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Commands Reference, Volume 4

piolpx Command


Provides printer backend support for Xstation attached printers.


piolpx PseudoDevice [ BackendFlags ] PrintFile ...


The piolpx command accepts the name of files to be printed and printer backend flags and their arguments, reads the pseudo device file to determine the communication characteristics, and then invokes the printer backend piobe command. The output from the piolpx command is piped to the catlpx program.

The command builds flags for the catlpx program in the following communications characteristics format:

catlpx XStationName               /* For parallel   */
catlpx XStationName -s[0-4]Baud,Parity,Bits,Stops
                                /* For serial     */

Finally, the piolpx command passes print file names and backend flags, if any are specified, to the backend in the following format:

piobe [BackendFlags] PrintFile ... | catlpx ...


BackendFlags Specifies the backend flags listed in the qprt command. The piolpx command supports all the qprt command backend flags.
bpc Designates the bits per character for the pseudo device.
parity Indicates parity within the pseudo device with the following values:
Stuck odd
Stuck even
port Designates the port. Values for the port number are p for parallel, s for a single serial port, or s[0-4] when there is more than one serial port.
PrintFile Indicates the name of the file or files to be printed to the virtual printer.
PseudoDevice Indicates the pseudo device file to be read. The piolpx command reads the pseudo device file to determine the communication characteristics of the device as follows:
speed Designates the baud rate in the pseudo device.
stops Designates the number of stop bits in the pseudo device.


To print the NewFile file with a pitch value of 12 to the Xstation named Einstein with a printer attached to the parallel port, enter

/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/piolpx p@Einstein -o -p -o 12 NewFile


/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/piolpx Contains the piolpx command.
/usr/lib/lpd/piobe Contains the printer backend.
/usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/catlpx Contains the Xstation print command.
/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/piomgpdev Contains the pseudo device manager.

Related Information

The piobe command, qprt command.

Printer Overview for System Management in the AIX Version 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing.

Spooler Overview in the AIX Version 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing.

Printer Backend Overview for Programming in the AIX Version 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing.

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