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Commands Reference, Volume 6

x_add_trm_140 Command


Adds an Xstation 140 workstation to the host.


x_add_trm_140 -n Name -t TypeName -ha HardwareAddress -s Server -w Time -a FileAccess -x Xserver -hp PanShape -xdm Mode -h Host -l Language -k Keyboard -kf File -fn Font -g Location -r KeyRepeatRate


The x_add_trm_140 command adds the Xstation140 workstation to the current host, using the Name variable of the -n flag The x_add_trm_140 command also stores the configuration in the /etc/x_st_mgr/xs140/cfg/IPaddress file, the /etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.tmty file, and the /etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.cf file.


The following flags are required when using the x_add_trm_140 command:

-ha HardwareAddress Specifies the local-area network (LAN) hardware address of the Xstation. This address appears on the LAN Statistics screen when you turn on the Xstation. Each Xstation has a unique 6-byte hexadecimal hardware address, in XXXXXXXXXXXX format, that cannot be changed by the user.
-n Name Specifies the name of the Xstation. The Name variable can be up to 8 characters long and include the uppercase or lowercase letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, the - (dash), and the . (period). The value of the Name variable can be a user name, such as taylor, or a group name with a number appended, such as graphs-2.The terminal name must be known to the host system.
Note: The Name variable value should not start with an uppercase or lowercase o or x followed by an octal or hexadecimal numeric. These characters are interpreted as octal or hexadecimal numbers, instead of as a terminal name. For example, in x3 and xE4, the 3 and the E4 are interpreted as hexadecimal numerics.
-t TypeName Specifies the name you defined for this network Xstation model subnet combination with the Define an Xstation Network Type option in SMIT or with the x_def_net command. Press the F4 key in SMIT to select the network type. An example is x_st_mgr.ether140 for Ethernet and an Xstation 140.

The following flags are optional when using the x_add_trm_140 command:

-a FileAccess Specifies the process for accessing the font files. In SMIT, press the F4 key to select an option.

The default option is x_st_mgrd.

-fn Font Sets the font used in the login window. Press the F4 key in SMIT to select an option.
-g Location Sets the position of the login window on the display. Press the F4 key in SMIT to select an option. Valid entries are Upper left, Lower left, Upper right, and Lower right.
-h Host Specifies the name of the X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) host used for direct or indirect communication with the Xstation. Valid options are none or the name of an XDMCP host. If XDMCP is not used or if broadcast mode is used, the value of Host is none. The name of an XDMCP host must be specified if Mode is direct or indirect. The default value is none.
-hp PanShape Specifies how the hardware pan feature is to be used. Valid options are none, square, horizontal, and vertical. The default value is none.

With the hardware pan feature enabled, the physical screen shows a portion of a larger base window whose size is dependent on the amount of video random access memory (VRAM) installed on the Xstation. When the cursor is moved past the edge of the display, the screen will automatically scroll in that direction provided it has not already reached the edge of the base window.

Note: The window size for panning is always a power of two. With 2MB of VRAM, expanding the window dimensions to a power of two may not leave enough memory for the shape selected.
-k Keyboard Sets the map for the keyboard layout. Press the F4 key in SMIT to select an option.
-kf File Sets the name of the keyboard file. The default is keyboard. Some countries have a second keyboard file, usually named keyboard.alt.
-l Language Sets the LANG variable, which specifies system messages. Press the F4 key in SMIT to select a value.
-r KeyRepeatRate Sets the rate, in characters per second, of automatically transmitted duplicate characters. A prolonged stay on any character key will activate the typematic operation and continue to transmit duplicate characters until the key is released. The arrow keys will move at twice the speed of character keys, up to 30 characters per second. The default rate is 28.
-s Server Specifies whether or not the host system is a primary boot server. A primary boot server responds immediately to a boot-protocol broadcast request from an Xstation; for other (secondary) boot servers, a delay time is imposed (see the -w Time flag, below). Two values are valid: y if the server is a primary server, and n if the server is not a primary server. The default value is y.
-w Time Specifies the number of seconds a secondary boot server must wait before answering a boot-protocol broadcast request. (The valid number for a primary server is 0, as there is no delay time.) In SMIT, press F4 to see the recommended range of values. Generally, a value less than the minimum value does not distinguish between a primary and secondary server, and a secondary server may be selected although the primary server is available. A value greater than the maximum value can lead to a timeout.
-x Xserver Specifies the way to access the Xserver file list. In SMIT, press the F4 key to select an option.

The default value is Base FLASH.

-xdm Mode Specifies the mode used by XDMCP. XDMCP uses the xdm program to facilitate the connection of an Xstation to a remote host. XDMCP allows the user to turn an Xstation off and on again and maintain an established connection to the remote host. Valid options are:
Sends a message to the network and waits for an xdmcp host to respond.
Directs a request to an xdmcp manager known to the Xstation.
Sends an indirect request to an xdmcp manager that maintains a list of xdmcp hosts. The manager assigns an xdmcp host to respond to the Xstation.
No X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP). The default option is off.


Access Control: Only the root user should have execute (x) access to this command.


  1. To add an Xstation 140 named taylor with all configuration performed on the host, enter the following:
    x_add_trm_140 -n taylor -t x_st_mgr.ether -ha 10005ac38e9 -s y \
    -w 00 -d mouse -tp S1 -a=none n -x 'Base FLASH'
    -hp 'none' -xdm off \-h none -l 'English  (United States)
    IBM-850' \-k 'English (United States)' -kf 'keyboard' -fn Rom14 \
    -g 'Upper left' -lp 'none' -r '20'
    This entry adds Xstation taylor to the current host with the following characteristics:
  2. To add an Xstation 140 named taylor with customizing performed on the local Xstation, enter the following:
    x_add_trm_140 -n taylor -t x_st_mgr.ether -ha 10005ac38e9 -s n \
    -w 20 -d mouse -l 'English (United States) IBM-850' \
    -xdm broadcast
    This entry adds Xstation taylor to the current host with the following characteristics:


/usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_add_trm_140 Contains the x_add_trm_140 command.
/etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.cf Contains the Xstation Manager configuration file.
/etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.tmty Contains the terminal type file.
/etc/bootptab Contains the Boot Protocol table.

Related Information

The aixterm command, bootpd daemon, login command, pclient command, x_add_nfs_fpe command, x_add_trm_120 command, x_add_trm_130 command, x_add_trm_150 command, x_add_trm_160 command, x_chg_net command, x_chg_trm_120 command, x_chg_trm_130 command, x_chg_trm_140 command, x_chg_trm_150 command, x_chg_trm_160 command, x_def_net command, x_ls_net command, x_ls_net_fp command, x_ls_trm command, x_rm_fpe command, x_rm_net command, x_rm_trm command.

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