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Commands Reference, Volume 4

ntx_arp Command


Displays and modifies the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) adapter's Internet-to-Ethernet address translation table.


To Display the Current ARP Entry for a Specific Host

ntx_arp-d Device ] HostName

To Display, Add, or Delete ARP Entries

ntx_arp-d Device ] -a | -r HostName | -f FileName

To Add an ARP Entry

ntx_arp-d Device ] -s HostName EthernetAddresstemp ] [ pub ]


The ntx_arp command displays and modifies the host adapter's Internet-to-Ethernet address translation table. The translation table is used by the address resolution protocol (ARP). By default, the ntx_arp command displays the current ARP entry for the host identified by the HostName parameter. You can specify a name or the Internet dot notation for the HostName parameter.

You can use the ntx_arp command to add an ARP entry for a host. To add an entry, use the -s flag and specify the EthernetAddress parameter. This parameter is given as 6 hexadecimal bytes separated by colons.

Entries in a table can be temporary, permanent, or published. By default, all entries are permanent. To add a temporary entry, specify the temp keyword with the -s flag. Temporary entries are maintained for 20 minutes. Published entries allow the host adapter to respond to ARP requests for a particular host even though the address is not the host adapter's address.


-a Displays the current ARP entries.
-d Device Specifies the raw device file name of the adapter. Use this option to override the default device name /dev/rhp0.
-f FileName Reads the specified file name and sets multiple entries in the ARP tables. Entries in the file should be of the form:
HostName EthernetAddress Type

These fields have the following values:

Identifies the name of a host. You can specify a name or Internet dot notation.
Specifies the host's Ethernet address. This is a field is 6 hexadecimal bytes separated by colons.
Defines the entry type. You can specify the temp or pub keyword for this field. If you do not specify either keyword, the default type permanent is assumed.

Entries are separated by new-line characters.

-r HostName Deletes an entry for the host specified by the HostName variable.
-s HostName Adds an ARP entry for the specified host name with the Ethernet address specified by the EthernetAddress parameter.

The Ethernet address is given as 6 hexadecimal bytes separated by colons. To add a temporary entry, specify the temp keyword with this flag. To specify a published entry, specify the pub keyword. If you do not specify a keyword, the command adds the entry as permanent.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.

Auditing Events: N/A


To display all ARP table entries for the second host adapter, enter:

ntx_arp -d /dev/rhp1 -a


/usr/bin/ntx_arp Contains the ntx_arp command.
/dev/rhp0 Default NTX raw device file name.

Related Information

The /dev/rhp file.

Network Terminal Accelerator Overview in AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide.

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