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GL3.2 Version 4.1 for AIX: Programming Concepts

GL Subroutines (S-Z)

You can find the subroutine you want by scrolling forward through this section, or by going directly to A-F, G-L, or M-R.

Select an entry from the left column for reference information on the subroutine.

Select an entry from the right column for conceptual information relating to the subroutine.

sbox Draws a screen-aligned rectangle.
sboxf Draws a filled screen-aligned rectangle.
scale Scales and mirrors objects.
screenspace Interprets graphics positions as absolute screen coordinates.
scrmask Defines a rectangular 2-D clipping mask.
setbell Sets the duration of the keyboard bell sound.
setcursor Sets cursor characteristics.
setdblights Sets the lights on the dial and switch box.
setlinestyle Selects a linestyle.
setmap Selects one of 16 small color maps.
setnurbsproperty Sets the property for display of trimmed NURBS surfaces.
setpattern Selects a pattern for filling polygons and rectangles.
setpup Enables or disables a given pop-up entry.
shademodel Selects the shading style used to draw filled polygons.
singlebuffer Sets the display mode to single buffer mode.
splf Draws a shaded filled polygon.
stepunit Specifies a window size change in discrete steps.
strwidth Returns the width of the specified text string.
subpixel Controls placement of point, line, and polygon vertices.
swapbuffers Exchanges the front and back buffers.
swapinterval Defines minimum time between buffer swaps.
swaptmesh Toggles the triangle mesh register pointer.
swinopen Creates a restricted subwindow.
textport Allocates an area of the screen for a textport.
tie Ties two valuators to a button.
tpoff Turns off the textport.
tpon Turns on the textport.
translate Translates a graphical primitive.
underlay Sets the number of bitplanes used for underlay.
unqdevice Disables an input device for event queuing.
v Transfers a vertex to the graphics pipe.
viewport Set the area of the window used for all drawing.
winclose Closes a window.
winconstraints Binds window constraints to the current window.
windepth Indicates the stacking order of windows on the screen.
window Defines a perspective projection transformation in terms of x and y coordinates.
winget Returns the identifier of the current window.
winmove Moves the current window by its lower left corner.
winopen Creates a new window.
winpop Raises the current window on top of all other windows.
winposition Changes current location and size of a window.
winpush Lowers the current window beneath all other windows.
winset Sets the current window.
wintitle Adds a title bar to the current window.
winX Converts an Enhanced X-Windows window into a GL window.
wmpack Specifies an RGBA writemask with a single packed integer.
writemask Grants write permission to a subset of available bitplanes in color map mode.
writepixels Paints a row of pixels on screen in color map mode.
writeRGB Paints a row of pixels on screen in RGB mode.
zbuffer Enables or disables the z buffer for storing depth information.
zclear Clears the z buffer.
zdraw Enables drawing to the z buffer.
zfunction Specifies the function used for depth comparison.
zsource Selects depth or color as the source for z comparisons.
zwritemask Specifies which bits of the z buffer are written during normal z buffer operation.

You can find the subroutine you want by scrolling back through this section, or by going directly to A-F, G-L, or M-R.

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