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Files Reference

INed Files


Contains programs and data used by the INed program.


The /usr/lib/INed directory contains a number of files and subdirectories used internally by the INed program. The /usr/lib/nls/msg/$LANG directory contains files of translatable text. This directory also contains other files that are not used by INed.

In the following file names, $LANG is the value of the lib/Language environment variable, which indicates the national language currently being used.

bin Directory containing programs called by the editor to perform various functions. Do not run these programs from the command line.
FATAL.LOG Log of error messages the editor records when it encounters a system problem.
helpers Directory containing programs called by the editor to help work on certain kinds of data. Files ending in .x or named x use the helper named x.help. Helpers typically supply the functions listed on the INed local menus.
forms Directory containing forms used by the INed program. Files ending in .x or named x use the x.ofm form. The forms are binary files used directly by the editor in generating displays for structured files.
/usr/lib/nls/msg/$LANG/keys.map File displayed when the Help command key (F1) is pressed and the keymap option is selected.
termcap Directory containing the files used by the editor to read input from the terminals and write output to the terminals. The def.trm file is the readable structured file, and the terms.bin file is the compressed version.
/usr/lib/nls/msg/$LANG Directory containing help message files and other files containing translated text used by the INed editor. This directory also contains other files not used by INed.

Implementation Specifics

These files are part of INed Editor Facilities.


/usr/lib/INed directory Contains files and subdirectories used by the INed program.
/usr/lib/nls/msg/$LANG directory Contains files of translatable text.

Related Information

The at command, cat command, del command, e command, format command, fill command, ghost command, history command, just command, keymaps command, newfile command, nl command, piobe command, prtty command, qprt command, readfile command, rmhist command, rpl command, sort command, stty command, tdigest command, trbsd command, untab command, versions command.

Editors Overview in AIX Version 4.3 INed Editor User's Guide describes concepts and tasks specific to the INed editor.

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