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GL3.2 Version 4.1 for AIX: Programming Concepts

GL Subroutines (M-R)

You can find the subroutine you want by scrolling forward through this section, or by going directly to A-F, G-L, or S-Z.

Select an entry from the left column for reference information on the subroutine.

Select an entry from the right column for conceptual information relating to the subroutine.

makeobj Creates a new object (display list).
maketag Inserts a tag into the display list.
mapcolor Changes a color map entry to a specified RGB value.
mapcolors Loads a range of color map entries.
mapw Maps a point on the screen into a line in 3-D world coordinates.
mapw2 Maps a point on the screen into a line in 2-D world coordinates.
maxsize Specifies the maximum size of a window.
minsize Specifies the minimum size of a window.
mmode Sets the current matrix mode.
move Moves the current graphics position to a specified point.
multimap Organizing the color map as 16 small maps.
multmatrix Premultiplies the current transformation matrix.
n3f Specifies a normal vector for lighting calculations.
newpup Allocates and initializes the structure for a new pop-up menu.
newtag Inserts a tag at an offset from an existing tag.
noborder Removes the border from a window.
noise Filters valuator motion.
noport Specifies that a program does not require a window.
normal Specifies a normal vector for lighting calculations (can be used for display lists).
nurbscurve Controls the shape of NURBS trimming curve.
nurbssurface Controls the shape of an untrimmed NURBS surface.
objdelete Deletes a routine from an object.
objinsert Inserts a routine into an object.
objreplace Replaces the existing display list routine with a new one.
onemap Organizes the color map as one large map.
ortho Defines a 3-D orthographic transformation.
ortho2 Defines a 2-D orthographic transformation.
overlay Sets the number of bitplanes used for overlay.
patch Draws a cubic spline surface patch.
patchbasis Sets the current spline surface basis matrices.
patchcurves Sets the number of curves used to represent a patch.
patchprecision Sets the precision at which curves are drawn.
pclos Closes a filled polygon.
pdr Specifies the next point in a filled polygon.
perspective Defines a perspective projection transformation in terms of a field of view.
pick Puts the system in picking mode.
picksize Sets the dimensions of the picking region.
pixmode Controls operation of lrectread and lrectwrite subroutines.
pmv Specifies the starting point for a filled polygon.
pnt Draws a point.
pntsmooth Specifies antialiasing of points.
polarview Defines the viewer's position in polar coordinates.
polf Draws a filled polygon.
poly Draws a polygon.
polygonlist Draws multiple, disjointed polygons.
polylinelist Draws multiple, disjointed polylines.
popattributes Pops the attribute stack.
popmatrix Pops the transformation matrix stack.
popname Pops a name off the name stack.
popviewport Pops the viewport stack.
prefposition Constrains the window position and size.
prefsize Constrains the window size.
pushattributes Pushes down the attribute stack.
pushmatrix Pushes down the transformation matrix stack.
pushname Pushes a new name onto the name stack.
pushviewport Pushes the viewport onto the viewport stack.
pwlcurve Describes a piecewise linear trimming curve for NURBS surfaces.
qdevice Enables an input device for event queuing.
qenter Creates an event queue entry.
qread Reads the first entry in the event queue.
qreset Empties the event queue.
qtest Checks the contents of the event queue.
rcrv Draws a rational cubic spline curve.
rcrvn Draws a series of rational curve segments.
rdr Draws a relative line.
readpixels Returns a row of specific pixels in color map mode.
readRGB Returns a row of specific pixels in RGB mode.
readsource Specifies the source for pixels to be read.
rect Draws a rectangle.
rectcopy Copies a rectangle of pixels screen to screen with optional zoom.
rectf Draws a filled rectangle.
rectread Reads a rectangular array of pixels into host memory.
rectwrite Draws a rectangular array of pixels into the frame buffer.
rectzoom Specifies the zoom factor for rectangle copies and writes.
reshapeviewport Sets the viewport to the dimensions of the current window.
RGBcolor Sets the current color in RGB mode.
RGBmode Sets a display mode that bypasses the color map.
RGBwritemask Grants write permission to subset of available bitplanes (in RGB mode).
ringbell Rings the keyboard bell.
rmv Moves the current graphics position to a point relative to the current point.
rot Rotates a graphical primitive (floating-point version).
rotate Rotates a graphical primitive (fixed-point version).
rpatch Draws a rational cubic spline surface patch.
rpdr Draws a relative filled polygon.
rpmv Moves the current graphics position to the starting point for a filled polygon relative the to current point.

You can find the subroutine you want by scrolling back through this section, or by going directly to A-F, G-L, or S-Z.

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