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Performance Toolbox Version 1.2 and 2 for AIX: Guide and Reference

ptxtab Command

A program to tabulate the contents of recording files.


ptxtab [-l lines | -c | -s] [-r | -t] recording_file


l The flag -l (lowercase L) is used to specify the number of lines per page you want the output files formatted for. The default is 23 lines per page, which is ideal for viewing the output in a 25-line window or on a terminal with 25 lines. If you specify 0 (zero) lines per page, pagination is suppressed. If the value is given as non-zero, it must be between 10 and 10,000. The flags -l, -c, and -s are mutually exclusive.
c The flag -c causes ptxtab to format the output files as comma separated ASCII. Each line in the output file(s) contains one time stamp and one observation. Both fields are preceded by a label that describes the fields. An example of output formatted this way is shown in the Example of ptxtab Comma Separated Output Format. The eight detail lines shown correspond to the first two detail lines in the Example of ptxtab Default Output Format. The flags -l, -c, and -s are mutually exclusive.
s The flag -s causes ptxtab to format the output files in a format suitable for input to spreadsheet programs. When this flag is specified, it is always assumed that the -r flag is also given. An example of formatting with the -s flag is shown in the Example of ptxtab Spreadsheet Output Format. The detail lines shown correspond to the detail lines in the Example of ptxtab Default Output Format. This output format also matches the requirements of the a2ptx input file format. The flags -l, -c, and -s are mutually exclusive.
r The flag -r is independent of the other flags. It specifies that when SiCounter data is sent to the ptxtab output file(s), they are presented as rates per second. Without this option, ptxtab presents this data as the delta value in the interval. The flags -r and -t are mutually exclusive.
t The flag -t is independent of the other flags. It specifies that when SiCounter data is sent to the ptxtab output file(s), they are presented as absolute values. In other words, this flag causes SiCounter values to be treated as SiQuantity values. Without this option, ptxtab presents this data as the delta value in the interval. The flags -r and -t are mutually exclusive.

Example of ptxtab Comma Separated Output Format

#Monitor: Nice Monitor --- hostname: nchris 
Time="1994/01/07   15:36:03",   PagSp/%totalused=27.82
Time="1994/01/07   15:36:03",   PagSp/%totalfree=72.18
Time="1994/01/07   15:36:03",   Mem/Virt/pagein=8   
Time="1994/01/07   15:36:03",   Mem/Virt/pageout=20   
Time="1994/01/07   15:36:07",   PagSp/%totalused=27.82
Time="1994/01/07   15:36:07",   PagSp/%totalfree=72.18
Time="1994/01/07   15:36:07",   Mem/Virt/pagein=7   
Time="1994/01/07   15:36:07",   Mem/Virt/pageout=17

Example of ptxtab Spreadsheet Output Format

#Monitor: Nice Monitor --- hostname: nchris "Timestamp" "PagSp/%totalused" "PagSp/%totalfree" "Mem/Virt/pagein "Mem/Virt/pageout"

"1994/01/07  15:36:03"                   27.8             72.2            8                 20

"1994/01/07  15:36:07"                   27.8             72.2            7                 17

"1994/01/07  15:36:11"                   27.8             72.2            3                 283

"1994/01/07  15:36:15"                   27.8             72.2            28               48

"1994/01/07  15:36:19"                   28.2             71.8            56               41

"1994/01/07  15:36:23"                   29.5             70.5            29               38

"1994/01/07  15:36:27"                   31.5             68.5            0                 62

"1994/01/07  15:36:31"                   32.4             67.6            70               1

"1994/01/07  15:36:35"                   32.6             67.4            73               32

"1994/01/07  15:36:39"                   32.8             67.2            156             0

"1994/01/07  15:36:43"                   34.5             65.5            167             4

"1994/01/07  15:36:47"                   34.4             65.6            163             0

"1994/01/07  15:36:51"                   31.1             68.9            12               57

"1994/01/07  15:36:55"                   30.2             69.8            35               34

"1994/01/07  15:36:59"                   28.0             72.0            15               0

"1994/01/07  15:37:04"                   28.0             72.0            15               0

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