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Problem Solving Guide and Reference

Symptom Index

Use the Symptom Index as your problem solving starting point. Select the symptom most closely matching the problem with your system, record this symptom in item 3 of the Problem Summary Form, and follow the indicated problem solving procedures.

Seven-Digit Error Number with Message Text Refer to the AIX Version 4.3 Messages Guide and Reference.
Three-Digit Value (in Operator Panel Display) Refer to the AIX Version 4.3 Messages Guide and Reference.
Inactive System Refer to Check the Hardware

Refer to Check the Processes

Refer to Restart the System

Terminal Problems Refer to Free a Terminal Taken Over by Processes

Refer to Respond to Screen Messages

Inaccurate System Clock Refer to Test the System Battery

Refer to Reset the System Clock

Device Problems Refer to Check the Device Hardware

Refer to Check the Device Software

Media Problems Refer to Check for Media Errors

Refer to Recover Data from a Damaged Diskette

Network Problems Refer to Resolve Network Software Problems

Refer to Resolve Network Hardware Problems

Refer to Resolve Communication Adapter Problems

Printing Problems Refer to Reactivate the Queue Daemon

Refer to Clear a Print Queue Backlog

Refer to Reallocate Printer Resources

Refer to Delete Unnecessary Directory Files

Hardware Diagnostics Refer to Selecting and Running Diagnostics

Refer to Identify Your Hardware

Refer to Interpret Values in the Operator Panel Display

Refer to Gather Information about Your System Configuration

You Need to Retrieve/Generate an Error Log Report Refer to Error Logging Facility
You Need to Generate a Trace Report Refer to Trace Facility
You Need to Retrieve a System Dump Refer to System Dump Facility

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