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INed Editor User's Guide

How to Scroll a Window with the INed Editor

Prerequisite Task

Start the INed editor.


You can use the following procedures with INed editor subcommands:

To Scroll Up or Down One-Third of a Page

To scroll up (toward the beginning of the file), press the Page Up key (the Lines Up function).

To scroll down (toward the end of the file), press the Page Down key (the Lines Down function).

To Scroll Up or Down One Page

To scroll up one page, press the Ctrl-A, Page Up key sequence (the Page Up function).

To scroll down one page, press the Ctrl-A, Page Down key sequence (the Page Down function).

To Scroll Up or Down by Multiple Pages

  1. Press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function).

    The editor displays the ENTER box.

    Note: The Enter and Execute functions are both used with the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence, but for different purposes. See INed Editor Functions for the Standard Keyboard for more information.
  2. In the ENTER box, type the number of pages you want to scroll.

  3. Press the Ctrl-A, Page Up key sequence (the Page Up function) to scroll up; press the Ctrl-A, Page Down key sequence (the Page Down function) to scroll down.

To Scroll a Specific Line to the Top or Bottom of the Window

  1. Move the cursor to the line you want to place at the top or bottom of the window, and press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function).

    The editor displays the ENTER box.

  2. Press the Page Up key (the Lines Up function) to scroll that line to the bottom of the window; press the Page Down key (the Lines Down function) to scroll that line to the top of the window.

To Scroll Up or Down a Specified Number of Lines

  1. Press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function).

    The editor displays the ENTER box.

  2. Type in the ENTER box the number of lines you want to scroll, and press the Page Up key (the Lines Up function) to scroll up; press the Page Down key (the Lines Down function) to scroll down.

To Scroll to the Top of a File

Place the cursor on any line other than the first to scroll, and press the Ctrl-A, G key sequence (the Go To function).

The editor scrolls to the first line of the file.

To Scroll to the Bottom of a File

  1. Go to the first line of the file by pressing the Ctrl-A, G key sequence (the Go To function).

  2. Press the Ctrl-A, G key sequence (the Go To function) again.

    The editor scrolls to the last line of the file.

To Scroll to a Specific Line in a File

  1. Press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function).

    The editor displays the ENTER box.

  2. Type in the ENTER box the number of the line to which you want to scroll, and press the Ctrl-A, G key sequence (the Go To function).

    The editor scrolls the specified line number to the center of the window.

To Scroll to the Right or Left by One-Third of a Window

Press the Ctrl-A, R key sequence (the Right function) to scroll right; press the Ctrl-A, L key sequence (the Left function) to scroll left.

To Scroll a Specific Column to the Right or Left Side of the Window

  1. Move the cursor to a character in the column you want to move to the right or left side of the window, and press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function).

    The editor displays the ENTER box.

  2. Press the Ctrl-A, R key sequence (the Right function) to make that column the leftmost column on the window; press the Ctrl-A, L key sequence (the Left function) to make that column the rightmost column on the window.

To Scroll Right or Left a Specified Number of Columns

  1. Press the Ctrl-A, Enter key sequence (the Enter function).

    The editor displays the ENTER box.

  2. Type in the ENTER box the number of columns you want to move.

  3. Press the Ctrl-A, R key sequence (the Right function) to scroll right; press the Ctrl-A, L key sequence (the Left function) to scroll left.

Related Information

INed Editor Overview introduces general concepts about the INed editor, lists the INed editing functions and describes the system guidelines for using the INed editor.

INed Editor Functions for the Standard Keyboard is a table that shows the INed editor command keys on a standard keyboard.

INed Editor Files in AIX Version 4.3 Files Reference contains reference information about the files used by the INed editor.

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