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7318 Model S20 Guide and Reference

Configuration File Overview

The configuration file defines all the system settings for the 7318. The configuration file is an ASCII text file, which you can edit using any text editor. The file resides in the same directory as the binary image file, the /usr/lib/cns directory. The default naming convention is XXXXXXXXXXXX.cfg, where the XXXXXXXXXXXX parameter is the 7318's Ethernet address. If the 7318 does not find the XXXXXXXXXXXX.cfg file, it looks for the XXXXXXXX.cfg file, where XXXXXXXX is the lower eight digits of the 7318's Ethernet address. Failure to find either of these files results in a request for the p10.cfg or s20.cfg file.

Once the 7318 receives the binary image, configuration information for higher-level application is transferred to the 7318 in the configuration file. This transfer passes configuration information to the 7318, while keeping the configuration databases resident on the host computer.

The configuration file format groups information in sections. The 7318 module that uses the information defines the contents of each section. Each section configures part of the software in the 7318.

Configuration Information Format

The configuration file format groups a related and contiguous series of configuration entries called sections. Within a section is a series of entries. While the meaning of an entry is dependent on the section, there are two general forms: string entries and integer entries. Comments are also allowed in the configuration file.

In the configuration file, the line delimiter is either a carriage-return and line-feed pair, or a new-line character. White space is either a space character or a tab character.

Some sections relate to other sections hierarchically. Specifically, there are sections that indicate the number of subsections for that section. For example, the [Hosts] section specifies the number of [HostNN] subsections in the configuration file, (in this case, 3):

nhosts = 3
hostname = jerry
hostaddr =
hostname = bob
hostaddr =
hostname = phil.austin.ibm.com
hostaddr =


A section is a series of lines in the configuration file that start at the section name and end either at the line before the next section definition or at the end of the file. A single word in square brackets, starting at the beginning of a line, identifies section names. The following table delineates the supported P10 and S20 sections:

7318 P10 and S20 Configuration Sections
Section P10 S20
[HighAvail] Yes Yes
[Ipx] Yes Yes
[Hosts] No Yes
[HostNN] No Yes
[PortNN] Yes (See Note) Yes
[Session] Yes Yes
[SessionNN] Yes Yes
[TCP] No Yes
[Routes] No Yes
[SNMP] No Yes
[CommunityNN] No Yes
[TrapNN] No Yes
[Telnetd] No Yes
[TelnetdNN] No Yes
[SLIP] No Yes
[Kerberos] No Yes
[PPP] No Yes
[PPPNN] No Yes
[TermNN] No Yes
[KeymanNN] No Yes
Note: Some commands are not applicable, as noted.


An entry is a member of a section. An entry is of the form:

Keyword = TokenList

Entries spanning more than a single line are denoted by placing a \ (backslash) character in the position before the line delimiter. In this case, the configuration process treats the next line as if it were a part of the previous line.

A token list is one or more words or quoted strings. Each token is separated by a comma. See "Special Types" for description of quoted strings.


A semicolon in the first position of a line denotes a comment. The configuration process ignores all of the text up to the line delimiter in a comment.

Special Types


Numbers are decimal or hexadecimal. A value of 0x precedes hexadecimal numbers. If 0x does not precede a number, the configuration process interprets the number as a decimal.

Network Addresses

The configuration file uses two types of network addresses: IP and IPX. The IP address consists of four groups of decimal numbers, each group separated by a . (period). The maximum value of each group is 255. A typical IP address looks like:

The IPX address consists of a network and a node number. These consist of two hexadecimal numbers. The first number is 8 digits long. The second number is 12 digits long, and normally is set to 00406E000001. A : (colon) separates the network number from the node number. The use of hexadecimal in an IPX address is required. Therefore, a typical IPX address would look like:

Quoted Strings

Quoted strings are defined in a manner similar to the C language. All text within the single quotation marks is included in the string. The following special character definitions apply.

