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INed Editor User's Guide

Appendix A. INed Editor Functions for the Standard Keyboard

This appendix includes information on the INed editor standard keyboard functions and the actions performed using these functions. If you are using the INed editor from within a dtterm window in the AIX Common Desktop Environment, refer to Keyboard Mappings for dtterm Windows. If you are using the INed editor from within an lft or aixterm environment, refer to Keyboard Mappings for the lft and aixterm Environments. If you are using the INed editor from within another environment, refer to the keymaps command.

Entering the INed Editor

e [ ] | [ File [ Line [ Column [ SearchKey ] ] ] ]

e When used alone, brings up last file edited.
. Opens File Manager.
File [ Line [ Column [ SearchKey ] ] ] Starts INed editing File at the location specified.

Keyboard Mappings for dtterm Windows

The following sections describe the keyboard functions that are available for the INed editor when the INed editor is used in a dtterm window.

Note: The Execute and Enter functions are both used with the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence, but for different purposes.

INed Editor Commands

Commands separated by commas should be entered in sequence.

The keystrokes for this editor may differ from those listed on the keycaps. The actual keystrokes are in parentheses after the command name.

ENTER, n (Ctrl-A, Enter, n) Repeats action n times. Press Ctrl-A and Enter, and enter box appears. Type n in the box, and then the command to be repeated.
LAST ARG (Ctrl-A, A) Repeats the last argument typed in the ENTER box.
MENU (F2) Displays New Task menu from which you can choose to run AIX commands.
LOCAL MENU (F3) Displays the Local Menu for current options.

Getting Help

HELP (F1) Displays Help menu, or explanations of error messages, menu items, and special conditions.
EXECUTE (Ctrl-A, Enter) Displays help on selected topic.
ZOOM IN (F11) Displays help on selected subtopic.
USE (Ctrl-A, U) Returns you to your file.
ZOOM OUT (F12) Returns you to Commands List menu.
NEXT (Ctrl-A, F12) Displays next item on menu without returning to the menu.
PREVIOUS (Ctrl-A, F11) Displays previous item on menu without returning to the menu.
CANCEL (F4) Removes help message.

Cursor Movement

LEFT ARROW Moves left.
RIGHT ARROW Moves right.
UP ARROW Moves up.
DOWN ARROW Moves down.
HOME (Ctrl-A, H) Moves to top left corner of window.
BEGIN LINE (Ctrl-A, Left Arrow) Moves to beginning of line.
END LINE (Ctrl-A, Right Arrow) Moves to end of line.
RETURN (Enter) Moves to beginning of next line of text.
TAB (Tab) Moves to next tab stop.
BACKTAB (Ctrl-T) Moves to previous tab stop.

Scrolling Text

LINES UP (Page Up) Scrolls up. Default is one-third of a screen.
LINES DOWN (Page Down) Scrolls down. Default is one-third of a screen.
PAGE UP (Ctrl-A, Page Up) Scrolls up one page.
PAGE DOWN (Ctrl-A, Page Down) Scrolls down one page.
LEFT (Ctrl-A, L) Scrolls left. Default is one-third of a screen.
RIGHT (Ctrl-A, R) Scrolls right. Default is one-third of a screen.
GOTO (Ctrl-A, G) Scrolls to top of file.
ENTER, GOTO (Ctrl-A, Enter, Ctrl-A, G) Scrolls to bottom of file.
ENTER, n, GOTO (Ctrl-A, Enter, n, Ctrl-A, G) Scrolls to line n.

Inserting, Moving, Deleting, and Restoring Text

INSERT MODE (Insert) Toggles between Insert mode (startup) and overwrite mode. In Insert mode, text is inserted before the cursor. In overwrite mode, entered text overwrites the text shown after the cursor.
INSERT LINE (F6) Inserts one line above cursor line.
ENTER, UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW (Ctrl-A, Enter, Up Arrow or Down Arrow)
Marks a complete line of text. Move the cursor in the desired direction to mark more text.
MARK TEXT (Ctrl-A, T) Begins marking a piece of text. To end marking, move cursor to right of marked text and pick up or delete it.
MARK BOX OF TEXT (Ctrl-A, B) Begins marking a box of text. To end marking, move cursor to the right of the lower-right corner of the box area.
PICK UP (F7) Picks up marked text and puts it into buffer.
PICK COPY (F9) Copies marked text into buffer.
PUT DOWN (F8) Puts most recently picked up text after cursor.
PUT COPY (F10) Puts copied text after cursor.
DELETE CHAR (Delete) Deletes character at cursor. When repeated, deletes characters to right of cursor.
BACKSPACE (Backspace) Deletes characters to left of cursor.
DELETE LINE (Ctrl-A, Delete) Deletes marked text.
RESTORE (Ctrl-A, I) Restores most recently deleted text.

