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INed Editor User's Guide

Chapter 4. Using the Help and Enter Command Keys

The Help command key lets you see an explanation of error messages, current screen conditions, and command keys.

You use the Enter command key to change the action of other command keys. When you press the Enter command key, the editor creates an ENTER box.

The Enter command key toggles the ENTER box on and off. You can either leave the ENTER box blank or enter an argument. Arguments consist of numbers, letters, or words that expand or change the way the commands work.

For information on the procedures, refer to the following:

How to Use the Help Command Key with the INed Editor

The Help menu is a list of topics giving more information. For example, Keyboard Layouts displays keyboard charts for the editor. Two other topics on the Help menu are Suggestions for Your Menu and Suggestions for Your Print Menu. They contain examples of how to change the New Task menu and create a print profile.

You can use the following procedures with the INed editor subcommands:

To View the Help Menu

Press the F1 key (the Help function).

If an error message, menu, or special condition is on the screen, an explanation is displayed. Otherwise, the Help menu is displayed.

To remove the Help menu, press the F4 key (the Cancel function).

To Select Items from the Help Menu

Move the cursor to the desired topic, and press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Execute function).

Note: The Execute and Enter functions are both used with the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence, but for different purposes. See INed Editor Functions for the Standard Keyboard for more information.

The editor displays the topic selected. For example, the editor displays the Alphabetical List of Editor Commands menu when you select this topic from the Help menu.

To Display a Subtopic

Move the cursor to the subtopic and press the F11 key (the Zoom In function).

To Leave a Subtopic

To return to your file from a subtopic, press the Ctrl-A, U key sequence (the Use function).

To return to the previous menu, press the F12 key (the Zoom Out function).

To display the next item on the menu (without returning to it), press the Ctrl-A, F12 key sequence (the Next function).

To display the previous item on the menu (without returning to it), press the Ctrl-A, F11 key sequence (the Previous function).

To View an Explanation of an Error Message, Menu, or Screen Condition

  1. Press the F1 key (the Help function).

    Under normal conditions, the editor displays the Help menu. However, use the Help key to display additional information about:

    The editor displays an explanation.

  2. Press the F4 key (the Cancel function) to remove the Help message.

How to Use the Enter Command Key with the INed Editor

You can use the following procedures with the INed editor subcommands:

To Change the Function of Command Keys

  1. Press the Ctrl-A, Enter (the Enter function).

  2. Press the appropriate command key.

For some editor commands, you can press the command key, or you can press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function) and then press the command key without entering anything in the ENTER box. Pressing the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function) before pressing the command key changes the way the command works.

For example, if you press the Delete key (the Delete Char function), the editor deletes the character at the cursor position. If you first press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function), and then press the Delete key (the Delete Char function), the editor deletes the rest of the line beginning at the cursor position.

You can also use the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function) with the cursor motion keys to define a block or lines of text. For more information, see How to Move, Copy, and Delete Marked Text with the INed Editor.

To Create an ENTER Box and Enter a Value

  1. Press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function).

    The editor creates an ENTER box. The Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence toggles the ENTER box on and off. (If you press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence more than once, the ENTER box is displayed and removed from display.)

  2. Type an input value.

    Whatever you type is displayed in the box.

  3. Press the appropriate command key.

    For example, if you press the F6 key (the Insert Line function), the editor inserts a blank line above the cursor. To insert ten blank lines, you can either press the F6 key ten times, or you can insert ten blank lines at once by pressing the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence, typing 10 in the ENTER box, and pressing the F6 key.

To Repeat the Last Value

Press the Ctrl-A, A key sequence to reenter the last value or argument entered in the ENTER box (instead of pressing the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence and retyping the value). This function is convenient if the wrong command key is pressed after typing a long value in the ENTER box.

  1. Press the Ctrl-A, A key sequence (the Last Arg function).

    The ENTER box with the last value is displayed on the window.

  2. Press the appropriate command key.

To Remove ENTER, Menu, and Message Boxes

Press the F4 key (the Cancel function).

Related Information

INed Editor Overview introduces general concepts about the INed editor, lists the INed editing functions and describes the system guidelines for using the INed editor.

INed Editor Functions for the Standard Keyboard is a table that shows the INed editor command keys on a standard keyboard.

INed Editor Files in AIX Version 4.3 Files Reference contains reference information about the files used by the INed editor.

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