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Commands Reference, Volume 5

smgenprivkr Command


Generates server private key ring files./


smgenprivkr {server_name| -f list_file} -o organization -c country_code -d out_dir [-k 512] [-e mm/dd/yyyy]


The smgenprivkr command can be run on a machine that has been defined as internal certificate authority (CA). The smgenprivkr command generates 'ready to go' private key ring files for the Web-based System Manager servers (managed AIX machines). The private key ring files are generated either for each server in the input server list file, or for the one server whose name is specified.

Use the /usr/websm/bin/wsm command to access the graphical interface. The fast path is wsm system.


server_name The full TCP/IP name of the server. If the name specified is S, a private key ring file S.privkr will be generated in the output directory.
-flist_file The full path name of a file with the list of server machine names (one line with full TCP/IP name per server). For each server S in the list, a private key ring file S.privkr will be generated in the output directory.
-oorganization Organization name (required for the server certificate).
-ccountry_code Two-letter ISO country code (required for the server certificate).
-dout_dir The output directory for the servers private key ring files.
-k 512 This option does not exist in the exportable version. The server's private key length will be 512. The default in the US version is 1024, in the exportable 512.
-emm/dd/yyyy Expiration date for the server certificates. The default expiration date is two years from the date of issuing the command.


smgenprivkr S101.IBM.COM -o IBM -c US -d /usr/websm/security/tmp -e 12/31/1999 

smgenprivkr -f /usr/websm/security/tmp/server.list -o IBM -c US -d /usr/websm/security/tmp 


/usr/websm/security/SMCa.log Lists detailed information on all operations executed by the CA.

Related Information

The smgenkeycr, smimpservercert, sminstkey, smlistcerts, and the smsigncert command.

See the Setting Up and Running Web-based System Manager in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices.

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