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Commands Reference, Volume 6

x_rm_fpe Command


Removes a font path element from a font path.


x_rm_fpe TypeName Position Method Host Post Directory


The x_rm_fpe command removes a font path element from the font path of the selected network type name.

TypeName Specifies from which network type name the element is to be removed.
Position Specifies where the element is in the font path.
Method Specifies the method used to access the font path element. The valid options are: xst for Xstation Manager Daemon; tcp for Network Font Server; default for initial default font path element; nfs for NFS; and tftp for TFTP.
Host Specifies the name of the system specified in the font path element. For elements using the default method, specify None.
Port Specifies the number of the server port specified in the font path element. For elements using the nfs or tftp method, specify None.
Directory Specifies the complete path to the directory that contains the fonts. For a Network Font Server element, specify None.


Access Control: Only the root user should have execute (x) access to this command.


To remove the font element /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi from the font path for network type x_st_mgr.ether, enter:

x_rm_fpe x_st_mgr.ether 3 nfs waco None /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi

In this example, the font path element /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi that is accessed on host waco using NFS has been removed from the third position of the font path for network type x_st_mgr.ether. Because a port number is not used for NFS, this parameter was set to None.


/usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_rm_fpe Contains the x_rm_fpe command.
/etc/x_st_mgr/ether.cf Contains the network type x_st_mgr.ether configuration file (sample).

Related Information

The aixterm command, bootpd daemon, login command, pclient command, x_add_nfs_fpe command, x_add_trm_120 command, x_add_trm_130 command, x_add_trm_140 command, x_add_trm_150 command, x_add_trm_160 command, x_add_xst_fpe command, x_chg_net command, x_chg_trm_120 command, x_chg_trm_130 command, x_chg_trm_140 command, x_chg_trm_150 command, x_chg_trm_160 command, x_def_net command, x_ls_net command, x_ls_net_fp command, x_ls_trm command, x_rm_fpe command, x_rm_net command, x_rm_trm command.

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