and followed by white space. The format of the string is:

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss

Time stamps should appear in ascending order to make the resulting output file usable in other Performance Toolbox for AIX programs.

Data values

Following the time stamp on data lines must be a number of data values separated by white space. Data values may have a decimal point or be integers. The number of data values on each line must be the same as the number of column headings. If one or more data lines do not have data available for a value, a dash must be inserted in place of the missing data value.

The a2ptx Command Line

The command line to invoke a2ptx is:

a2ptx input_file output_file

Both arguments are required.

The ptxmerge Merge Program

The ptxmerge program has two modes of operation:

Rearrange To rearrange the sequence of records in a recording file that contains more than one set of control information.
Merging To merge multiple recording files into one.

When you supply only one input file name on the ptxmerge command line, it is assumed that you want to rearrange the records in that file. In all other cases, merging is assumed.

The actual implementation of the rearrange function divides the input file into separate temporary files, one for each set of control information in the file. Those temporary files are then merged into one to create the final output file and deleted.

The created output file always has only one group of control records at the beginning of the file. This set is created from the groups of control records in the input files. If all input files were created by xmperf and have identical definitions (were created from identically configured consoles that contain identical instruments), all control records, including the console definition, are preserved and written to the output file.

If there's the slightest difference between the control records of the input files, then ptxmerge creates the output file so that any console information is discarded. Definitions of sets of statistics (statsets) is then only retained if the -z command line argument is used. In all other cases, the resulting output file contains only a single set of statistics (statset).

The value records that carry observations of statistics are arranged so they appear in time order in the resulting output recording file.

When to Use ptxmerge

The ptxmerge program is safe to use because it always leaves the original files unchanged and it is reasonably fast in doing what it does. It can be used to organize recordings for optimal analysis or playback, and it works in concert with the other recording support programs as well as the filtering function of azizo. The following two sections give some examples of when to use ptxmerge.

Rearranging Recording Files

The xmservd daemon can produce recording files with more than one set of control information. It happens whenever xmservd resumes recording to an existing recording file and the xmservd recording configuration file (xmservd.cf) has been changed since the recording file was created. It is done to prevent the recording from being corrupted when changes are made to the sets of statistics being recorded.

The xmservd daemon makes no attempt at keeping track of what the changes to its configuration file were, so it is very possible that the two or more sets of control information in the recording file are identical. On the other hand, there's no guarantee that they are. The ptxmerge program allows you to rearrange the file and detects if the sets are indeed identical. If they are, the resulting output file are identical to the input file, except that only the first set of control records is preserved.

If a recording file produced by xmservd has different sets of statistics, or if a recording file was produced by concatenating two or more recording files with different sets of statistics, then the sets are merged into one single set of statistics unless the -z command line argument is used.

The only other program that can create recording files with more than one set of control information is ptxrlog.

Merging Recording Files

There can be many reasons to merge one or more recording files into one. Generally, it is done because you want to analyze multiple recordings as one with azizo or because you want to play multiple recordings back as one with xmperf. The separate recording files may represent recordings from the same invocation of xmperf, but from different instruments. They may be produced simultaneously on different hosts, possibly to record the effects of a distributed application on the application's server and client sides. Or they may represent identical recordings for different time periods that you want to analyze together.

If the intention is to play the recordings back with xmperf, then it is often a good idea to use the -z flag to preserve instrument definitions. This allows you to keep track of the original sets of statistics, which is especially important if you use ptxmerge to adjust the time stamps of one of the input files.

The ptxmerge Command Line

The ptxmerge program allows the user to specify up to 10 input files that are to be merged into one file. All files must be valid Performance Toolbox for AIX recording files in Version 2 format. When more than one input file is specified and one or more of the input files contain multiple sets of control information, only the records belonging to the first such set participate in the merge operation.

If only one input file is given, the program assumes you want it to rearrange the records in that file. If this file contains only one set of control information, then the output file is identical to the input file.

The command line to invoke ptxmerge is:

ptxmerge [ -m| -p incr|-t inc r] [ -z] outfile input1 [ input2 [ input3...]]

The command line flags have the following meaning:

m Only valid if exactly two input files are specified. Merges files, modifying all time stamps in the oldest file by the difference in time between the time stamps of the first value record in the two files.
p Only valid if exactly two input files are specified. Must be followed by the number of seconds to be added to all time stamps in the first input file before merging the files. This value may be negative.
t Only valid if exactly two input files are specified. Must be followed by the number of seconds to be added to all time stamps in the second input file before merging the files. This value may be negative.
z Optional. Preserves information about sets of statistics (statsets) when creating the resulting file. This is useful if the output file is to be used for playback with xmperf. The input files are merged together but each set of statistics are played back in instruments of the same contents (though not necessarily the same appearance) as the originals.

