Marks the beginning of another contour.
OpenGL C bindings library: libGL.a
void gluNextContour(GLUtesselator* tess, GLenum type )
The gluNextContour subroutine is used in describing polygons with multiple contours. After describing the first contour through a series of gluTessVertex calls, a gluNextContour call indicates that the previous contour is complete and the next contour is about to begin. Then, another series of gluTessVertex calls is used to describe the new contour. This process can be repeated until all contours are described.
The gluNextContour subroutine can be called before the first contour is described to define the type of the first contour. If gluNextContour is not called before the first contour, the first contour is marked GLU_EXTERIOR.
The type of contour that follows the gluNextContour subroutine is determined by the type parameter. Acceptable contour types are as follows:
This command is obsolete and is provided for backward compatibility only. Calls to gluNextContour are mapped to gluTessEndContour followed by gluTessBeginContour.
tess | Specifies the tessellation object created with the gluNewTess subroutine. |
type | Specifies the contour type. Valid values are: |
A quadrilateral with a triangular hole in it can be described as follows:
gluBeginPolygon(tobj); gluTessVertex(tobj, v1, v1); gluTessVertex(tobj, v2, v2); gluTessVertex(tobj, v3, v3); gluTessVertex(tobj, v4, v4); gluNextContour(tobj, GLU_INTERIOR); gluTessVertex(tobj, v5, v5); gluTessVertex(tobj, v6, v6); gluTessVertex(tobj, v7, v7); gluEndPolygon(tobj);
/usr/include/GL/gl.h | Contains C language constraints, variable type definitions, and ANSI function prototypes for OpenGL. |
The gluBeginPolygon subroutine, gluNewTess subroutine, gluTessBeginContour subroutine, gluTessCallback subroutine, gluTessVertex subroutine.