You can find the subroutine you want by scrolling forward through this section, or by going directly to A-F, G-L, or M-R.
Select an entry from the left column for reference information on the subroutine.
Select an entry from the right column for conceptual information relating to the subroutine.
sbox | Draws a screen-aligned rectangle. | |
sboxf | Draws a filled screen-aligned rectangle. | |
scale | Scales and mirrors objects. | |
screenspace | Interprets graphics positions as absolute screen coordinates. | |
scrmask | Defines a rectangular 2-D clipping mask. | |
setbell | Sets the duration of the keyboard bell sound. | |
setcursor | Sets cursor characteristics. | |
setdblights | Sets the lights on the dial and switch box. | |
setlinestyle | Selects a linestyle. | |
setmap | Selects one of 16 small color maps. | |
setnurbsproperty | Sets the property for display of trimmed NURBS surfaces. | |
setpattern | Selects a pattern for filling polygons and rectangles. | |
setpup | Enables or disables a given pop-up entry. | |
shademodel | Selects the shading style used to draw filled polygons. | |
singlebuffer | Sets the display mode to single buffer mode. | |
splf | Draws a shaded filled polygon. | |
stepunit | Specifies a window size change in discrete steps. | |
strwidth | Returns the width of the specified text string. | |
subpixel | Controls placement of point, line, and polygon vertices. | |
swapbuffers | Exchanges the front and back buffers. | |
swapinterval | Defines minimum time between buffer swaps. | |
swaptmesh | Toggles the triangle mesh register pointer. | |
swinopen | Creates a restricted subwindow. | |
textport | Allocates an area of the screen for a textport. | |
tie | Ties two valuators to a button. | |
tpoff | Turns off the textport. | |
tpon | Turns on the textport. | |
translate | Translates a graphical primitive. | |
underlay | Sets the number of bitplanes used for underlay. | |
unqdevice | Disables an input device for event queuing. | |
v | Transfers a vertex to the graphics pipe. | |
viewport | Set the area of the window used for all drawing. | |
winclose | Closes a window. | |
winconstraints | Binds window constraints to the current window. | |
windepth | Indicates the stacking order of windows on the screen. | |
window | Defines a perspective projection transformation in terms of x and y coordinates. | |
winget | Returns the identifier of the current window. | |
winmove | Moves the current window by its lower left corner. | |
winopen | Creates a new window. | |
winpop | Raises the current window on top of all other windows. | |
winposition | Changes current location and size of a window. | |
winpush | Lowers the current window beneath all other windows. | |
winset | Sets the current window. | |
wintitle | Adds a title bar to the current window. | |
winX | Converts an Enhanced X-Windows window into a GL window. | |
wmpack | Specifies an RGBA writemask with a single packed integer. | |
writemask | Grants write permission to a subset of available bitplanes in color map mode. | |
writepixels | Paints a row of pixels on screen in color map mode. | |
writeRGB | Paints a row of pixels on screen in RGB mode. | |
zbuffer | Enables or disables the z buffer for storing depth information. | |
zclear | Clears the z buffer. | |
zdraw | Enables drawing to the z buffer. | |
zfunction | Specifies the function used for depth comparison. | |
zsource | Selects depth or color as the source for z comparisons. | |
zwritemask | Specifies which bits of the z buffer are written during normal z buffer operation. |
You can find the subroutine you want by scrolling back through this section, or by going directly to A-F, G-L, or M-R.