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7318 Model S20 Guide and Reference

Default Configuration File

The 7318 Model S20 configuration file defines how the Model S20 operates. It contains all of the information needed by the Model S20 including the number of sessions, hot key definitions, terminal type, baud rate, and other physical and POSIX parameters. The configuration file is an ASCII file residing on the load host. It is customized using your favorite editor.

The configuration file downloads at system startup from the same host and directory from which the boot image loads. The Model S20 loads the boot image and subsequently the configuration file. The Model S20 must receive a configuration file to be operational. If the configuration file does not exist on the load host, the 7318 does not gain the ready status as indicated by a blinking Ready light on the 7318 front panel.

The 7318 software contains a default configuration file. This default file will allow the most popular functions of the 7318 to be used upon installation of the hardware and software. The following information details the functions that the default configuration file enables. Subsequent sections explain how to customize the default configuration file.

It is possible to individually customize different Model S20s on the network by creating different configuration files with names that associate the file with a specific Model S20. The Model S20 then searches the load host for a custom configuration file in the /usr/lib/cns directory. For this customization to work, configuration files have a naming convention. The Model S20 first looks for the XXXXXXXXXXXX.cfg file, where the XXXXXXXXXXXX parameter is the 7318's Ethernet address. If the 7318 cannot find this file, it looks for the XXXXXXXX.cfg file, where the XXXXXXXX parameter is the lower eight digits of the 7318's Ethernet address. Failure to find these customized configuration files results in the 7318 loading the s20.cfg default configuration file.

To create a customized configuration file for the 7318, copy the default configuration file (/usr/lib/cns/s20.cfg) to a file that complies with the aforementioned naming convention. Refer to section "7318 Configuration File Format" for detailed information on the configuration file parameters.

Note: Changes made to the configuration file do not take effect until the 7318 is rebooted. The boot process causes the 7318 to reload the configuration file from the host.

As described previously, the Model S20 downloads a configuration file from a load host at power-up. The 7318 software package provides a default configuration file, which enables four dynamic sessions per port from which the user can execute the telnet, rlogin, and tn3270 commands. The following information explains the functions provided by the default configuration file.


The default configuration file enables terminal attachment to the 7318's serial ports. There are five sessions defined for each serial port. The first session (session zero) is a command session, which provides a command prompt (>>) when you power on a terminal attached to the 7318. From the command prompt, users can use commands that initiate other sessions defined in the configuration file. The command session is required for connecting terminals to the 7318 Model S20. It is not used for printer devices or intelligent devices utilizing SLIP or PPP functions. Refer to "7318 Command Session" for information on the commands available to users and system administrators.

The second, third, and fourth sessions enabled by the default configuration file are dynamic sessions, which are automatically invoked when a user types a telnet, rlogin, or tn3270 command from the command session prompt. For example, a user uses the telnet command that opens the next available session on the port. If this were the first telnet connection established, the dialog takes place on session one. If this were the second telnet connection established, the command session opens a dialog on session two, and if it were the third connection, on session three. Hot keys are defined in the configuration file for toggling between the different dynamic sessions and the command session. Refer to "[PortNN] Section" for information on configuring hot keys.

Serial Port Attributes

The default configuration file configures the serial ports to the following values:

Parallel Port Attributes

The default configuration allows the P1 and P2 parallel port interfaces to be configured as a P10 style port on a host system.

Default SNMP Attributes

The default configuration file enables SNMP on the 7318 Model S20. The SNMP parameters are set to:

Default TN3270 Keyboard Mappings

As with hot keys, the default configuration file defines TN3270 keyboard mappings for the four default terminal types: ibm3151, ibm3164, wy50, and vt100. By default, the tn3270 command can be run with any one of these terminal types. The configuration file contains a machine-readable version of the keyboard mappings only. To obtain the default mapping information, refer to the /usr/lib/cns/cns3270 file. Refer to the termcfg command and "Defining TN3270 Keyboard Mapping" for information on generating the [TermNN] and [KeymapNN] sections of the configuration file. Refer to "[TermNN] Section" for information on configuring TN3270 support.

Other Functions of the Default Configuration File

The preceding information defined functions that are enabled in the default configuration file. The following information describes features and examples provided in the default configuration file for other functions of the 7318 Model S20.

TCP Section

The TCP section of the default configuration file may be used to define the following TCP attributes to the 7318 Model S20:

The netmask, gateway, and broadcast addresses can be set in the host /etc/bootptab file. For the 7318 to use the information provided by the bootptab file, the three aforementioned attributes must remain commented out in the Model S20 configuration file.

Refer to "[TCP] Section" for detailed information on configuring the TCP section of the configuration file.

Defining Host Names

The default configuration file provides examples that are disabled (commented out) for defining host names to the 7318 Model S20. The default assumes that a name server is being used. Uncomment this section only if a name server is not being used. This feature, when enabled, allows the user to specify a host name rather than an IP address when issuing a telnet or rlogin command. Refer to "[Hosts] Section" for more information on configuring this feature.

Defining User Names

Within the port section of the default configuration file is a login parameter, which can be used to predefine the user's login ID. When defined, this ID is used with the rlogin command to specify the login name to the host. Refer to "[PortNN] Section" for more information on configuring this feature.

Disabled Functions

The default configuration file does not enable all functions. The functions are typically disabled by commenting out the function or simply setting the function's attribute to 0.

The following list describes the disabled functions and the provisions of the default configuration file.

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