The ptxsplit Split Program

At times, it is advantageous to divide one recording file into multiple. This may be because the file is too large to allow timely analysis or playback, because it contains statistics that are irrelevant for the current use of the file, or because it contains more than one set of control records. In either case, ptxsplit splits a recording file to your specifications.

The ptxsplit Command Line

The ptxsplit program is invoked with the following command line:

ptxsplit { -p parts| -s size| -h| -b| -f cfile| -d hhmm [ -t dhhmm]} infile

The command line arguments are all mutually exclusive, except that the -t argument is only valid if the -d argument is given. One of the arguments must be specified. The arguments are:

p Split in parts of equal size. Must be followed by the number of parts the input file shall be divided into. The output files are approximately the same size and begin with a set of control records. The output file names are infile.p1, infile.p2, ... infile.pn. Statsets are preserved in the output as are any console records.
s Split in parts of equal size. Must be followed by the size you want each output file to have. The output files, except the last one, normally are slightly smaller than the specified size; the last file may be much smaller. The output files all begin with a set of control records. The output file names are infile.s1, infile.s2, ... infile.sn. Statsets are preserved in the output as are any console records.
h Split into files according to the host name of individual observations. The output files all begin with a set of control records. The output file names are infile.hostname1, infile.hostname2, ... infile.hostnamen. Statsets are preserved in the output. Any console records are discarded.
b Split into files for each set of control records encountered. The output files all begin with a set of control records. The output file names are infile.b1, infile.b2, ... infile.bn. Statsets are preserved in the output as are any console records.
f Split into two files. The flag must be followed by a file name of a control file. The first output file is to contain all occurrences of the statistics listed in the control file. Remaining statistics are written to the second output file. Statistics are specified in the control file with their full path name. The control file may contain comment lines beginning with the character # (number sign). If the hosts part of the path name is omitted, statistics are selected across all host names. If the hosts part of the path name is supplied, an exact match is required for a statistic to be selected. The first output file has the name infile.sel, the second outfile is called infile.rem. Statsets are not preserved in the output files.

The program ptxls can produce a list of the statistics contained in a recording file. The output from the program has the format required for the control file. Use it by redirecting ptxls output to a file; then edit the file to include only the statistics you want in the file infile.sel.

d Split after duration into parts covering time periods of equal size. Must be followed by the duration span of each file, given as hhmm, where:

hh = Hours.

mm = Minutes.

If the -t argument is omitted, the time period begins with the earliest value record in the input file; otherwise with the time specified on the -t argument. The output files all begin with a set of control records. The output file names are infile.d1, infile.d2, ... infile.dn. Statsets are preserved in the output as are any console records.

t Only valid if the -d argument is given. Specifies a point in time that shall be used to split the input file. Must be followed by a time in the format dhhmm, where:

d = Day of week, Sunday = day 0.

hh = Hours.

mm = Minutes.

The time given may lie outside the time period covered by the input recording file. If the time given differs from the time stamp of the first value record in the input file, the first output file contains data for an interval smaller than that requested with the -d argument.

For example, assume a recording file's first value record has a time stamp corresponding to 30830 (day 3, at 8:30 a.m.) and you invoke ptxsplit with the command line:

ptxsplit -d0600 -t00000 recording_file

This causes the first file to cover the interval from 8:30 a.m. until 11:59 a.m., the next one from 12:00 noon until 5:59 p.m., and so on until there's no more value records in the input file.

Consider splitting the same file with the command line:

ptxsplit -d0600 -t40800 recording_file

The -t argument, in this case, gives a point in time later than the first value record's time stamp. The program determines the time to place the first split point by stepping backwards in time from day 4 at 8:00 a.m. in steps of six hours (as per the -d argument) until it has passed the time stamp of the first value record. This would be on day 3 at 8:00 a.m. This is the reference point. The first output file covers day 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:59 p.m., the next from 2 p.m. to 7:59 p.m., and so forth.