Name Prints As Represented As
Double quote " \"
New line NL \n
Tab HT \t
Backspace BS \b
Carriage return CR \r
Form feed FF \f
Backslash \ \\
Bit pattern ddd \ddd
Devices and Sessions

The 7318 has several device types that the configuration process uses. The device types are associated with both a physical device, as well as certain characteristics of that device. The following table defines legal device types:

Legal Device Types

Name Device Sessions Ports
COM Raw serial port No Port 0-15
LPT Raw printer port No Port 1-2
TPRINT Transparent printer No Port 0-15 (serial port only)
LDTCOM LDTERM VTMUX Session 0-7 Port 0-15 on serial port
LDTLPT LDTERM VTMUX No Port 1-2 on parallel port
Note: The LDTCOM and COM devices use the same ports, but represent different line disciplines. LDTCOM represents the POSIX line discipline, while COM represents the raw device. The LDTCOM device is the typical way of attaching an interactive session to a serial port. All rlogin, telnet, and tn3270 sessions must use LDTCOM. Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) sessions must use COM. The telnetd daemon can use any device.

The transparent printer is a special device that requires a proper terminal type on the serial port. The transparent printer uses session seven of LDTCOM on a port. The terminal must support a switchable auxiliary port.

The LDTLPT device pushes the LDTERM module onto the line-discipline stack for the parallel printer. UNIX print spoolers sometimes use this mode of operation, allowing the use of either DOS or UNIX formatted text files.

Section and Entry Formats

The following information defines the sections and entries you may find in the configuration file.

[HighAvail] Section

The [HighAvail] section contains the following entries:

enable=0/1 Disables or enables the HA feature on the 7318. Acceptable values are 0, which disables the HA feature, and 1, which enables it. Setting the enable entry to 0 is useful for turning the HA feature off, while saving the rest of the information in the configuration file.
addressType=Protocol Defines the address type of the reliable server. Valid values for the Protocol variable ipx for the Internet Packet Exchange or icmp for the Internet Control Message Protocol.
PingingInterval=Integer Specifies the time in seconds between pings.
SwitchToBackup=Integer Specifies the integer time in seconds before the 7318 switches from the primary to the backup Ethernet port in the case of failure.
SwitchToPrimary=Integer Specifies the integer time in seconds before the 7318 switches from the backup Ethernet port to the Primary port, in the case of failure.
PrimaryInterface=AUI/10baseT Specifies either the primary or backup interface.
SecondaryInterface=AUI/10baseT Specifies either the primary or backup interface. The secondary interface must be different from the primary interface.
PrimaryHost=Address Specifies the IP address of host to ping on primary network.
BackupHost=Address Specifies the IP address of host to ping on the backup network.
BackupMyIPAddr=Address Specifies the IP address of 7318 on the backup network.
BackupMyNetMask=Address Specifies the network mask for use on the backup network.
BackupMyDefGateway=Address Specifies the gateway for use on the backup network.

The following example enables the high-availablility feature on the host, which uses ICMP and waits ten minutes before switching to the backup Ethernet port and 20 minutes before switching back to the primary port.


[IPX] Section

If you have enabled the high-availability feature and are using the IPX protocol to ping the reliable server, you must change the 7318 IPX addressing to handle connection to two different local area networks. To do this, you must specify an internal network address for the 7318 (this is similar to the host), using the following entry:

internalNet=IPXAddress Specifies the internal address of the 7318 as a string.
frametype=Type Defines format of the frametype for the interface layer. Acceptable values for the Type parameter are:
auto Specifies that the 7318 will automatically select the frametype.
ethernet_ii Specifies a standard Ethernet version II frametype.
ethernet_802.3 Specifies a IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frametype for Model P10.
ethernet_SNAP Specifies a IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frametype for Model S20.

[SPX] Section

The [SPX] section contains the following entries:

idleTimeout=N Specifies the time in seconds to wait for a keepalive response before the link drops, assuming no data is being exchanged. The default is 120 seconds. The idleTimeout value should be at least twice the idleInterval value.
idleInterval=N Specifies the time in seconds between keepalive messages, that are used to keep the link alive when no data is being exchanged. The default is 30 seconds.
transmitRetries=N Specifies the number of data retries on the transmit side. The default is 20.
receiveRetries=N Specifies the number of data retries on the receive side. The default is 20.