Searching and Replacing Text

Searches are case-sensitive.

ENTER, String, SEARCH DOWN (Ctrl-A, Enter, String, Ctrl-A, Down Arrow) Searches from the cursor down for first occurrence of String. For further occurrences of String in same direction, keep pressing SEARCH DOWN.
ENTER, String, SEARCH UP (Ctrl-A, Enter, String, Ctrl-A, Up Arrow) Searches from cursor up for first occurrence of String. For further occurrences of String in same direction, keep pressing SEARCH UP.
CANCEL (F4) Reverses direction of search.
BREAK (Ctrl-C) Stops search before it is complete.
ENTER, NewText, REPLACE (Ctrl-A, Enter, NewText, Ctrl-A, =) Replaces previously searched for String with NewText. If nothing is typed as NewText, deletes String.

Controlling Windows and Screens

NEXT WINDOW (Ctrl-A, N) Moves to the window that was created immediately after the current window.
PREVIOUS WINDOW (Ctrl-A, Enter, Ctrl-A, N) Moves to the window that was created immediately before the current window.
DELETE WINDOW (Ctrl-A, W, Ctrl-A, Enter, Ctrl-A, W) Deletes all windows, except the current window.
REFRESH (Ctrl-A, Z) Clears and redraws the screen.

Formatting Text

The INed editor sets page formatting features. Page formatting features are shown above the editor window. Each tab stop is shown with a t. Left and right margins are shown with l and r.

SET TAB (Ctrl-A, V) Sets tab stop at current column.
ENTER, SET TAB (Ctrl-A, Enter, Ctrl-A, V) Removes tab stop at current column.
MARGIN (Ctrl-A, M) Changes left margin to current column.
ENTER, MARGIN (Ctrl-A, Enter, Ctrl-A, M) Changes right margin to current column.

To move both margins at once, station cursor for left margin, press ENTER (Ctrl-A, Enter), move cursor for right margin, press MARGIN (Ctrl-A, M).

FORMAT (F5) Resets paragraph to current margins. Original text is stored in delete buffer.
CENTER (Ctrl-A, C) Centers line of text.
FONT (Ctrl-A, F) Exchanges current font with alternate font, continuous underline.
QUOTE (Ctrl-A, Q) Inserts a special character.

Quitting and Saving Work

SAVE (Ctrl-A, S) Stores the changes made to the current file.
EXIT (Ctrl-A, D) Saves files and quits.
ENTER, Q, EXIT (Ctrl-A, Enter, Q, Ctrl-A, D) Ignores file changes and quits.
QUIT (Ctrl-\ (Backslash) ) Cancels editor if other methods fail.


PRINT (Ctrl-A, P) Displays the print menu.

Running Filter Commands

The INed editor provides filters to change files.

FILTER (Ctrl-A, Enter, FilterCommand, Ctrl-A, X)
DO (Ctrl-A, X) Reruns the last filter command.
BREAK (Ctrl-C) Stops the filter.

(1) Ctrl-A, F1 Executes the (n)th option of the Local Menu (if valid).
(2) Ctrl-A, F2 Executes the (n)th option of the Local Menu (if valid).
(3) Ctrl-A, F3 Moves the window to the back.
(4) Ctrl-A, F4 Closes the editing session.
(5) Ctrl-A, F5 No effect.
(6) Ctrl-A, F6 No effect.
(7) Ctrl-A, F7 Gives the option to move the window.
(8) Ctrl-A, F8 Gives the option to size the window.
Note: The keys that cause the Break and Quit functions may differ from the list. To determine which keys are in effect for your display, enter stty -a on the AIX command line. AIX displays a list showing the name of the key function, an equal sign, and the key sequence that performs that function.

