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Commands Reference, Volume 4

ntx_chinfo Command


Displays Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) channel information. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.


ntx_chinfo [ -u ] | [ -d Device ] [ -h ] [ Range ]


The ntx_chinfo command displays network connection information for each channel on the specified channel range. The information contains the following parameters:

hty_no# The minor device number of the hty port corresponding to the channel.
chan# The channel number on the NTX board.
call_type The channel type, either CALL_IN or CALL_OUT.
service The service assigned when a channel is established.
client_address The inet address of the client holding network connection on the channel. If no network connection is held, then the value corresponds to the assigned call-out address .
name The name of the client holding the network connection.
state The state of the channel, can be one or several of the following values:
A call-out channel is trying to establish network connection.
Channel has a network connection although either or both sides of the connection may have been lost. See NET_RDERR and NET_WRERR states.
Channel connection has been maintained across a close and open command sequence from the host.
Network error on the input side of the connection.
Network error on the output side of the connection.
Channel is closing, waiting for the output data to drain.
Channel closed by the host (may or may not yet have a network connection, see NET_CONN state).
Channel opened by the host.


-d Device Specifies the raw device file name of the adapter. Use this option to override the default device name /dev/rhp0.
-h  Displays header information showing date, device name, channel type, and total number of channels configured on the device.
-u Displays command usage.


Range Specifies the channel range. You can enter this range in any of the following formats:
Displays information from channel 0 to EndChannel.
Displays information from channel StartChannel to the last configured channel id ont he NTX board.
Displays information from channel StartChannel to EndChannel.

If you do not enter Range, the entire range as configured on the board is used.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.

Auditing Events: N/A


  1. To display network connection information for each channel from 0 to 15 on the /dev/rhp1 device, enter:
    ntx_chinfo -d /dev/rhp1 -15
  2. To display network connection information with a header for each channel from 200 to the last channel configured on the /dev/rhp1 device, enter:
    ntx_chinfo -d /dev/rhp1 -h 200-
  3. To display network connection information for each channel from 100 to 115 on the /dev/rhp0 device, enter:
    ntx_chinfo 100-115


/usr/bin/ntx_chinfo Contains the ntx_chinfo command.
/dev/rhp0 Default NTX raw device file name.

Related Information

The ntx_chaddr, and ntx_pserv commands.

The /dev/rhp file.

Network Terminal Accelerator Overview in AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide.

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