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System Management Guide: Communications and Networks

AIX Fast Connect for Windows Problem Determination


The Fast Connect server comes with the ability to create AIX trace files to isolate problems. When a trace facility is active, information about selected events is recorded in the trace file. To obtain trace files, you must have the trace command installed on your machine. The trace command is in the bos.sysmgt.trace package.

The following trace hooks are being used by the Fast Connect server:

2EE CIFS Enter

Trace files can be created by using either the SMIT interface or the command line interface.

From the command line:

  1. Enter:
    trace -a -j 2EE,2EF,2F0,2F1,2F2,2F3,2F4,2F5 -o /tmp/cifs.trace

    This creates a trace file named cifs.trace in the /tmp directory.

  2. Recreate the problem.

  3. Enter:
  4. Enter:
    trcrpt -t /etc/trcfmt /tmp/cifs.trace

    The trcrpt command formats the trace file into readable text and writes a report to standard output.

From the SMIT interface:

  1. Enter the SMIT fast path:
    smit trcstart
  2. Select the CIFS hooks for ADDITIONAL event IDs to trace field, then exit SMIT. This creates a trace file named trcfile in the /var/adm/ras directory (default).

  3. Recreate the problem.

  4. Enter:
    smit trcstop

    then exit SMIT.

  5. Enter:
    smit trcrpt

    and select the output format. It displays the trace file into readable format.


The Fast Connect server writes informational and error messages to a file in /var/cifs named cifsLog.

Common Problems and Their Solutions

Connection Problems

Cannot connect to server.
      Check that the server has passthrough_authentication_server enabled.
access is denied

password is invalid

password is not correct

not authorized to login

      When you get one of these error messages on the client PC, try the following:
  • Enter the correct password.
  • Check logon user ID and its password on clients that should have an account on the AIX server. Log off and log on clients with correct user ID/password.
  • For clients with Window NT and Service Pack 3, the NET VIEW command returns access is denied. See Using Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 for more information.
Note: Fast Connect does not support mixed case passwords.
System error 53 has occurred.

The network path was not found.

      When you get this error message on the client PC, try the following:
System error 51 has occurred.

The remote computer is not available.

      When you get this error message on the client PC, check server status. It might be paused.

Connection Checking Procedure

  1. ping the Fast Connect server by IP address. If timeout occurs, check:
  2. ping the Fast Connect server with its NetBIOS name. If it fails, refer to NetBIOS Name Resolution for more information.
  3. Check server status on the AIX machine using net config, net status, and net statistics commands.

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