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Commands Reference, Volume 2

e Command


Starts the INed editor.


e [ File [ Line [ Column [ SearchKey ] ] ] ] [ =WidthxHeight+Row+Column ] [ -bNumber ] [ -bwNumber ] [ -fb Font ] [ -fi FontSet ] [ -fnFontName ] [ -fs Font ] [ -rv ] [ -t ]


The e command starts the INed full-screen editor. How the editor starts depends on the parameters you give the e command. For example:

e Starts the editor at the file and cursor position displayed the last time you exited from the editor. If you were using multiple windows, only the file in the last active window is displayed. If the $HOME/.estate file does not exist, your current directory is displayed.
e File Starts the editor at the first page of the specified file. If this file does not exist, the editor displays the menu to create it. The File parameter can be either a file in the current directory or a complete file path name.

You can enter as many as three additional parameters with the File parameter, as follows:

e File Line Starts the editor at the specified line number (the Line parameter) where the cursor is to be positioned. If you do not specify a line number, line 1 is assumed.
e File Line Column Starts the editor at the specified line number and the column number (the Column parameter) where the cursor is to be positioned.
e File Line Column SearchKey Starts the editor at the line and column number where the cursor is to be positioned. A search down is then started to find the next occurrence of the search key (the SearchKey parameter). Enter:
File 0 0 SearchKey

to search from the beginning of the file.

If you are using the INed editor with AIXwindows, the window and border sizes and the font can be changed with e command flags.

Use the TERM environment variable to indicate the terminal type in the terminal description file.

While you can use a TDESC shell variable to specify the full path name of an alternative terminal description file to use in place of the default, you must produce that file with the tdigest command.


Use the following flags only when running the INed editor in AIXwindows. You can use any of these flags separately or together to change the INed window characteristics.

=WidthxHeight+Row+ Column Sets the size and placement of the INed window when using AIXwindows. The Width and Height variables designate the size of the INed window. The Row and Column variables designate the placement of the window on the screen. For example, =80x24+0+0 would produce an 80-column by 24-line window in the upper left corner of the display device. The default value of =WidthxHeight+Row+Column is =80x24+0+0.
Note: If the window size (WidthxHeight) is entered without values for Row and Column, the INed window is created with a blinking, broken-line border, and can be positioned with the mouse.
-b Number Sets the distance from the AIXwindows border to the INed characters. The default value of the Number variable is 1.
-bw Number Sets the width of the AIXwindows border. The default value of the Number variable is 2.
-fb Font Specifies the name of the bold font. This font must be the same height and width as the normal font.
-fi FontSet Specifies the name of the italics font set.
-fn FontName Specifies an AIXwindows font to be used in the INed window.
-fs Font Specifies the name of the special graphics font.
-rv Displays the INed window in reverse video.
-t Opens INed in the current window.


/usr/lpp/msg/$LANG/editorprf Contains the system editor profile.
$HOME/profiles/editorprf Contains the user's editor profile.
$HOME/.estate Stores the name of the last file edited and the cursor position.
...Filexxxxxxxx Contains the temporary dots file for editing the specified file.
File.bak Contains the previous copy of the specified file.
/usr/bin/e Contains the editor program.
/usr/lib/INed/terms.bin Contains the standard terminal description file.

Related Information

The ghost command, history command, keymaps command, newfile command, readfile command, rmhist command, tdigest command, versions command.

The TERM environment variable.

INed Editor Overview in AIX Version 4.3 INed Editor User's Guide introduces general concepts about the INed editor.

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