[TCP] Section

The [TCP] section contains entries that define variables for the Model S20 TCP/IP functionality. There are three ways for the 7318 to obtain this information:

If a value is not defined in the configuration file, the system uses the /etc/bootptab file. If the BOOTP information is not available, the system uses the nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM) information. The IP address must be defined in one of these places (configuration file, /etc/bootptab file, or NVRAM) for the S20 TCP/IP functions to operate. All other parameters are optional. The entries in this section are as follows:

allowportswitch=0/1 Enables and disables access to port in the telnet command.
broadcast=IPAddress Defines the form of the broadcast address. The specified value overrides the value obtained by the BOOTP process. The default value is
domain=DomainName Defines the Domain Name Service (DNS) domain name from which the 7318 obtains DNS name service. The default is the domain portion of the host name. If the host name does not have a domain portion, the default is null, and all host names have to be fully qualified.
frametype=Type Defines format of the frametype for the interface layer. Acceptable values for the Type parameter are:
auto Specifies that the 7318 will automatically select the frametype.
ethernet_ii Specifies a standard Ethernet version II frametype.
ethernet_802.3 Specifies a IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frametype for Model P10.
ethernet_SNAP Specifies a IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frametype for Model S20.
gateway=IPAddress Defines the address of the default gateway for routing to unknown networks. The specified value overrides the value obtained by the BOOTP process. There is no default value for this entry.

The gateway can be defined as the destination address of a SLIP or PPP link which allows the 7318 to bridge to a remote network.

hostname=InternetName Defines the host name of the 7318, which may be domain-qualified. The specified value overrides the value obtained by the BOOTP process. There is no default value for this entry.
ipaddress=IPAddress Defines the IP address of the 7318. This assignment overrides assignments made in NVRAM or the bootptab file.
keepalive=0 Defines the keepalive time for telnetd sessions in seconds.
loopback=IPAddress Defines the address of the loopback device. The default value is
netmask=IPAddress Defines the subnet mask for IP. The class of the local IP address determines the default value. The specified value overrides the value obtained by the BOOTP process.
nservers=N Defines the number of DNS name servers when specifying more than one. The maximum value for this entry is 3.
nameserverN=IPAddress Defines the addresses of DNS name servers. Valid values for the NN variable are 00, 01, or 02. There is no default value for this entry.

The following example uses all of the previous [TCP] entries:

broadcast =
domain = austin.ibm.com
gateway =
loopback =
netmask =
nservers = 3
nameserver00 =
nameserver01 =
nameserver02 =

[Routes] Section

The [Routes] section contains entries that specify routes for TCP/IP protocol. The entries in this section are as follows:

nroutes=N Defines the number of routeNN entries (1-64) in this section.
routeNN=IPNetwork IPAddress Metric
                          The NN is an arbitrary route number (0-63). The IPNetwork and IPAddress must be separated by a single space. The IPAddress and the Metric must also be separated by a single space.

The IPNetwork specifies the IP node or subnet that is a destination for IP packets from the 7318.

The IPAddress specifies the IP address of the gateway through which the packets must be routed.

The Metric specifies the number of hops to get to the destination IPNetwork. This should be nonzero if the destination is not on a subnet of the gateway.

For example, a route entry to get to the host with IP address through a gateway might be:

route01= 1

If you wanted all traffic on the subnet 204.30.138 be routed through, the routing entry would be:

route01= 1

[Hosts] Section

The [Hosts] section contains one entry, which specifies the number of [HostNN] subsections in the configuration file:

nhosts=NN Defines the number of [HostNN] sections in the configuration file. For a Model P10, the maximum is 99. The [Host] and [HostNN] sections are similar to the /etc/hosts file on an AIX host and allow the 7318 to address Internet hosts by name.

[HostNN] Section

The [HostNN] section contains entries that specify an Internet name and IP address for one host. The number of [HostNN] sections must match the value specified by the nhosts entry in the [Hosts] section. For a Model P10, the maximum is 99. The entries in this section are as follows:

hostname=InternetName Defines the name of the host.
hostaddr=IPAddress Defines the network address to be associated with the host name.