The ptxconv Conversion Program

In Version 1.1 of the Performance Toolbox for AIX, recording files could only be created with the xmperf program. The only other program in Version 1.1 that used recording files was the xmtab program, which is renamed ptxtab in later versions of Performance Toolbox for AIX. Neither program was concerned with the possibility of a recording file being created from a monitoring session where the recording of instruments was stopped and started one or more times. Similarly, neither program ever attempted to read a recording file backwards.

With the introduction of the azizo program and the recording support programs, this changed. The azizo program wants to know if a recording session was stopped and restarted, and to speed the analysis, the program reads some records off the end of the recording file. Consequently, the recording file format was changed so that stop records are added when a recording stops, and so a recording file can be read backwards. The changes mean that Version 1.1 files can not be processed by azizo or other Version 2 or Version 1.2 Performance Toolbox for AIX programs.

To allow a user of Version 1.1 of Performance Toolbox for AIX to upgrade to later versions without losing the ability to view existing recording files, the ptxconv program was added to Performance Toolbox for AIX. This program allows conversion between Version 1.1 and Version 2 and Version 1.2 recording files in either direction.

Note: Once a recording file has the Version 1.1 format, whether it was created that way or was converted from a later format, then a conversion to the later format will not add stop records to the file. This causes azizo to treat gaps in the recording of a set of statistics as an extraordinarily long sampling interval.

The ptxconv Command Line

The ptxconv program is invoked with the following command line:

ptxconv -v{1|2} input_file output_file

All command line arguments are required and have the following meaning:

v1 Converts a recording file with Version 2 or Version 1.2 format into the Version 1.1 format. This allows the use of an older version of xmperf to play the recording back.
v2 Converts a recording file with Version 1.1 format into the later format. This allows any of the Performance Toolbox for AIX Version 1.2 and Version 2 programs that process recording files to work with the converted file.
input_file The path name of a recording file. The input file should be a file that was created with the version level the user wishes to convert from.
output_file The path name the user wishes the new recording file to have.

Listing Recorded Data with ptxtab

A simple utility program, ptxtab lets you format a recording for tabulated output. In earlier versions of Performance Toolbox for AIX, this program was called xmtab. The program takes a recording file as input and produces one output file for each set of statistics (statset) in the recording file.

Each of the output files are named by suffixing the statset sequence number to the name of the recording file. If the recording file has an original file name as created by xmperf or 3dmon, the initial "R". is changed to "A". to distinguish between Recordings and ASCII output files. This also ensures that ASCII output files do not show up in the dialog window used to select recordings in the programs xmperf and azizo. As an example, assume the recording file $HOME/XmRec/R.NiceMonitor was created by xmperf and has instruments (statsets) with sequence numbers 3 and 8. Running the ptxtab program would then produce the ASCII output files $HOME/XmRec/A.NiceMonitor_3 and $HOME/XmRec/A.NiceMonitor_8.

By default, each of the output files produced by ptxtab is formatted for printing with a multiline heading that begins with a page eject. The first line lists the name of the console (if console information is available in the recording file) or program (when the recording file was not created by xmperf) that created the recording and the host name of the host providing the data. The second line is blank and the remaining lines provide headings for each column of tabulated data. The following is an example of output from ptxtab as produced with no command line flags.

Example of ptxtab Default Output Format

#Monitor: Nice Monitor --- hostname: nchris

                                                            Mem        Mem
                                PagSp         PagSp         Virt       Virt
Timestamp                       %totalused    %totalfree    pagein     pageout
1994/01/07 15:36:03             27.8          72.2          8          20
1994/01/07 15:36:07             27.8          72.2          7          17         
1994/01/07 15:36:11             27.8          72.2          3          283 
1994/01/07 15:36:15             27.8          72.2          28         48
1994/01/07 15:36:19             28.2          71.8          56         41
1994/01/07 15:36:23             29.5          70.5          29         38
1994/01/07 15:36:27             31.5          68.5          0          62
1994/01/07 15:36:31             32.4          67.6          70         1 
1994/01/07 15:36:35             32.6          67.4          73         32
1994/01/07 15:36:39             32.8          67.2          156        0
1994/01/07 15:36:43             34.5          65.5          167        4
1994/01/07 15:36:47             34.4          65.6          163        0
1994/01/07 15:36:51             31.1          68.9          12         57
1994/01/07 15:36:55             30.2          69.8          35         34
1994/01/07 15:36:59             28.0          72.0          15         0
1994/01/07 15:37:04             28.0          72.0          15         0

