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Files Topics: Special Files

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3270cn Special File Provides access to 3270 connection adapters by way of the 3270 connection adapter device handler.
bus Special File Provides access to each of the hardware buses by way of the machine I/O device driver.
cd Special File Provides access to the CD-ROM device driver.
console Special File Provides access to the system console.
dials Special File Provides access to the dials.
dump Special File Supports system dump.
entn Special File Provides access to Ethernet high-performance LAN adapters by way of the Ethernet device handler.
Error Logging Special Files Support error logging.
fd Special File Provides access to the diskette device driver.
fddin Special File Provides access to the FDDI device driver by way of the FDDI device handler.
GIO Special File Provides access to the graphics I/O (GIO) adapter.
ide Special File Provides access to the Integrated Device Electronics (IDE) adapter driver.
kbd Special File Provides access to the natively attached keyboard.
lft Special File Provides character-based terminal support for the local graphics display and keyboard.
lp Special File Provides access to the line printer device driver.
lpfk Special File Provides access to the lighted program function key (LPFK) array.
lvdd Special File Provides access to the logical volume device driver.
mem and kmem Special Files Provides privileged virtual memory read and write access.
mouse Special File Provides access to the natively attached mouse.
mpqi Special File Provides access to the Multiport Model 2 Adapter (MM2) device driver via SNA Services, GDLC, or user-written applications compatible with current MPQP Applications Programming Interface (API).
mpqn Special File Provides access to multiprotocol adapters by way of the Multiprotocol Quad Port (MPQP) device handler.
null Special File Provides access to the null device, typically for writing to the bit bucket.
nvram Special File Provides access to platform-specific nonvolatile RAM used for system boot, configuration, and fatal error information.
omd Special File Provides access to the read/write optical device driver.
opn Special File Provides a diagnostic interface to the serial optical ports by way of the Serial Optical Link device driver.
ops0 Special File Provides access to the serial optical link by way of the Serial Optical Link Device Handler Overview.
pty Special File Provides the pseudo-terminal (pty) device driver.
rcm Special File Provides the application interface to obtain and relinquish the status of a graphics process through the Rendering Context Manager (RCM) device driver.
rhdisk Special File Provides raw I/O access to the physical volumes (fixed-disk) device driver.
rmt Special File Provides access to the sequential-access bulk storage medium device driver.
scsi Special File Provides access to the SCSI adapter driver.
serdasda Special File Provides access to the serial DASD adapter.
serdasdc Special File Provides access to the serial DASD subsystem controllers.
tablet Special File Provides access to the tablet.
tmscsi Special File Provides access to the SCSI tmscsi device driver.
tokn Special File Provides access to the token-ring adapters by way of the token-ring device handler.
trace Special File Supports event tracing.
tty Special File Supports the controlling terminal interface.
x25sn Special File Provides access to the X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2 adapters by way of the X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2 device handler.

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