The following example specifies a [Hosts] section in which there are three [HostNN] subsections, each specifying a host name and a network address:

nhosts = 3
hostname = jerry
hostaddr =
hostname = bob
hostaddr =
hostname = phil.austin.ibm.com
hostaddr =

[Allowedhosts] Section

The [Allowedhosts] section contains entries that specify the host names and/or addresses that are allowed access from the command line. The parameters are as follows:

nhosts=NN Specifies the number of entries in this section.
hostaddrNN=IPADDRESS Specifies the IP address of a host or subnet to which access is allowed.
hostnameNN=NAME Specifies a host name to which access is allowed.

[Disallowedhosts] Section

The [Disallowedhosts] section contains entries that specify the host names and/or address that are disallowed access from the command line. The parameters are as follows:

nhosts=NN Specifies the number of entries in this section.
hostaddrNN=IPADDRESS Specifies the IP address of a host or subnet to which access is disallowed.
hostnameNN=NAME Specifies a host name to which access is disallowed.

[PortNN] Section

The [PortNN] section contains entries that define the characteristics of the port. There is potentially one [PortNN] section for each 7318 serial port. Thus, the section header goes from [Port00] to [Port15]. Each port section could include the following entries:

stty=String Specifies an AIX command string to be given to the stty command to define TTY settings. These settings are used by the 7318 as the default settings for the SIO driver. The configuration process honors the following stty command flags:
parext parenb parodd cs5 cs6 cs7
cs8 hupcl cstopb cread clocal ignbrk
ignpar parmrk inpck istrip ixon ixany
ixoff rtsxoff ctsxon dtrxoff cdxon slew
start stop starti stopi Baud
  1. Additional parameters, for example echo, are implemented; however, most applications override these parameters.
  2. When you enable P10 TTY ports (using SMIT), the SMIT stty parameters will override the configuration file values.

Multiple entries must be separated by a space, for example:

stty=9600 ixon slew medium

A dash in front of any entry turns the entry off. The stty slew command takes one of the following arguments: slow, medium, fast, or super. The default slew rate is fast.

Valid values for the Baud variable are:

50 134 1800 19200 76800
75 150 2400 38400 115200
110 1200 9600 57600
initstring=String Defines the sequence of characters that are automatically output when the port is opened. This is useful for initializing a modem. For example, an initialization string from the Attention command set might be similar to the following:

This is not intended to actually initiate a call from the modem.

login=UserName Defines the login name for all command sessions that attach to the port. The rlogin command passes the specified value to the host unless overridden by the rlogin -l UserName command or by the value specified on any login commands.
loginretries=Integer Specifies the number of failed login attempts to accept before hanging up on the port.
logintime=Integer Specifies the amount of time in seconds the 7318 will wait for a valid login before hanging up.
terminalType=Type Defines the default terminal type for this port, where the Type variable specifies one of the terminal types defined for the 7318. Valid values for the Type variable are: ansi, wy60, ibm3151, and ibm3161. The rlogin command passes the specified value to the host unless overridden by the rlogin -T TermType command.
mscreen=N Enables or disables hot-key scanning. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature, and 1, which enables it. The S20 default configuration file enables multiple sessions by default.
Note: Hot-key scanning should be enabled for the command shell, dynamic session, and static sessions and disabled for PPP, SLIP and CSLIP, and reverse telnet.
tprint=N Enables or disables transparent printer support on the port. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature, and 1, which enables it. This definition requires an enterstr, exitstr, and rate entries. The terminal type information automatically configures these values unless overridden with the enterstr, exitstr, or rate entry.
enterstr=String Defines the sequence used to switch a terminal from the main port to the auxiliary port.
exitstr=String Defines the sequence used to switch a terminal from the auxiliary port back to the main port.
rate=Integer Specifies the maximum transfer rate to the printer in characters per second.
nhot keys=NN Defines the number of hot keys for switching between multiple terminal sessions on a single port.
hot keyTimeout=N Specifies the amount of time the 7318 waits for completion of a hot-key string. The N variable specifies the time-out value in microseconds.
hot keynn=String1, String2, String3, Command
                          Defines the hot-key sequences for the port. The String1 variable specifies a help string, the String2 variable specifies the input string to switch to this session, the String3 variable specifies the output string to switch pages on the terminal, and the Command variable specifies one of the following command functions for the key:
                          Key does not function.
WHO Key identifies current session.
HELP Key outputs help strings.
STOP Key stops session.
QUIT Key quits session.
FORWARD Key moves forward one session.
SWITCH, NN Key switches to defined session.

