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Commands Reference, Volume 5

smimpservercert Command


Imports the Server Certificate.


smimpservercert dir {-a | -s server_name}


The smimpservercert command imports a server certificate (*.cert file) to the server private key file (*.privk), generating a private key ring file (*.privkr). You can import the certificate of one server, or all certificates with matching private key files in the specified directory dir.

Use the /usr/websm/bin/wsm command to access the graphical interface. The fast path is wsm system.


dir The directory where the certificate requests (*.certreq files) and the private keys (*.privk files) reside, and to which the private key rings (*.privkr files) will be written.
-a All certificates (*.certreq files) with matching private key files (*.privk) in the specified dir directory will be processed. Each certificate S.cert will be imported into the private key file S.privk, generating the private key ring file S.privkr in the specified dir directory.
-s server_name The full TCP/IP name of the server whose certificate server_name.cert will be imported into its private key file server_name.privk, generating the private key ring file server_name.privkr in the specified dir directory.


smimpservercert /usr/websm/security/tmp S101.IBM.COM

smimpservercert /usr/websm/security/tmp -a

Related Information

The smgenkeycr, smgenprivkr, sminstkey, smlistcerts, and the smserverprop command.

See the Setting Up and Running Web-based System Manager in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices.

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