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Commands Reference, Volume 4

piolsvp Command


Lists virtual printers on a system.


piolsvp { -q | -v | -Q | -p | -A } [ -nAttachmentField ]

piolsvp -P Queue : QueueDevice ] -nAttachmentField

piolsvp -P Queue -d

piolsvp -N AttachmentType -nAttachmentField


The piolsvp command lists the virtual printers and attachment types on the system. The piolsvp command displays either the queues or the queues plus the queue-device pairs for virtual printers.

The order of the list of queues and queue-device pairs is the same as the order used by the /etc/qconfig file.


-A Displays all attachment types and descriptions for the attachment types. The .attach and .config files in the /usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc directory define all attachment types.
-d Displays the queue devices associated with a given queue.
-nAttachmentField Specifies a field name for an attachment. The field name is typically a SMIT selector name. Possible values for the AttachmentField variable are:








When the -n and -A flags are specified, only the attachment types that have a value for the specified attachment field in their attachment files are displayed. Attachment definitions are kept in the files with the AttachmentType.attach naming convention. The .attach files reside in the /usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc directory. For example, the entry for an Xstation attachment type might be xsta.attach.

When the -n flag is specified with either the -q or -v flags, only queues and queue-device pairs that belong to defined attachment types are displayed. A defined attachment type has an assigned field value in the definition files.

When the -n flag is specified with the -P flag, the SMIT selector name is displayed. The -n and -P flag combination also displays the queue device name and attachment type.

When the -n flag is specified with the -N flag, the SMIT selector name is displayed for the specified attachment field and attachment type.

-N Specifies an attachment type. The SMIT selector name associated with a given attachment field is displayed.
-p Displays all the queue and queue-device pairs on the system and provides a description of each queue and queue-device pair. Only the queue name for the first queue-queue is displayed if there are queues with multiple queue devices.
-P Specifies the queue name or queue device name for which information is displayed. The information consists of queue device name, attachment type, and SMIT selector value name.
-q Displays all queues on the system. The -q flag also displays the queue-device pairs for queues that have more than one device.
-Q Displays all the queues on the system. The -Q flag does not list queue-device pairs. Use the -q flag to list queue-device pairs.
-v Displays all queue-device pairs for the queues that have virtual printers.


  1. To display all the print queues on the system, enter:
    piolsvp -q
    The output of this command is:
    e4019a                  4019 (IBM ASCII)
    d3816                   IBM 3816 Page Printer
    ena_asc                 4029 (IBM ASCII)
    ena_gl                  4029 (Plotter Emulation)
    ena_pcl                 4029 (HP LaserJet II Emulation)
    ena_ps                  4029 (PostScript)
    hplj2                   Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II
    tstx                    4216-31 (Proprinter XL Emulation)
    e4019ps                 4019 (PostScript)
    4019lxxa                4029 (PostScript)
    4019lxxa:lxx            4029 (PostScript)
    40191xxa:rkmlxx         4019 (IBM ASCII)
    4019lxxa:rkmlxxl        4019 (IBM ASCII)
  2. To display all the virtual printers in the system, enter:
    piolsvp -v
    The output of this command is:
    #QUEUE           DEVICE         DESCRIPTION
    e4019a           e4019          4019 (IBM ASCII)
    d3816            ena3816        IBM 3816 Page Printer
    ena_asc          ena            4029 (IBM ASCII)
    ena_gl           ena            4029 (Plotter Emulation)
    ena_pcl          ena            4029 (HP LaserJet II Emulation)
    ena_ps           ena            4029 (PostScript)
    hplj2            lxx            Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II
    tstx             lxx            4216-31 (Proprinter XL Emulation)
    e4019ps          e4019          4019 (PostScript)
    4019lxxa         lxx            4029 (PostScript)
    4019lxxa         rkmlxx         4019 (IBM ASCII)
    40191xxa         rkmlxx         4019 (IBM ASCII)
  3. To list all the queues on the system, enter:
    piolsvp -Q
    The output of this command is:
    e4019a          4019 (IBM ASCII)
    d3816           IBM 3816 Page Printer
    ena_asc         4029 (IBM ASCII)
    ena_gl          4029 (Plotter Emulation)
    ena_pcl         4029 (HP LaserJet II Emulation)
    ena_ps          4019 (PostScript)
    hplj2           Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II
    tstx            4216-31 (Proprinter XL Emulation)
    e4019ps         4019 (PostScript)
    4019lxxa        4029 (PostScript)
  4. To list all the attachment types that have a SMIT selector value specified for the add_queue SMIT selector, enter:
    piolsvp -A -nadd_queue
    The output from this command is:
    local                   Local Attached
    remote                  Remote Attached
    xsta                    Xstation Attached
    ascii                   ASCII Terminal Attached
    other                   Generic Backend Attached
  5. To list information for the 4019lxxa queue, enter:
    piolsvp -P4019lxxa -n add_queue
    The output from this command is:
    lxx     xsta    sm_xsta_addq_sel
  6. To list the SMIT selector value for the remote attachment, enter:
    piolsvp -Axst -nadd_queue
    The output from this command is:


/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/piolsvp Contains the piolsvp command.
/etc/qconfig Contains the configuration files.
/var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/custom/* Contains the customized virtual printer attribute files.
/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/*.attach Contains the attachment type files

Related Information

The piobe command, qprt command.

Printer Attachment Files in the AIX Version 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing.

Printer Overview for System Management in the AIX Version 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing.

Spooler Overview for System Management in the AIX Version 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing.

Printer Backend Overview for Programming in the AIX Version 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing.

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