If the command is SWITCH, you must define the session number by including the NN parameter. If you use a port for a transparent printer or if you define hot keys, the configuration process automatically turns on escape sequence processing. The escdef entry manually toggles this processing.

escdef=N Enables or disables escape definitions. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature, and 1, which enables it. When escdef processing is enabled, the port can perform transparent printing and hot-key session switching while cursor-addressing commands are being sent to the terminal.

When escdef processing is disabled, the port may attempt a transparent print escape sequence or a session switch escape sequence in the middle of a cursor-address sequence, leaving the terminal confused.

However, escdef tables are only available for a limited group of terminals. When escdef data is not available, the screen should be idle when switching sessions or operating the terminal printer.

stty=9600 ixon slew medium
carrierignore=NN Specifies the number of seconds after the initstring parameter value is transmitted that the 7318 will ignore the DCD signal. This is useful for modems that allow the carrier to rise and fall as part of the modem's actions taken for the initstring commands.
datadelay=NN Specifies the number of seconds after carrier (DCD signal) is recognized that data is ignored. This is useful for conditions where some data may be present on the line and needs to be discarded before good data is really present.
holddelay=NN Specifies the number of seconds after a close is done on a port that the 7318 port's control signals are forced off. This provides the time needed by some modems to reset, before they are ready to handle the next commands or the next phone call.

[Command] Section

The [Command] section contains entries that control security and the audit trail.

passwords=0/1/remotex Enables Local (1), enables Remote (remotex), or disables (0) password authentication for the command shell for all 16 ports. The command shell prompt displays when password authentication is disabled. The login prompt displays when password authentication is enabled.
Note: If you are using Kerberos password authentication, the passwords entry should be set to 0. Local and Remote password protection is incompatible with Kerberos password authentication.
log=EventList Specifies a comma-separated list of user events that are to be logged. The events that can be logged are:
login User login, logout, and invalid passwords.
logins User login, logout, and invalid passwords, but not logging incorrect password strings.
admin All commands entered when in the command shell and in administrative mode.
application All commands in all command sessions.
security Illegal access to the internet.

[Session] Section

The [Session] section contains one entry, which specifies the number of [SessionNN] subsections in the configuration file.

nsessions=NN Defines the number of [SessionNN] subsections in the configuration file.

[SessionNN] Section

The [SessionNN] section contains entries that associate command processes, interactive applications (rlogin, telnet, and tn3270 commands), and logical devices. The configuration process makes these associations when it reads the configuration entry. The number of [SessionNN] sections must match the value specified by nsessions entry in the [Session] section. The entries in this section are as follows:

device=String The entries for device, port, and session combine to form one association between a session and a logical device. Acceptable values for the String parameter are:
COM Specified for applications that have their own line protocols.
LPT Specified for printer applications that have their own line protocols.
TPRINT Specified for a terminal-transparent printer.
LDTCOM Specified for a terminal.
LDTLPT Specified for a printer.

Refer to the Legal Device Types table for more information on devices and sessions.

port=Integer Specifies a 7318 port. Valid values for the Integer variable are 0 through 15.
session=Integer Specifies a session. Valid values for the Integer variable are integers from 0 through 7.
application=String Defines the interactive application that is automatically run whenever the session is initiated. (S20 only)

The types of sessions are as follows:

command Specifies the command shell for a port. Only one session on each port can run the command shell. Each port has a minimum of one session, which must be defined as a command session unless all sessions are reserved.
dynamic Used by the command shell to spawn rlogin or telnet session. In the default configuration file, all sessions except the command shell are dynamic sessions.
ppp [Options] A session that runs PPP using the arguments as provided. When the PPP session terminates, the command session hangs up.
rlogin [Flags ...] Specifies a session that always runs the rlogin [Flags ...] command. When the rlogin command terminates, a new session is started with the same flag definitions.
slip [Options] A session that runs SLIP using the arguments as provided. When the SLIP session terminates, the command session hangs up.
telnet [Options ...] Specifies a session that always runs the telnet [Options ...] command. When the telnet command terminates, a new session is started with the same flag definitions.
tn3270 HostName Specifies a session that always runs the tn3270 [Flags ...] command. When the tn3270 command terminates, a new session is started to the same host. Refer to "tn3270 Command" for a description of the tn3270 command.
tprint Specifies a session reserved for a transparent printer device on the port.
reserved Specifies a session that is not to be used by the command shell. It may be used by other functions within the 7318 such as reverse telnet, Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) or some of the P10 functions.

