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Files Reference

rc.ntx File Format


Supplies configuration information for the Network Terminal Accelerator adapter card.


The /etc/rc.ntx file invokes the hty_load command to load the /etc/hty_config file. This file can also specify a route to a gateway, using the ntx_route command. Also, the rc.ntx file enables SNMP.

The /etc/rc.ntx file can be used to perform different configuration tasks. For example, to supply a route to an additional gateway, add the following line immediately after the comment about additional routes, and supply an IP address for the Destination and Gateway parameters:

/usr/bin/ntx_route -drhp$i net Destination 

Following is the file as it is shipped with the software package. You can add additional commands to the file, as indicated above.

echo "Executing hty_load"
/usr/bin/hty_load -f /etc/hty_config
echo "Finished executing hty_load"
# Maximum number of Network Terminal Accelerator adapters
# supported on each workstation.
while [ $i -le $MAX_RHP_DEVICES ]
     if [ -f /etc/rhp$i.ntx_comun.conf ]; then
           echo "Configuring SNMP communities on NTX
                     Adapter rhp$i"       
           /usr/bin/ntx_comun -d /dev/rhp$i -f
     if [ -f /etc/rhp$i.ntx_traps.conf ]; then
             echo "Configuring SNMP traps on NTX Adapter rhp$i"
             /usr/bin/ntx_traps -d /dev/rhp$i -f
     if [ -f /etc/rhp$i.ntx_nms.conf ]; then
             echo "Configuring SNMP nms on NTX Adapter rhp$i"
             /usr/bin/ntx_nms -d /dev/rhp$i -f
     if [ -f /etc/rhp$i.ntx_descr.conf ]; then
             echo "Configuring SNMP site-specific variables on
                    NTX Adapter rhp$i"
             /usr/bin/ntx_descr -d /dev/rhp$i -f
     if [ -c /dev/rhp$i ]; then
             STATE=`lsattr -E -l rhp$i -a snmp -F value`
             echo "Turning $STATE SNMP on NTX Adapter rhp$i"
             /usr/bin/ntx_snmp -d /dev/rhp$i $STATE
     # Additional routes for each NTX Adapter can be added here
     # example: /usr/bin/ntx_route -d /dev/rhp$i X.X.X X.X.X.X
     i=`expr $i + 1` # increment count

Related Information

The hty_load command, ntx_comun command, ntx_descr command, ntx_nms command, ntx_route command, ntx_snmp command, and ntx_traps command.

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