The ptxtab Command Line

The ptxtab command line looks as follows:

ptxtab [-l lines| -c | -s [-r | -t] recording_file
l The flag -l (lowercase L) is used to specify the number of lines per page you want the output files formatted for. The default is 23 lines per page, which is ideal for viewing the output in a 25-line window or on a terminal with 25 lines. If you specify 0 (zero) lines per page, pagination is suppressed. If the value is given as non-zero, it must be between 10 and 10,000. The flags -l, -c, and -s are mutually exclusive.
c The flag -c causes ptxtab to format the output files as comma separated ASCII. Each line in the output file(s) contains one time stamp and one observation. Both fields are preceded by a label that describes the fields. An example of output formatted this way is shown in the Example of ptxtab Comma-Separated Output Format. The eight detail lines shown correspond to the first two detail lines in the Example of ptxtab Default Output Format. The flags -l, -c, and -s are mutually exclusive.
s The flag -s causes ptxtab to format the output files in a format suitable for input to spreadsheet programs. When this flag is specified, it is always assumed that the -r flag is also given. An example of formatting with the -s flag is shown in the Example of ptxtab Spreadsheet Output Format. The detail lines shown correspond to the detail lines in the Example of ptxtab Default Output Format. This output format also matches the requirements of the a2ptx input file format. The flags -l, -c, and -s are mutually exclusive.
r The flag -r is independent of the other flags. It specifies that when SiCounter data is sent to the ptxtab output file(s), they are presented as rates per second. Without this option, ptxtab presents this data as the delta value in the interval. The flags -r and -t are mutually exclusive.
t The flag -t is independent of the other flags. It specifies that when SiCounter data is sent to the ptxtab output file(s), they are presented as absolute values. In other words, this flag causes SiCounter values to be treated as SiQuantity values. Without this option, ptxtab presents this data as the delta value in the interval. The flags -r and -t are mutually exclusive.

Example of ptxtab Comma-Separated Output Format

#Monitor: Nice Monitor --- hostname: nchris 
Time="1994/01/07        15:36:03",       PagSp/%totalused=27.82 
Time="1994/01/07        15:36:03",       PagSp/%totalfree=72.18 
Time="1994/01/07        15:36:03",       Mem/Virt/pagein=8 
Time="1994/01/07        15:36:03",       Mem/Virt/pageout=20 
Time="1994/01/07        15:36:07",       PagSp/%totalused=27.82 
Time="1994/01/07        15:36:07",       PagSp/%totalfree=72.18 
Time="1994/01/07        15:36:07",       Mem/Virt/pagein=7 
Time="1994/01/07        15:36:07",       Mem/Virt/pageout=17

Example of ptxtab Spreadsheet Output Format

#Monitor: Nice Monitor --- hostname: nchris 
"Timestamp" "PagSp/%totalused" "PagSp/%totalf
ree" "Mem/Virt/pagein "Mem/Virt/pageout"
"1994/01/07  15:36:03"            27.8        72.2     8             20
"1994/01/07  15:36:07"            27.8        72.2     7             17
"1994/01/07  15:36:11"            27.8        72.2     3             283
"1994/01/07  15:36:15"            27.8        72.2     28            48
"1994/01/07  15:36:19"            28.2        71.8     56            41
"1994/01/07  15:36:23"            29.5        70.5     29            38
"1994/01/07  15:36:27"            31.5        68.5     0             62
"1994/01/07  15:36:31"            32.4        67.6     70            1
"1994/01/07  15:36:35"            32.6        67.4     73            32
"1994/01/07  15:36:39"            32.8        67.2     156           0
"1994/01/07  15:36:43"            34.5        65.5     167           4
"1994/01/07  15:36:47"            34.4        65.6     163           0
"1994/01/07  15:36:51"            31.1        68.9     12            57
"1994/01/07  15:36:55"            30.2        69.8     35            34
"1994/01/07  15:36:59"            28.0        72.0     15            0
"1994/01/07  15:37:04"            28.0        72.0     15            0

The ptxls List Program

The ptxls program allows you to list the control records of a recording file. You can use it to find out if more than one set of control records exist, and it tells you which statistics are contained in a recording file. In addition, it lists the time period covered by the recording and the number of value records (observation count) for each set of control records in the file.

The output created by ptxls is suitable for use with the -f option of the ptxsplit program. That option requires a file name of a file that contains a list of statistics to extract from a recording. This file can be created by redirecting the output of ptxls to a file and then deleting the path names that should not be extracted.

The ptxls command line takes no flags but you must specify the name of a recording file to process.