The following example specifies a [Session] section in which there are three [SessionNN] subsections, each specifying a command shell, dynamic, and rlogin session, respectively:

nsessions = 03
device = LDTCOM
port = 0
session = 0
application = command
device = LDTCOM
port = 0
session = 1
application = dynamic
device = LDTCOM
port = 0
session = 2
application = rlogin bach

[SNMP] Section

The [SNMP] section contains entries that define variables used by the Simple Network Management protocol (SNMP). The entries in this section are as follows:

ncommunities=NN Defines the number of [CommunityNN] subsections (maximum of 25) in the configuration file.
ntraps=NN Defines the number of [SNMPtrapNN] subsections in the configuration file. These subsections define SNMP traps.
sysDescr=String Describes the device.
sysObject=String Identifies the identity of the agent software.
sysContact=String Specifies the name of the contact person.
sysName=String Specifies the device's name.
sysLocation=String Specifies the device's physical location.
sysServices=Number Defines the services offered by the device.

[CommunityNN] Section

The [CommunityNN] section contains entries that define a community (agent-manager relationship) for the agent. The number of [CommunityNN] sections must match the value specified by ncommunities entry in the [SNMP] section. The entries in this section are as follows:

name=String Defines the community name.
addressType=Protocol Defines the address type of the manager using this community. Valid values for the Protocol variable are ipx for the Internet Packet Exchange and ip for the Internet Protocol.
mgrAddress=Address Defines the address of the manager for this community.
access=String Defines the access permissions. Valid values for the String variable are none, readOnly, writeOnly, and readWrite.

[TrapNN] Section

The [TrapNN] section contains entries that define a trap for a particular community. The number of [TrapNN] sections must match the value specified by the ntraps entry in the [SNMP] section. The entries in this section are as follows:

name=String Defines the community name where the trap is sent.
mgrAddress=Address Defines the address of the manager for this community
port=N Defines the port for receiving the trap, where the N variable is a decimal integer.

[Telnetd] Section)

The [Telnetd] section contains one entry, which specifies the number of [TelnetdNN] subsections in the configuration file.

ntelnetds=NN Specifies the number of [TelnetdNN] sections in the configuration file.

[TelnetdNN] Section

The [TelnetdNN] subsection contains entries that associate the telnetd process and logical devices. Such associations are made only after a connection has been made to a particular telnetd port. The number of [TelnetdNN] sections must match the value specified by the ntelnetds entry in the [Telnetd] section. The entries in this section are as follows:

device=String Defines a 7318 logical device to which the telnetd application attaches when a connection is made.
inout=0 Disables dial-in and dial-out modes and sense carrier detects to enable connection.
mode=0 Defines the telnet mode, which should always be 0.
port=Integer Defines a 7318 port to which the telnetd application attaches when a connection is made. Valid values for the Integer variable are 1 to 16.
tcpPort=N Defines the telnetd port, where the N variable is a decimal number.
timeouts=Integer Defines the time delay between when the telnet connection terminates and when the telnet daemon disconnects from the attached device to allow output to drain. This value should be 1 for terminals and much larger for printers (for example, 600).

In the following example, the [Telnetd] section declares three [TelnetdNN] subsections in which a 7318 logical device, 7318 port, and telnetd port are defined:


[SLIP] Section

The [SLIP] section contains one entry, which specifies the number of [SLIPNN] subsections in the configuration file:

nslips=NN Specifies the number of [SLIPNN] subsections in the configuration file.

