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GL3.2 Version 4.1 for AIX: Programming Concepts

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Select an entry from the left column for reference information on the subroutine.

Select an entry from the right column for conceptual information relating to the subroutine.

gammaramp Defines a color map ramp for gamma correction.
gbegin Initializes the graphics system without changing the color map.
gconfig Reconfigures the system.
genobj Returns a unique integer for use as object identifier.
gentag Returns a unique integer for use as tag number.
getbackface Indicates whether backfacing polygon removal is on or off.
getbuffer Indicates which buffers are enabled for drawing.
getbutton Returns the current state of a button.
getcmmode Returns the organization of the current color map.
getcolor Returns the current color in color map mode.
getcpos Returns the current character position.
getcursor Returns the cursor characteristics.
getdcm Indicates whether depth-cue mode is on and off.
getdescender Returns the baseline extent of the longest character descender.
getdev Reads a list of valuators.
getdisplaymode Returns the current display mode.
getdrawmode Returns the current drawing mode.
getfont Returns the current raster font number.
getfontencoding Indicates the font encoding.
getfonttype Indicates whether the current font is a double-byte character support (DBCS) font.
getgdesc Returns information about currently installed graphics hardware.
getgpos Gets the current graphics position.
getheight Returns the maximum character height in the current raster font.
getlsrepeat Returns the linestyle repeat count.
getlstyle Returns the current linestyle.
getlwidth Returns the current linewidth.
getmap Returns the number of the current color map.
getmatrix Gets a copy of the current transformation matrix.
getmcolor Gets a copy of the RGB values for a color map entry.
getmcolors Returns a range of color map RGB values.
getmmode Returns the current matrix mode.
getnurbsproperty Returns the current value of a trimmed NURBS surfaces display property.
getopenobj Returns the current open object.
getorigin Returns the position of a window.
getpattern Returns the index of current fill pattern.
getplanes Returns the number of available bitplanes.
getscrmask Returns the current screenmask.
getsize Returns the size of a window.
getsm Returns the shading style used to draw filled polygons.
getvaluator Returns the current state of a valuator.
getviewport Gets a copy of the dimensions of the current viewport.
getXdpy Returns the Enhanced X-Windows connection for the GL session.
getXwid Returns the Enhanced X-Windows window ID for current GL window.
getwritemask Returns the current writemask.
getzbuffer Indicates whether z buffering is on or off.
gexit Terminates a graphics program.
ginit Initializes the graphics system.
greset Resets all global state attributes to initial values.
gRGBcolor Returns the current color (RGB mode).
gRGBmask Returns the current RGB writemask.
gselect Turns selecting mode on.
gsync Waits for the next vertical retrace period.
gversion Returns the version of GL being used.
iconsize Specifies the size of a window icon.
icontitle Specifies the title of a window icon.
initnames Initializes the name stack.
isobj Establishes the uniqueness of an object number.
isqueued Indicates whether a specified device is enabled for event queuing.
istag Establishes the uniqueness of a tag number.
keepaspect Specifies the aspect ratio of a window.
lampon/lampoff Turn the keyboard display lights on and off.
lgetdepth Gets the distance of the near and far clipping planes.
linesmooth Specifies antialiasing of lines.
linewidth Specifies a linewidth.
lmbind Binds a new material, light source, or lighting model definition.
lmcolor Respecifies the currently bound material properties.
lmdef Defines a new material, light, or lighting model.
loadmatrix Loads a transformation matrix.
loadname Loads a name on top of the name stack.
loadXfont Loads an Enhanced X-Windows font into the font table.
logicop Specifies a logical operation for pixel writes.
lookat Defines a viewing transformation.
lrectread Reads a rectangular array of pixels into host memory.
lrectwrite Draws a rectangular array of pixels into the frame buffer.
lRGBrange Sets the range of color indexes to use for depth-cueing in RGB mode.
lsetdepth Sets the viewport depth range.
lshaderange Sets the range of color indexes to use for depth-cueing in color map mode.
lsrepeat Sets the repeat factor for the current linestyle.

You can find the subroutine you want by scrolling back through this section, or by going directly to A-F, M-R, or S-Z.

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