You can find the subroutine you want by scrolling forward through this section, or by going directly to G-L, M-R, or S-Z.
Select an entry from the left column for reference information on the subroutine.
Select an entry from the right column for conceptual information relating to the subroutine.
addtopup | Adds an item to an existing pop-up menu. |
arc | Draws a circular arc. |
arcf | Draws a pie-shaped filled circular arc. |
attachcursor | Attaches the cursor to two valuators. |
backbuffer | Enables drawing in the back buffer. |
backface | Allows or suppresses display of backfacing polygons. |
bbox2 | Culls and prunes to the bounding box. |
bgnclosedline | Draws closed line vertices. |
bgnline | Draws vertex-based lines. |
bgnpoint | Draws vertex-based points. |
bgnpolygon | Draws vertex-based polygons. |
bgnsurface | Marks the beginning of a NURBS surface definition. |
bgntmesh | Draws triangle mesh vertices. |
bgntrim | Marks the beginning of a NURBS surface trimming loop. |
blanktime | Sets screen blanking timeout. |
blankscreen | Turns screen refresh on and off. |
blendfunction | Specifies the alpha blending ratio. |
blink | Changes the color map entry at a selectable rate. |
blkqread | Reads multiple entries from the event queue. |
c | Sets the current color in RGB mode. |
callobj | Draws an instance of an object. |
charstr | Draws a string of raster characters on the screen. |
chunksize | Specifies the minimum object size in memory. |
circ | Draws a circle. |
circf | Draws a filled circle. |
clear | Clears to the screenmask. |
clkon/clkoff | Turn keyboard click on and off. |
closeobj | Closes an object. |
cmode | Sets color map mode as the current mode. |
cmov | Moves the current character position. |
color | Sets the current color in color map mode. |
colorf | Sets the current color in color map mode (floating-point index). |
compactify | Compacts memory storage of an object. |
concave | Allows the system to draw concave polygons. |
cpack | Sets the current color as a packed 32-bit integer. |
crv | Draws a cubic spline curve. |
crvn | Draws a series of cubic spline curves. |
curorigin | Sets the origin of the cursor. |
cursoff/curson | Control cursor visibility. |
curstype | Defines the type and size of the cursor. |
curvebasis | Sets the current cubic spline curve basis matrix. |
curveit | Draws a curve segment by iterating the forward difference matrix. |
curveprecision | Sets the number of line segments that compose a cubic spline curve. |
cyclemap | Cycles between color maps at a specified rate. |
czclear | Clears the color bitplanes and the z buffer simultaneously. |
defbasis | Defines a cubic spline basis matrix. |
defcursor | Defines the cursor. |
deflinestyle | Defines a linestyle. |
defpattern | Defines a pattern. |
defpup | Defines a pop-up menu. |
defrasterfont | Defines bitmaps for a raster font. |
delobj | Deletes an object. |
deltag | Deletes a tag from an object. |
depthcue | Turns depth-cueing on and off. |
dopup | Displays a pop-up menu. |
doublebuffer | Sets the display mode to double buffer mode. |
draw | Draws a line. |
drawmode | Chooses a set of bitplanes for drawing. |
editobj | Opens an object for editing. |
endclosedline | Ends a series of closed line vertices. |
endfullscrn | Ends full screen mode. |
endline | Ends a series of vertex-based lines. |
endpick | Turns off picking mode. |
endpoint | Ends a series of vertex-based points. |
endpolygon | Ends a vertex-based polygon. |
endselect | Turns off selecting mode. |
endsurface | Marks the end of a NURBS surface definition. |
endtmesh | Ends a series of triangle mesh vertices. |
endtrim | Marks the end of a NURBS surface trimming loop. |
font | Selects a raster font. |
freepup | Frees (deallocates) a pop-up menu and its data structures. |
frontbuffer | Enables drawing in the front buffer. |
frontface | Controls frontfacing polygon removal. |
fudge | Specifies pixel values to be added to a window size. |
fullscrn | Enables drawing outside the current window boundaries. |
You can find the subroutine you want by scrolling back through this section, or by going directly to G-L, M-R, or S-Z.