[SLIPNN] Section

The [SLIPNN] subsection contains entries that associate the Serial Link Internet Protocol (SLIP) process and logical devices. Such associations should only be made to COM, and not to LDT, devices. The number of [SLIPNN] sections must match the value specified by the nslips entry in the [SLIP] section. The entries in this section are as follows:

device=String Defines a 7318 logical device to which a SLIP process attaches when a connection is made. The String variable should be limited to COM. The default value is COM.
port=Integer Defines a 7318 port to which the SLIP process attaches when a connection is made. Valid values for the Integer variable are 0 to 15. There is no default value for this entry.
compression=N Enables or disables header compression. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature; 1, which enables it; and 2, which enables compression only if detected from the far end. The default value is 0.
source=IPAddress Defines the source IP address for SLIP packets. If set to: The slip command is enabled, but SLIP will not be autostarted. The slip command is disabled for this port.
other This will be the source IP address used when autostarted or the default for a subsequent slip command.
destination=IPAddress Defines the destination IP address for SLIP packets. If set to: SLIP cannot be autostarted. If a slip command is used, it must specify the -d flag. When using dial-in SLIP, remote devices must be configured for this address or must be willing to accept this address in negotiation with the 7318.
icmp=Toggle Enables or disables transmission of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) messages over the SLIP link. Valid values for the Toggle variable are nosuppress or 1, which enables ICMP message transmission, and suppress or 0, which disables transmission. The default value is suppress.
maxpkt=N Defines the maximum message size (in bytes) to be transmitted. The default value for this entry is 1006 bytes.

In the following example, the [SLIP] section declares two [SLIPNN] subsections, the first of which declares a logical device, com, on port 14, with compression and ICMP message transmission enabled, and with packets of 1006 bytes (maximum) originating at host 164 destined for host 180.

The second [SLIPNN] subsection declares a logical device, com, on port 13, with compression enabled if detected from the far end and ICMP message transmission disabled, and with packets of 1006 bytes (maximum) originating at host 165 destined for host 179.

nslips = 2
device = com
port = 14
compression = 1
source =
destination =
icmp = nosuppress
maxpkt = 1006
device = com
port = 13
compression = 2
source =
destination =
icmp = 0
maxpkt = 1006
autostart = 0

[PasswordServer] Section

The [PasswordServer] section contains entries that define the variables for the Remote Password Authentication feature. The section entries are as follows:

primaryserver=IPAddress Specifies the IP address of the remote password authentication server.
primaryport=N Specifies the TCP port number to which password authentication requests will be sent. The default is 5400.
backupserver=IPAddress Specifies the IP address of the backup remote password authentication server.
backupport=N Specifies the TCP port number to which password authentication requests will be sent when sending to the backupserver. The default is 5400.

For more information, see "passserv Command" and "rpasswd Command" .

[Kerberos] Section

The [Kerberos] section contains entries that define variables for the Kerberos security feature. The entries in this section are as follows:

enable=0/1 Enables (1) or disables (0) Kerberos security. The default value for this entry is 0 (disable).
Note: If you set enable=1 to enable Kerberos password authentication, ensure that the passwords entry in the [Command] section is set to 0. Local and remote password protection is incompatible with Kerberos password authentication.
realm=RealmName Specifies the name of the realm in which the 7318resides.
authorizedServer=IPAddress Defines the IP address of the authorization server, which authenticates Kerberos users.
clockSync=N Defines how often the 7318 resynchronizes its system clock with the authorization server when the Kerberos feature is enabled. The N variable is an integer that specifies minutes. The default value for this entry is 480 (8 hours).
serverPort=N Defines the TCP port for the authorization server. The default value for this entry is 750.
kloginPort=N Defines the TCP port for nonencrypted Kerberos rlogin. The default value for this entry is 543.
ekloginPort=N Defines the TCP port for encrypted Kerberos rlogin. The default value for this entry is 2105.
ticketLife=N Designates the ticket life in minutes. The default value for this entry is 480 (8 hours).
renTicketLife=N Defines the renewable ticket life. The N variable is an integer that specifies minutes. Renewable tickets expire after ticketLife minutes have elapsed, but the authentication server can renew them until renTicketLife minutes have gone by at which time a new ticket must be obtained. The default value for this entry is 7200 (5 days).

In the following example, the [Kerberos] section declares Kerberos enabled for a 7318 at address I88.ISC.COM, using authentication server The remaining six entries are set to their defaults.


