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Commands Reference, Volume 4

ncheck Command


Generates path names from i-node numbers.


ncheck [ [ [ -a ] [ -i InNumber ... ] ] | [ -s ] ] [ FileSystem ]


The ncheck command displays the i-node number and path names for filesystem files. It uses question marks (??) displayed in the path to indicate a component that could not be found. Path names displayed with ... (ellipses) at the beginning indicate either a loop or a path name of greater than 10 entries. The ncheck command uses a simple hashing alogrithm to reconstruct the path names that it displays. Because of this, it is restricted to filesystems with less than 50,000 directory entries.


-a Lists the . (dot) and .. (dot dot) file names.
-i InNumber  Lists only the file or files specified by the InNumber parameter.
-s Lists only special files and files with set-user-ID mode.


  1. To list the i-node number and path name of each file in the default file systems, enter:
  2. To list all the files in a specified file system, enter:
    ncheck -a /
    This lists the i-node number and path name of each file in the / (root) file system, including the .(dot) and .. (dot dot) entries in each directory.
  3. To list the name of a file when you know its i-node number, enter:
    ncheck -i 690 357 280 /tmp
    This lists the i-node number and path name for every file in the /tmp file system with i-node numbers of 690, 357, or 280. If a file has more than one link, all of its path names are listed.
  4. To list special and set-user-ID files, enter:
    ncheck -s /
    This lists the i-node and path name for every file in the / (root) file system that is a special file (also called a device file) or that has set-user-ID mode enabled.

Related Information

The fsck command, sort command.

The File Systems Overview for System Management in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices.

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