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Network Information Services (NIS and NIS+) Guide

Setting Up NIS+ Servers

This section provides step-by-step procedures for using the NIS+ command set to perform three server-related tasks:

Note: It is much easier to perform this task with the NIS+ installation scripts as described in NIS+ Setup Scripts than with the NIS+ command set as described here. The methods described in this section should be used only by those administrators who are very familiar with NIS+ and who require some nonstandard features or configurations not provided by the installation scripts.

See Configuration Worksheets, for worksheets that you can use to plan your NIS+ namespace.

A summary of each task is provided at the end of the section.

Setting Up an NIS+ Server

This section applies to any NIS+ server except the root master; that is, root replicas, nonroot masters, and nonroot replicas, whether running in NIS-compatibility mode or not.

Standard versus NIS-Compatible Setup Procedures

The differences between setting up an NIS-compatible and a standard NIS+ server are the same as the differences between setting up standard and NIS-compatible root master servers (see Standard versus NIS-Compatible Setup Procedures). The NIS+ daemon for an NIS-compatible server must be started with the -Y option (and the -B option for DNS forwarding), which allows the server to answer requests from NIS clients.

Note: Whenever rpc.nisd is started with either the -Y or -B option, a secondary daemon named rpc.nisd_resolv is spawned to provide name resolution. This secondary daemon must be separately killed whenever you kill the primary rpc.nisd daemon.

Here is a summary of the entire setup process:

  1. Logging in as superuser to the new replica server.
  2. [NIS-Compatibility Only] Starting the NIS+ daemon with -Y.
  3. [Standard NIS+ Only] Starting the NIS+ daemon.

Security Considerations

You must perform this operation as superuser on the server. The security level at which you start the server determines the credentials that its clients must have. For instance, if the server is set up with security level 2 (the default), the clients in the domain it supports must have DES credentials. If you have set up the client according to the instructions in this book, the client has DES credentials in the proper domain, and you can start the server with security level 2.

Note: Security level 0 is for administrator setup and testing purposes only. Security level 1 is not supported. Do not use level 0 or 1 in any environment where ordinary users are doing their normal work. Operating networks should always be run at security level 2.


You need the superuser password of the client that you will convert into a server.


  1. Log in as superuser to the new replica server.

    The following steps assume you rebooted the workstation after you set it up as an NIS+ client, as instructed in Client Setup. Rebooting starts the cache manager, which is a recommended prerequisite to the following step. If you did not reboot the workstation, restart the cache manager now, using stopsrc -s nis_cachemgr then startsrc -s nis_cachemgr.

  2. [NIS-Compatibility Only] Start the NIS+ daemon with -Y.

    Perform this step only if you are setting up the server in NIS-compatibility mode; if setting up a standard NIS+ server, perform the following step instead.

    This step also includes instructions for supporting the DNS forwarding capabilities of NIS clients.

    This step has two parts. The first part starts the NIS+ daemon in NIS-compatibility mode. The second part makes sure that when the server is rebooted, the NIS+ daemon restarts in NIS-compatibility mode.

  3. [Standard NIS+ Only] Start the NIS+ daemon.
    server# startsrc -s rpc.nisd

    To verify that the NIS+ daemon is indeed running, use the ps command.

    server# ps -ef | grep rpc.nisd
    root 1081     1  0   16:43:33  -      0:01  rpc.nisd
    root 1087  1004  1   16:44:09  0      0:00  grep rpc.nisd

    This step creates a directory called /var/nis/data and a transaction log file called trans.log which is placed in /var/nis.

    compatserver# ls -F /var/nis
    NIS_COLD_START   data/  trans.log  data.dict

    The compatserver.log file is a transaction log. You can examine the contents of the transaction log by using the nislog command, described in Administering NIS+ Directories.

    Attention: Do not rename the /var/nis directory or the /var/nis/trans.log or /var/nis/data.dict files. If any required file or directory is renamed, NIS+ will not start or operate correctly.

    Now this server is ready to be designated a master or replica of a domain, as described in Setting Up a Nonroot Domain. This step completes this task.

Adding a Replica to an Existing Domain

This section describes how to add a replica server to an existing domain using the raw NIS+ command, whether root or nonroot. Here is a list of the steps:

  1. First set up the server as described in Setting Up an NIS+ Server.
  2. Log in to the domain's master server.
  3. Add the replica to the domain.
  4. Run nisping on the replica.

Security Considerations

The NIS+ principal performing this operation must have modify rights to the domain's directory object.


You need:


  1. Log in to the domain's master server.
  2. Add the replica to the domain.

    Run the nismkdir command with the -s option. The example adds the replica machine named rootreplica to the Wiz.Com. domain.

    rootmaster# nismkdir -s rootreplica Wiz.Com. 
    rootmaster# nismkdir -s rootreplica org_dir.Wiz.Com. 
    rootmaster# nismkdir -s rootreplica group_dir.Wiz.Com. 

    When you run the nismkdir command on a directory object that already exists, it does not recreate the directory but simply modifies it according to the flags you provide. In this case, the -s flag assigns the domain an additional replica server. You can verify that the replica was added by examining the directory object's definition, using the niscat -o command.

    Attention: Always run nismkdir on the master server. Never run nismkdir on the replica machine. Running nismkdir on a replica creates communications problems between the master and the replicas.
  3. Run nisping on the directories

    This step sends a message (a "ping") to the new replica, telling it to ask the master server for an update. If the replica does not belong to the root domain, be sure to specify its domain name. (The example below includes the domain name only for completeness; since the example used throughout this task adds a replica to the root domain, the Wiz.Com. domain name in the example below is not necessary.)

    rootmaster# nisping Wiz.Com. 
    rootmaster# nisping org_dir.Wiz.Com. 
    rootmaster# nisping group_dir.Wiz.Com. 

    You should see results similar to these:

    rootmaster# nisping Wiz.Com. 
    Pinging replicas serving directory wiz.com. :
    Master server is rootmaster.wiz.com.
            No last update time
    Replica server is rootreplica.wiz.com.
            Last update seen was Wed Nov 18 11:24:32 1992
            Pinging ... rootreplica.wiz.com.

    If you have set up the domain's tables immediately after completing the domain setup, this step propagates the tables down to the replica. For more information about nisping, see Administering NIS+ Directories.

Server Setup Summary

The following tables provide a summary of the tasks described in this section. They assume the simplest case, so be sure you are familiar with the more thorough task descriptions before you use this summary as a reference. This summary does not show the server's responses to each command.

Starting Up a Nonroot Master Server: Command Summary
Tasks Commands
Log in to the server as root.
server% su
NIS-compat only:

Start daemon with -Y -B.

server# startsrc -s rpc.nisd -a "-Y -B"
server# nissetup
NIS+-Only: Start daemon.
server# startsrc -s rpc.nisd
Adding a Replica: Command Summary
Tasks Commands
Log in as superuser to domain master.
rootmaster% su
Designate the new replica.
# nismkdir -s rootreplica Wiz.Com.
# nismkdir -s rootreplica org_dir.Wiz.Com.
# nismkdir -s rootreplica groups_dir.Wiz.Com.
Ping the replica.
#/usr/lib/nis/nisping Wiz.Com.
#/usr/lib/nis/nisping org_dir.Wiz.Com.
#/usr/lib/nis/nisping groups_dir.Wiz.Com.

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