For example, part of the stty list might look like this:


intr represents the Interrupt keys. (Interrupt is the same as Break.) If the intr entry shows intr=^c or ^C, the Ctrl-C key sequence causes the Break function. The same is true for the quit character. For example, quit=^\ indicates that the Ctrl-\ key sequence causes the Quit function.

Keyboard Mappings for the lft and aixterm Environments

The following sections describe the keyboard functions that are available for the INed editor when the INed editor is used in an lft or aixterm environment.

  1. If you use the INed editor in a windows environment that designates the Alt key for window-specific functions, turn on the Num Lock key to get the INed editor version of Alt key sequences.
  2. Some keyboards have the words Ctrl/Act and Enter engraved on the tops of two separate keys. Use the Ctrl/Act key for the standard keyboard.
  3. The Execute and Enter functions are both used with the Ctrl/Act key, but for different purposes.

INed Editor Commands

Commands separated by commas should be entered in sequence.

The keystrokes for this editor may differ from those listed on the keycaps. The actual keystrokes are in parentheses after the command name.

ENTER, n (Ctrl/Act, n) Repeats action n times. Press Ctrl/Act and enter box appears. Type n in the box, and then the command to be repeated.
LAST ARG (Alt-A) Repeats the last argument typed in the ENTER box.
MENU (F3) Displays New Task menu from which you can choose to run AIX commands.
LOCAL MENU (F4) Displays the Local Menu for current options.

Getting Help

HELP (F1) Displays Help menu, or explanations of error messages, menu items, and special conditions.
EXECUTE (Ctrl/Act) Displays help on selected topic.
ZOOM IN (F11) Displays help on selected subtopic.
USE (Alt-U) Returns you to your file.
ZOOM OUT (F12) Returns you to Commands List menu.
NEXT (Alt-F12) Displays next item on menu without returning to the menu.
PREVIOUS (Alt-F11) Displays previous item on menu without returning to the menu.
CANCEL (Scroll Lock) Removes help message.

Cursor Movement

LEFT ARROW Moves left.
RIGHT ARROW Moves right.
UP ARROW Moves up.
DOWN ARROW Moves down.
HOME (Home) Moves to top left corner of window.
BEGIN LINE (Alt-Left Arrow) Moves to beginning of line.
END LINE (Alt-Right Arrow) Moves to end of line.
RETURN (Enter) Moves to beginning of next line of text.
TAB (Tab) Moves to next tab stop.
BACKTAB (Shift-Tab) Moves to previous tab stop.

Scrolling Text

LINES UP (Page Up) Scrolls up. Default is one-third of a screen.
LINES DOWN (Page Down) Scrolls down. Default is one-third of a screen.
PAGE UP (Alt-Page Up) Scrolls up one page.
PAGE DOWN (Alt-Page Down) Scrolls down one page.
LEFT (Alt-L) Scrolls left. Default is one-third of a screen.
RIGHT (Alt-R) Scrolls right. Default is one-third of a screen.
GOTO (End) Scrolls to top of file.
ENTER, GOTO (Ctrl/Act, End) Scrolls to bottom of file.
ENTER, n, GOTO (Ctrl/Act, n, End) Scrolls to line n.

Inserting, Moving, Deleting, and Restoring Text

INSERT MODE (Insert) Toggles between Insert mode (startup) and overwrite mode. In Insert mode, text is inserted before the cursor. In overwrite mode, entered text overwrites the text shown after the cursor.
INSERT LINE (F6) Inserts one line above cursor line.
ENTER, UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW (Ctrl/Act, Up Arrow or Down Arrow)
Marks a complete line of text. Move the cursor in the desired direction to mark more text.
MARK TEXT (Alt-T) Begins marking a piece of text. To end marking, move cursor to right of marked text and pick up or delete it.
MARK BOX OF TEXT (Alt-B) Begins marking a box of text. To end marking, move cursor to the right of the lower-right corner of the box area.
PICK UP (F7) Picks up marked text and puts it into buffer.
PICK COPY (F9) Copies marked text into buffer.
PUT DOWN (F8) Puts most recently picked up text after cursor.
PUT COPY (F10) Puts copied text after cursor.
DELETE CHAR (Delete) Deletes character at cursor. When repeated, deletes characters to right of cursor.
BACKSPACE (Backspace) Deletes characters to left of cursor.
DELETE LINE (Alt-Delete) Deletes marked text.
RESTORE (Alt-Insert) Restores most recently deleted text.