The first output line names the set of control records in the line saying "Configuration." Then, each instrument in the console is identified by one line saying "Console" giving the number assigned to the instrument plus one line for each of the statistics belonging to that instrument (statset). Each statistic line ends with two numbers. The first identifies the statset and the second is the statistic identifier within the statset.

The following is an example of ptxls output. The example is created from a recording of the xmperf console "Combo Style Sample" as supplied in the sample xmperf configuration file:

# Configuration: ID=Combo Style Sample 
#   Console   #00001:    ID=Combo   Style   Sample   hosts/nchris/SysIO/writech 
00001/00002          hosts/nchris/SysIO/readch 
#   Console   #00002:    ID=Combo   Style   Sample   hosts/nchris/Mem/Real/%local 
00002/00001          hosts/nchris/Mem/Real/%clnt 
00002/00003          hosts/nchris/Mem/Real/%free 
#   Console   #00006:    ID=Combo   Style   Sample   hosts/nchris/Disk/hdisk0/xfer 
00006/00001          hosts/nchris/Disk/hdisk1/xfer 
00006/00002          hosts/nchris/Disk/hdisk2/xfer 
00006/00003          hosts/nchris/Proc/pswitch 
00006/00005          hosts/nchris/Proc/runque
#   Console   #00003:    ID=Combo   Style   Sample   hosts/nchris/CPU/cpu0/wait 
00003/00001          hosts/nchris/CPU/cpu0/kern 
00003/00002          hosts/nchris/CPU/cpu0/user 
00003/00004          hosts/nchris/Syscall/total 
#   Console   #00008:    ID=Combo   Style   Sample   hosts/nchris/CPU/cpu0/kern 
00008/00001          hosts/nchris/CPU/cpu0/wait 
00008/00002          hosts/nchris/Mem/Real/%free 
00008/00003          hosts/nchris/PagSp/%totalfree 
00008/00004          hosts/nchris/Proc/swpque 
#   Console   #00004:    ID=Combo   Style   Sample   hosts/nchris/Disk/hdisk0/busy 
00004/00001          hosts/nchris/Disk/hdisk1/busy 
00004/00002          hosts/nchris/Disk/hdisk2/busy 
#   Console   #00009:    ID=Combo   Style   Sample   hosts/nchris/Mem/Virt/pagein 
00009/00001          hosts/nchris/Mem/Virt/pageout 
00009/00002          hosts/nchris/Mem/Virt/pgrclm 
00009/00003          hosts/nchris/PagSp/hd6/%free 
00009/00004          hosts/nchris/Mem/Real/%free 
#   Statistics for above:     Start time Wed Jan 12 18:11:19 1994  

#                             End time Wed Jan 12 18:20:09 1994 

#                             Observation count          1881 


The ptxrlog Recording Program

The ptxrlog program can produce recordings in either ASCII format, which allows you to print the output or postprocess it with database or spreadsheet programs or with the a2ptx program to produce a standard Performance Toolbox for AIX recording file, or it can produce a standard Performance Toolbox for AIX recording file in binary format. Statistics to record are specified from a control file, the command line, or both. If ptxrlog is executed in the background, the list of statistics to record must be specified in a control file.

The ptxrlog program uses the RSI to access statistics and can collect and record statistics from one host at a time across the network. All statistics are defined in one statset.

The ptxrlog Command Line

The ptxrlog command line looks as follows:

ptxrlog {-f infile | -m | -mf infile } [-h hostname ] [-i seconds ] [-o outfile [-c | -s | -t ] | -r binoutfile ] [-l pagelen ] [-b hhmm ] [-e hh.mm ]

