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Commands Reference, Volume 4

ntx_dlli Command


Accesses the Diagnostic Link Layer Interface (DLLI) for the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).


ntx_dlli-d Device ] [ -f FrameSize ] [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -v ] [ -s -r RepeatCount ] [ -c -n ] ] [ -a Destination ] [ -x File ]

ntx_dlli-d Device ] [ -f FrameSize ] [ -h ] [ -v ] [ -e -i Iterations ] ] [ -a Destination ] [ -x File ]


The ntx_dlli command accesses the DLLI and tests its functions. You can also use this command to generate spurious traffic on the network or saturate the network bandwidth for testing purposes.

Note: The DLLI is a simple diagnostic interface only. Its message-passing interface cannot support higher-layer protocols above it and should not be used as a general-purpose interface to the link layer.

In normal mode, the ntx_dlli command transmits compiled-in link layer frames. Then the command enters an endless loop, receiving frames from the link layer and displaying them on the standard output device in raw hexadecimal format. To terminate the ntx_dlli command, use a KILL signal.

In external-loopback mode, the ntx_dlli command enters a loop and does the following:

If too many errors are recorded, the ntx_dlli command exits. Unless you specify the -i flag, this loop is endless. In external-loopback mode, an external-loopback connector is required on the AUI port. Use the -v flag: the command produces no output unless the -v flag is specified.

The ntx_dlli command uses a 64-byte compiled-in frame. To enlarge the frame up to 1024 bytes, use the -f flag.


-a Destination Identifies the destination address of the transmit frame. The Destination parameter must be a hexadecimal value (for example, 0:80:44:70:0:40).
-c Specifies continuous transmission. Performs the DLLI transmit request endlessly until the command receives a KILL signal. This flag is only valid with the -s flag.
-d Device Sets the adapter raw-device file name. The default is the /dev/rhp0 file.
-e Runs the command in external-loopback mode. This mode is used to continually drive the hardware. The loop continues until too many errors are received or the command receives a KILL signal. If you also specified the -i flag, the loop executes the number of times specified by the Iteration variable.

You cannot use the -e flag with the -s flag.

-f FrameSize Specifies a frame size other than the default 64 bytes. The maximum is 1024 bytes.
-h Gets the file descriptor for the adapter board from standard input. This is flag is only useful when running the ntx_dlli command via the execve subroutine. Because of the way the shell handles redirection, command lines of the type ntx_dlli ... -h < device will not work.
-i Iterations Specifies the number of iterations of the external-loopback mode. This flag is only valid with the -e flag.
-l Suppresses the display of frames on the standard output when the command is in the receive loop. Frames are received and then discarded before the command tries to receive another frame.
-n Exits, when the transmissions are complete, without entering the endless receive-frame loop. This flag is only valid when used in conjunction with the -s flag.
-r RepeatCount Specifies a repeat count. For each DLLI transmit request the host sends to the board using the ntx_dlli command, the command transmits the Ethernet frame the number of times specified by the RepeatCount variable. This option is useful for network loading tests. This flag is only valid with the -s flag.
-s Transmits a predefined, compiled-in frame on the network. The default is not to transmit anything and to enter the endless receive-frame loop. You cannot use this flag with the -e flag.
-v Specifies verbose output. At end of execution, the command prints the number of transmitted and received frames. Used with -e flag, the -v flag prints the result of each external loop.
-x File Identifies a frame to transmit. The File parameter must specify a file that contains a series of hex bytes separated by white space. The file does not have to contain as many bytes as the current frame size. Bytes that are not specified are set to zero.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.

Auditing Events: N/A


/usr/bin/ntx_dlli Contains the ntx_dlli command.
/dev/rhp0 Default NTX raw device file name.

Related Information

The /dev/rhp file.

Network Terminal Accelerator Overview in AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide.

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