Searching and Replacing Text

Searches are case-sensitive.

ENTER, String, SEARCH DOWN (Ctrl/Act, String, Alt-Down Arrow) Searches from the cursor down for first occurrence of String. For further occurrences of String in same direction, keep pressing SEARCH DOWN.
ENTER, String, SEARCH UP (Ctrl/Act, String, Alt-Up Arrow) Searches from cursor up for first occurrence of String. For further occurrences of String in same direction, keep pressing SEARCH UP.
CANCEL (Scroll Lock) Reverses direction of search.
BREAK (Ctrl-C) Stops search before it is complete.
ENTER, NewText, REPLACE (Ctrl/Act, NewText, Alt-End) Replaces previously searched for String with NewText. If nothing is typed as NewText, deletes String.

Controlling Windows and Screens

NEXT WINDOW (Alt-N) Moves to the window that was created immediately after the current window.
PREVIOUS WINDOW (Ctrl/Act, Alt-N) Moves to the window that was created immediately before the current window.
DELETE WINDOW (Alt-W Ctrl/Act Alt-W) Deletes all windows, except the current window.
REFRESH (Alt-Z) Clears and redraws the screen.

Formatting Text

The INed editor sets page formatting features. Page formatting features are shown above the editor window. Each tab stop is shown with a t. Left and right margins are shown with l and r.

SET TAB (Alt-V) Sets tab stop at current column.
ENTER, SET TAB (Ctrl/Act, Alt-V) Removes tab stop at current column.
MARGIN (Alt-M) Changes left margin to current column.
ENTER, MARGIN (Ctrl/Act, Alt-M) Changes right margin to current column.

To move both margins at once, station cursor for left margin, press ENTER (Ctrl/Act), move cursor for right margin, press MARGIN (Alt-M).

FORMAT (F5) Resets paragraph to current margins. Original text is stored in delete buffer.
CENTER (Alt-C) Centers line of text.
FONT (Alt-F) Exchanges current font with alternate font, continuous underline.
QUOTE (Alt-Q) Inserts a special character.

Quitting and Saving Work

SAVE (Alt-S) Stores the changes made to the current file.
EXIT (Alt-D) Saves files and quits.
ENTER, q, EXIT (Ctrl/Act, q, Alt-D) Ignores file changes and quits.
QUIT (Ctrl-\ (Backslash) ) Cancels editor if other methods fail.


PRINT (Alt-Print Screen) Displays the print menu.

Running Filter Commands

The INed editor provides filters to change files.

FILTER (Ctrl/Act, FilterCommand, Alt-X)
DO (Alt-X) Reruns the last filter command.
BREAK (Ctrl-C) Stops the filter.

(1) Alt-F1 Executes the (n)th option of the Local Menu (if valid).
(2) Alt-F2 Executes the (n)th option of the Local Menu (if valid).
(3) Alt-F3 Moves the window to the back.
(4) Alt-F4 Closes the editing session.
(5) Alt-F5 No effect.
(6) Alt-F6 No effect.
(7) Alt-F7 Gives the option to move the window.
(8) Alt-F8 Gives the option to size the window.
Note: The keys that cause the Break and Quit functions may differ from the list. To determine which keys are in effect for your display, enter stty -a on the AIX command line. AIX displays a list showing the name of the key function, an equal sign, and the key sequence that performs that function.

For example, part of the stty list might look like this:


intr represents the Interrupt keys. (Interrupt is the same as Break.) If the intr entry shows intr=^c or ^C, the Ctrl-C key sequence causes the Break function. The same is true for the quit character. For example, quit=^\ indicates that the Ctrl-\ key sequence causes the Quit function.

Related Information

The key maps command, stty command in AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference.

INed Editor Files in AIX Version 4.3 Files Reference contains reference information about the files used by the INed editor.

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