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Commands Reference, Volume 4

ntx_descr Command


Displays and assigns Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) site-specific variables for a Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).


ntx_descr-d Device ] [ [ -f File ] | [ [ -c SysContact ] [ -l SysLocation ] [ -n SysName ] ] ]


The ntx_descr command displays and assigns site-specific values to SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) variables. The SNMP agent returns the site-specific values to the network management stations (NMS) when requested. If any value exceeds 79 bytes in length, it is silently truncated. More than one of the description variables can be specified on the command line.

If you do not specify any flags, the system reads the configuration from the adapter identified by the /dev/rhp0 file and displays it on the standard output. The output is the same format as the File variable.


-c SysContact Identifies the contact person for an adapter. The SysContact variable is a string of any length. The default value is empty and of 0 length.
-d Device Specifies the adapter raw device file name. The default is the /dev/rhp0 file.
-f File Reads the variable assignments from a file. Each line in the file is a single assignment of the following form:

Variable Value

The Variable field is one of the keywords, contact, location, or name. The second item is the Value of the variable. You can define a comment line with a # (pound sign). Everything to the right of the # (pound sign) is ignored.

-l SysLocation Specifies the physical location of a node (for example, printer room). The default value is empty and of length 0.
-n SysName Specifies the administratively assigned name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node's fully qualified domain name (for example, smith@bld1_snmp.com). The default value is empty and of length 0.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.

Auditing Events: N/A


/usr/bin/ntx_descr Contains the ntx_descr command.
/dev/rhp0 Default NTX raw device file name.

Related Information

The /dev/rhp file.

Network Terminal Accelerator Overview in AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide.

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