f Name of a control file that contains a list of statistics to record. In the control file, each statistic must be given on a line on its own and with its full path name, excluding the host part, which is supplied by ptxrlog either from the -h argument or by using the local host name. If the -f argument is not given, the user is prompted for a list of statistics. If both the -f and the -m arguments are given, ptxrlog first selects the statistics given in the control file, then prompts the user to specify additional statistics.
m Manual input of statistic names. The user is prompted for a list of statistic names to be entered as full path names without the host part. The host part is supplied by ptxrlog either from the -h argument or by using the local host name. If both the -f and the -m arguments are given, ptxrlog first selects the statistics given in the control file, then prompts the user to specify additional statistics.
h Hostname of the host to monitor. This argument is used to identify the host to be monitored and, thus, to create the hosts part of the path names for the statistics to monitor. If this argument is not supplied, the host name of the local host is used.
i Sampling interval. Specifies the number of seconds between sampling of the specified statistics. If this argument is not supplied, the sampling interval defaults to 2 seconds.
o Output file name. Specify the name of the output file you want. If this argument is omitted, output goes to standard output and neither of the format flags -c, -s, or -t is permitted. If -o is given but neither of the three format flags is, the output looks the same as the output from ptxtab shown in Example of ptxtab Default Output Format. The -o flag and the -r flag are mutually exclusive.
c The flag -c causes ptxrlog to format the output file as comma separated ASCII. The flag is only valid if -o is given. Each line in the output file contains one time stamp and one observation. Both fields are preceded by a label that describes the fields. The output looks the same as the ptxtab output shown in the Example of ptxtab Comma-Separated Output Format. The flags -c, -s, and -t are mutually exclusive.
s The flag -s causes ptxrlog to format the output file in a format suitable for input to spreadsheet programs. The flag is only valid if -o is given. The output looks the same as the output from ptxtab output shown in Example of ptxtab Spreadsheet Output Format. The flags -c, -s, and -t are mutually exclusive.
t Tab separated format. This flag is identical to the -s flag except that individual fields on the lines of the output file are separated by tabs rather than blanks. The flag is only valid if -o is given. The flags -c, -s, and -t are mutually exclusive.
r The -r flag specifies that the output from ptxrlog goes to a binary recording file in standard recording file format. The name of the output file must be specified after the flag. The -o flag and the -r flag are mutually exclusive.
l (Lowercase L) Specifies the number of lines per page when neither the -o nor the -r flag is specified or when the -o flag is specified but neither of the -c, -s, or -t flags is specified. If this flag is omitted, the output is formatted with 23 lines per page if the -o flag is omitted; otherwise with 65 lines per page. When the -o flag is given, a page eject is inserted at the beginning of each page.
b Begin recording. If this argument is omitted, ptxrlog begins recording immediately. The flag and arguments are used to start the recording at a specified later time. The flag must be followed by the start time in the format hhmm, where:

hh = Hour in 24 hour time (midnight is 00).

mm = Minutes.

e End recording. Specifies the number of hours and minutes recording must be active. The flag must be followed by the number of hours and minutes in the format hh.mm, where:

hh = Number of hours to record.

mm = Number of minutes to record.

If this argument is omitted, the recording continues for 12 hours. A maximum of 24 hours can be specified. When the time specified by this argument has elapsed, ptxrlog terminates.

Binary Recording Files

When the -r flag is used, output is written to the file name specified after the flag. If the file exists when recording starts, it is opened for append. After opening the binary output file, whether for creation or append, ptxrlog writes the control records to the file. For existing files, this causes the file to contain more than one set of control records and may require you to process the file with ptxmerge or ptxsplit before you can process the file with xmperf or azizo.

Resynchronizing by ptxrlog

The ptxrlog program initiates a resynchronizing with the data-supplier host if the data-supplier host sends an i_am_back packet. This usually happens if the data-supplier host's xmservd daemon has died and is restarted.

The ptxrlog initiates a resynchronizing with the data-supplier host if no data_feed packets have been received for ten times the specified sampling interval.

Listing Recorded HotSet Data with ptxhottab

The ptxhottab program was included after support for HotSet data was added to PTX. The program is used to tabulate data from a recording file like ptxtab, but it tabulates HotSet data while ignoring other data.

The ptxhottab Command Line

The ptxhottab command line looks as follows:

ptxhottab [-c] recording_file

c Condensed output

The program has two output formats: uncondensed and condensed. Uncondensed output uses a format with name-equals-value pairs separated by semicolons.

Processing HotSet Recordings with ptx2stat

The ptx2stat program was included after support for HotSet data was added to PTX. The program is used to modify the HotSet data collected in a recording file so it appears to be collected in StatSet(s). Because HotSets and StatSets are inherently different, and especially because HotSet data is likely to exist for only a few time periods, the conversion can normally not make the data appear exactly as StatSet data.

The erratic scattering of actual observations makes it difficult to see observations over a time period when played back with xmperf. To make it more usable, it is a good idea to postprocess the converted recording file so that the old HotSet data appears in the same StatSet as real StatSet data. The converted HotSet observations then appear as "blips" in the playback window.

For use with azizo, conversion with ptx2stat can be done so each observation is followed by a stop record.

The ptx2stat Command Line

The ptx2stat command line looks as follows:

ptx2stat [-s] infile outfile

s Insert stop-records after each value set.

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