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Commands Reference, Volume 4

ntx_chaddr Command


Displays the configurations of or configures individual Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) channels.


ntx_chaddr [ -d Device ] [ -c Service ] [ -p Port ] [ -i Address ] Channel

ntx_chaddr [ -d Device ] [ -p Port ] [ -i Address | default ] Channel


The ntx_chaddr command displays the configuration of an adapter channel or configures an individual channel. To display the current configuration of a channel, use the -d flag with the Channel parameter. The Channel parameter can be a device file name or an adapter channel ID. This command can only access configured adapters.

Use the ntx_chaddr command to change the Internet address, protocol port, and call-type associated with an adapter channel. System administrators can use the ntx_chaddr command to identify groups of channels as call-out or call-in channels.

Before you can use the ntx_chaddr command, you must first configure both the adapter and its IP address. To configure the IP address, use the ntx_ifcfg command. To configure the adapter, use the hty_load command.

Note: A channel ID is associated with a particular device. Channel IDs start at zero for each board. As a result, channel IDs do not always correspond to the system's minor device numbers.

The ntx_chaddr command updates one channel at a time. To configure multiple channels, you must issue the ntx_chaddr command for each channel.

Call-in Channels

A call-in channel accepts connections. The adapter accepts connections only to an adapter's assigned address and port.

The service that a call-in channel uses is determined by the destination port specified by the connection request. The connection request must come from one of three known terminal services: telnet, rlogin, or nop. To accept a connection to any port using a known terminal service, specify a 0 for the Port parameter. For more information about assigning services to a port, see the ntx_pserv command.

If you do not specify a Port parameter with the -p flag, the system uses the last port specified. If you do not specify an Address parameter with the -i flag, the system uses the last address specified. You can specify the default keyword instead of the -i flag to set the address to the system default. The system default address is assigned with the ntx_ifcfg command. The adapter automatically configures itself when a new local Internet address is specified.

Call-out Channels

A call-out channel requests a connection to a specific destination. To configure a call-out channel, specify the -c Service flag. You must specify the Service parameter. The valid services are telnet, rlogin, and nop.

When a host opens a call-out channel, the adapter attempts to establish a connection to the address and port specified with the -i and -p parameters. If the Address parameter is not specified, the command uses the last known value. If you do not specify the -p flag, the host database (typically /etc/services) is searched for the port assigned to the service you specified. If the port is not found, the ntx_chaddr command returns an error.

Note: The service that a call-out channel uses is the determined by the Service parameter and not by the destination port.


-c Service Enables the channel as call-out. You must specify a Service value. Valid services are telnet, rlogin, and nop. You cannot use the default keyword with this flag.
-d Device Specifies the adapter raw device file name. If you do not specify a Device variable, the system uses the /dev/rhp0 file. If the Channel parameter is a channel ID, the -d flag identifies the board corresponding to the ID. If the Channel parameter is a tty device file name, this flag can specify any valid adapter raw device file name.
-i Address Specifies an Internet address. For call-in channels, this flag specifies the address of the local adapter. For call-out channels, this flag specifies the remote address to connect to.

If you are configuring a call-in channel, you can use the default keyword instead of the -i flag to set the address back to the system default. You cannot use the default keyword with the -c flag.

-p Port Specifies a port number. For a call-in channel, this flag specifies the local protocol port. To accept connections to any port with terminal services, specify 0 for the Port parameter. For call-out channels, this flag specifies the remote port.


Channel Specifies the device file name or an adapter channel ID.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.

Auditing Events: N/A


/usr/bin/ntx_chaddr Contains the ntx_chaddr command.
/dev/rhp0 Default NTX raw device file name.

Related Information

The hty_load command, ntx_ifcfg command and, ntx_pserv commands.

The /dev/rhp file.

Network Terminal Accelerator Overview in AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide.

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