[PPP] Section

The [PPP] section contains one entry, which specifies the number of [PPPNN] subsections in the configuration file:

nppps=NN Specifies the number of [PPPNN] sections in the configuration file.

[PPPNN] Section

The [PPPNN] section contains entries that associate the Point-to-Point (PPP) process and 7318 ports. The number of [PPPNN] sections must match the value specified by nppps entry in the [PPP] section. The entries in this section are as follows:

device=String Defines a 7318 logical device to which PPP process attaches when a connection is made. The String variable should be limited to COM. The default value is COM.
port=Integer Defines a 7318 port to which the PPP process attaches when a connection is made. Valid values for the Integer variable are 0 to 15. There is no default value for this entry.
session=NN Specifies a session. There is only one valid value for the N variable, which is 0. There is no default value for this entry.
source=IPAddress Defines the source IP address for PPP packets. If set to: The ppp command is enabled, but ppp will not be autostarted. The ppp command is disabled for this port.
other This will be the source IP address used when autostarted or the default for a subsequent ppp command.
destination=IPAddress Defines the destination IP address for PPP packets. If set to: PPP cannot be autostarted. If a ppp command is used, it must specify the -d flag. When using dial-in PPP, remote devices must be configured for this address or must be willing to accept this address in negotiation with the 7318.
inactv_tmout=NN Defines the inactivity time out in minutes. The default value for this entry is forever.
restart_tm=NN Defines the restart time out in seconds. The default value for this entry is 3 seconds.
max_cnf=NN Defines the maximum number of configuration requests before the line restarts. The default value is10.
max_failure=NN Defines the number of negative acknowledgments to accept before the line restarts. The default value is 10.
mru=NN Defines the maximum receive unit size (packet size), where the NN variable is the number of bytes. The default value is 296.
accm=XX Defines the asynchronous control map number, where the XX variable is a hexadecimal number. The default value is 0.
nomgc=N Enables or disables magic number negotiation. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature, and 1, which enables it. Enabling means do not negotiate, and disabling means negotiate. The default value for this entry is 0 (negotiate).
accomp=N Enables or disables address compression. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature, and 1, which enables it. The default value for this entry is 0 (no address compression).
protcomp=N Enables or disables protocol field compression. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature, and 1, which enables it. The default value for this entry is 0 (no protocol compression).
ipaddress=N Enables or disables IP address negotiation. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature, and 1, which enables it. The default value for this entry is 0 (no negotiation).
newaddress=N Enables or disables RFC 1172 address negotiation. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature, and 1, which enables it. The default value for this entry is 1 (address negotiation enabled).
vjcomp=N Enables or disables Van Jacobson header compression. Valid values for the N variable are 0, which disables the feature, and 1, which enables it. The default value for this entry is 0 (Van Jacobson header compression disabled).
pap=0/1 Enables (1) or disables (0) the Password Authentication Protocol on this link.
pwd=Password Specifies the PAP password when PAP is enabled. If this entry is not present, the password of user ppp is used as the PAP password.

In the following example, the [PPP] section declares two [PPPNN] subsections, one of which declares a logical device, com, on port 13, with PPP packets originating at host 124 destined for host 144.

The second [PPPNN] subsection declares a logical device, com, on port 14 with PPP packets originating at host 125 destined for host 145.


[TermNN] Section

If the 7318 requires TN3270 support, you must include the [TermNN] section in the configuration file. This section specifies the termcap capabilities of the terminals for the tn3270 command. The 7318 supports a maximum of four of these terminal definitions, Term00 through Term03, and each one has a corresponding [KeymapNN] section, Keymap01 through Keymap04.


The termcfg command normally creates the information for this section. This command reads the /etc/map3270 file and the terminfo database entry, and creates the appropriate [TermNN] and [KeymapNN] sections.

[KeymapNN] Section

If the 7318 requires TN3270 support, you must include the [KeymapNN] section in the configuration file. The only component of this section is a table that maps keys on the terminal specified in the corresponding [TermNN] section to the 3270 function key sequences.

The termcfg command normally creates the information for this section. This command reads the /etc/map3270 file and the terminfo database entry, and creates the appropriate [TermNN] and [KeymapNN] sections.


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